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Forums Staff

Started by Sekoia, December 07, 2012, 06:49:36 PM


The following individuals are our active moderators for the Titan Forums. These individuals have the power to move, delete, lock, and edit threads across all forums. They will see the reports made when posts are reported. They have the power to ban a user from the forums. They generally try to keep an eye on most of the forums, but they are not responsible for reading every single post made. If you see a problem, please report it using the "Report to moderator" link at the bottom of the post. (It's okay to use this feature for less critical requests such as "this thread belongs in a different forum" in addition to posts that are in need of more serious moderation.)

Additionally, the following individuals are our active site administrators. They have full back-end access and powers across all of Titan's websites. While they are generally not responsible for day-to-day moderation, they do often help out where needed.

Site Administrators: