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Its been a week.

Started by A Cyclops named Steve, December 07, 2012, 11:20:09 PM


Quote from: Triplash on December 08, 2012, 07:43:41 AM
Looking after Dad and the house keeps me pretty occupied most days, but when it hits really bad I stick on a demofile or three. Problem is I keep trying to click on the players to read their bios or jump into the mobs and attack. :'(

Yeah, I have that problem too when watching some of the videos, or even the screenshots showing a character description tab and want to click to see what powers the player selected for said character. 
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine


I found that coming here...everyday...often has helped me cope. I miss the community so much on game. I am still so sad. :'(

I logged each of my characters at a spot in Paragon. A spot that had the most meaning for that particular toon. My first toon, Wingnaut was logged out on the steps of city hall in AP. Holding his torch...waiting.

I also find myself thinking of them actually continuing on after I logged. Doing things, but without a real direction. They were THAT alive to me...that much a part of me. I miss them.  :gonk:


Quote from: Wingnaut on December 08, 2012, 11:45:15 AM
I found that coming here...everyday...often has helped me cope. I miss the community so much on game. I am still so sad. :'(

I logged each of my characters at a spot in Paragon. A spot that had the most meaning for that particular toon. My first toon, Wingnaut was logged out on the steps of city hall in AP. Holding his torch...waiting.

I also find myself thinking of them actually continuing on after I logged. Doing things, but without a real direction. They were THAT alive to me...that much a part of me. I miss them.  :gonk:

That makes total sense to me.  I've often thought about characters and their particular gaming universe long after the game ended.  I was talking with a gaming buddy just this past weekend about how excellent I thought one of his campaigns was--I also really liked my character in it.  We still regale one another with stories about tabletop and LARP campaigns from 20 years ago.  You have my complete sympathy and sincere condolences for what has happened.
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine

A Cyclops named Steve

Quote from: Wingnaut on December 08, 2012, 11:45:15 AM
I found that coming here...everyday...often has helped me cope. I miss the community so much on game. I am still so sad. :'(

I logged each of my characters at a spot in Paragon. A spot that had the most meaning for that particular toon. My first toon, Wingnaut was logged out on the steps of city hall in AP. Holding his torch...waiting.

I also find myself thinking of them actually continuing on after I logged. Doing things, but without a real direction. They were THAT alive to me...that much a part of me. I miss them.  :gonk:

I wish I had that, I had this horrifying image running through my head. You know in the Matrix when Siefer betrays the others and he pulls the plug on Apox and Switch and their lifeless bodies crumble to the ground? Yeah that's the image I have :gonk:
.                              Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination. Take a look and you'll see into your imagination.

                                       We'll begin with a spin, traveling in the world of my creation. What we'll see will defy explanation.

            If you want to view paradise simply look around and view it. Anything you want to, do it. Wanta change the world? There's nothing To it.


Quote from: A Cyclops named Steve on December 08, 2012, 02:14:15 PM
I wish I had that, I had this horrifying image running through my head. You know in the Matrix when Siefer betrays the others and he pulls the plug on Apox and Switch and their lifeless bodies crumble to the ground? Yeah that's the image I have :gonk:

I know Switch's line of "Not like this" went thru my mind a few times and IIRC someone reported it as among the last things said live on one of the servers.  Unlike those other times when I'd allowed myself an all-night gaming session that got ended due to Server Maintenance, often one or more would broadcast "Boooo!" in response to the shutdown notices - and that was only for 2 hour or less maintenance!  That final night, I didn't see anybody shouting "Boooo!" but what I did see at the end in broadcast in AP2 on Justice was a very heartfelt "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"   There may have been more chat in the last seconds after that but I fear I missed it for I had gotten something in my eye.  Glad I have a box of tissues handy; I seem to keep getting waterdrops in my eyes these days.

