Google+ Community: City of Heroes Expats

Started by Venture, December 07, 2012, 06:25:46 AM


I started a City of Heroes Expats Community on Google+.  If the network has already started an "official" G+ Community or plans to, let me know and I'll nuke this one.

The community is public; you should be able to search for it and join.  If not this:

should get you to my profile so you can ask for an invite.
Dennis F. Heffernan   Formerly @Venture
Blog: Cretaceous Comments


Hi, Dennis.  Thanks for the announcement -- I just joined. :)

There is another City of Heroes stream that popped up when I was searching for yours, City of Heroes Forever.  It is older and has more members, but it is just a normal account, not a community (not that I know what the difference is).  It might be useful to keep the community, but you should consider interlinking with them.

-- Rich
-- Rich


The City of Heroes Forever group has been around for a couple of months already.
Teams are the number one killers of Soloists.