Anyhow, I don't imagine any of our characters falling.  There's no reason to.   This is just like Server Maintenance downtime.  If we could log in, they'd be right there, ready to go.  Besides, I know my toons didn't fall, for I have seen them flying in my dreams, and they live on in my heart and memories.  But, Steve, you can imagine anything you like.  In RPG, game design is the framework but the other half of the story resides with you and all the players.
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine

Samuel Tow

Personally, I stopped playing City of Heroes when the announcement hit three months ago. The game is no longer fun when I'm playing it on a death clock. I will agree with the others that I really can't find another game that's as good as City of Heroes, especially in terms of putting my imagination into reality. However, it was also never the only game I played, nor indeed even the only genre, so I'm not without things to do. Work's been up my ass recently, too, plus I have a backlog of other games I wanted to play and never found time for.

In terms of a creative outlet, though, I have to say that the Phoenix Porject Z has been more than managing my inspiration, and it even has me a little intimidated at present. I'm being asked to expand my Curian faction of aliens and I'm not entirely sure what else I can do about them. In fact, I'm posting this post instead of doing that...

I still hope someone will pick the game up, though, or at least that a "private" server will show up. I CAN tell you one thing, though - I really only cared about no more than half the characters I recorded and wrote down. City of Heroes spoiled me, and I ended up with a lot of characters that I really hadn't invested much into.
Of all the things I've lost,
I think I miss my mind the most.


Quote from: Samuel Tow on December 08, 2012, 04:47:32 PM
Personally, I stopped playing City of Heroes when the announcement hit three months ago. The game is no longer fun when I'm playing it on a death clock. I will agree with the others that I really can't find another game that's as good as City of Heroes, especially in terms of putting my imagination into reality. However, it was also never the only game I played, nor indeed even the only genre, so I'm not without things to do. Work's been up my ass recently, too, plus I have a backlog of other games I wanted to play and never found time for.

In terms of a creative outlet, though, I have to say that the Phoenix Porject Z has been more than managing my inspiration, and it even has me a little intimidated at present. I'm being asked to expand my Curian faction of aliens and I'm not entirely sure what else I can do about them. In fact, I'm posting this post instead of doing that...

I still hope someone will pick the game up, though, or at least that a "private" server will show up. I CAN tell you one thing, though - I really only cared about no more than half the characters I recorded and wrote down. City of Heroes spoiled me, and I ended up with a lot of characters that I really hadn't invested much into.

Two things:  a LOT of people felt exactly as you describe re: playing under a death clock.  Most of my buddies and sgmates aren't here on Titan; they left CoH immediately due in part because of their love for City of Heroes and their characters.  Many had 4-5 more years of gameplay in CoH than I.  It wasn't about accomplishment or achievement, gaining INF or leveling up, but always about the fun.  Some thought I was nuts to hang in, but for me CoH was like an amusement park about to close, and I hadn't ridden any of the rides as much as I wanted, must less those I'd never gotten to.  So, I gamed my little brains out and was lucky to be in a position to do just that.

Thanks not only for posting but reminding me second that I want to volunteer for both The Phoenix Project and Heroes & Villains.  (I'll contact each group later.)  Whether either group has a use for low-tech me, we'll see.  If nothing else I can keep penning letters to Disney et al.   ;)
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine


Quote from: A Cyclops named Steve on December 07, 2012, 11:20:09 PM
A week ago today we stood by our friends as our world crushed in on us. How is everyone doing? Its still hard to watch the tributes but it has gotten a bit easier. I still haven't been able to play a different game yet, but I'll get there :)

Deepening depression over the whole mess. Is pretty much how I feel now.

Its like after my brother died at age 26: for months afterward, I kept thinking "Wow I wonder what he'd think of this? Can't wait to talk to him about it" followed by yet another realization that no more such chats were forthcoming.

Major bummer.

A Cyclops named Steve

Quote from: Illusionss on December 08, 2012, 09:56:57 PM
Deepening depression over the whole mess. Is pretty much how I feel now.

Its like after my brother died at age 26: for months afterward, I kept thinking "Wow I wonder what he'd think of this? Can't wait to talk to him about it" followed by yet another realization that no more such chats were forthcoming.

Major bummer.

Illusionss, you have my deepest condolences over the loss of your brother. I can't even imagine what that is like. <<<HUGS>>> I hope the loss of CoH gets easier for you soon!! I know I'm dealing with my own depression right now as well.
.                              Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination. Take a look and you'll see into your imagination.

                                       We'll begin with a spin, traveling in the world of my creation. What we'll see will defy explanation.

            If you want to view paradise simply look around and view it. Anything you want to, do it. Wanta change the world? There's nothing To it.


TYVM Steve. He died back in 1993; he was an asthmatic who smoked, and he had taken a lot of cortisone to alleviate his symptoms, all through his life. All of those things together added up, and one night sitting in front of the tv after work, he collapsed and was dead within two hours.

Not to trivialize his death - at all, or even hint that this is in any way nearly as bad of a thing - but there are similarities.

As for others bringing up a "death clock" feeling, I had that as well, but knew if I did not play for as long as I could I would very much regret it later. But try though I might, I could only get my Nature's Affinity Corr to 48, which was a big disappointment.

I WOULD like to quit dreaming about CoX for a while, I can tell you that.


Depression for me at the moment, still get hit with the realisation every hour or so that there's no Paragon City to go to.
I've thankfully found the forum , been reading nearly every thread hoping for some good news for us.
But i've been playing DC Universe, it has nothing on CoX. I think i've only spoken to one or two people in the 5/6 days i've been playing.  :'(


I'm kind of emotionally unstable. Just when I think I'm improving I get struck down with a heavy bit of depression, or I'll fly off the handle at the tiniest of perceived slights. I got in a big fight with a good friend last night over what I now realize was nothing. Sometimes I think I should just not be around until I can act right. I lost my game, I don't want to lose friends too.


Man, this thread is... :'(
I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go
Walkin' with a dead man over my shoulder

Waiting for an invitation to arrive
Goin' to a party where no one's still alive



 It IS sad...but then again, we still have a whole community around us here to help with the sadness. I can't imagine how I would be feeling if ,when the lights went out last week, we didn't have this place to gravitate to to talk about, share, express, and ...yeah, grieve.

While there has been a ton of stuff on here thats brought a tear to my eye, there has also been an equal amount to bring me hope for whats to come, admiration for what we are all doing in whatever way we can, and yeah...some honest to goodness laugh out loud moments from folks.

And if we all start feeling too sorry for ourselves, we know that VV and Tony and a host of others will be right here to kick us in the ass and tell us to get back to the job at hand and make sure we have a place where we can be Heroes again.  ;)


Can you imagine how much harder this would be if we didn't have each other? This community is my second family, and I thank you guys so much.
                                             Family isn't about whose blood you have. It's about who you care about.
Listen to the 'mustn'ts'. Listen to the 'don'ts'. Listen to the 'shouldn'ts', the 'impossibles', the 'won'ts'. Listen to the 'you'll never haves', then listen close to me... Anything can happen . Anything can be.


Quote from: healix on December 09, 2012, 08:51:56 AM
Can you imagine how much harder this would be if we didn't have each other? This community is my second family, and I thank you guys so much.
                                             Family isn't about whose blood you have. It's about who you care about.

Now that's wise.  I really like it, and ditto.  TY for being here.   8)
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine


Quote from: healix on December 09, 2012, 08:51:56 AM
Family isn't about whose blood you have. It's about who you care about.

Pancakin' A :D


Quote from: Triplash on December 09, 2012, 09:34:19 AM
Pancakin' A :D

Woot!  Well, I'll be dipped in Pancakes and covered in horse feathers!!   
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine


Well, after the announcement of Sunset, I started to play WoW .. and I hate it. 
But, after I lost Earth and Beyond, then Tabula, Auto Assault, and now City of X,
I thought that I should put time in something that isnt under threat of being killed.
I just spend a month and a half in WoW, and it only took 61 levels before someone talked
to me.  Damn, in City of X, we got invited to teams, all the time, even at level 1.
City of X meant alot to me, and alot to this community.  I miss it big time.
Like everyone else here, I just hope that our game comes back soon ..
I  .. well .. I just don't know ..
@Undead Arcana
@BattleBot V1.0