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CoH to CO Combat Settings

Started by kriseta, December 06, 2012, 10:15:22 PM


I want to post this up since no one has mentioned or put up a guide about the combat settings.

There is a way to make combat settings mimic City of Heroes. Lots of us pull our hairs not knowing the proper settings. The game's default settings is not really what CoH players are used to. So spread the word and knowledge!

If you are the type of player who just spams attacks without spamming Alt-Tab, this is for you. This will give you the freedom of focusing in combat and having fun.

If you are a Blaster, Dominator, Corruptor, Controller and Defender or any range class in City of Heroes, you will benefit more from this settings and can feel it more.
I advice you all to follow each settings, some of the stuff are highlighted to let you know which things are really important.

Note: Camera Type should be [Follow Target]

*To access this, Press Escape and click Options. Go to Controls Tab.

Kaiser Tarantula

I would also encourage setting "Auto Attack" to "Toggle, never cancels."

That way, any idle time between attacks will be filled by shots from you Energy Builder of choice.


Quote from: Kaiser Tarantula on December 06, 2012, 10:22:10 PM
I would also encourage setting "Auto Attack" to "Toggle, never cancels."

That way, any idle time between attacks will be filled by shots from you Energy Builder of choice.

Does that mean what I think it means? Dont even need the power on my tray? It will always auto attack anything I have on target/range??  :o
For the sake of the community: please stop the cultural "research" in your attempt to put blame on the game's cancelation.

It's sickening to see the community sink that low. It's worse to see the community does not get it.

I'm signing off and taking a break, blindly hope things change.

Kaiser Tarantula

You need it on your tray to turn it on, and turn it back on if it gets toggled off by some outside force.  But you can shove it off onto some forgotten corner of your hotkeys and more-or-less forget about it, save for glancing at it every now and again to make sure it's still on.


Thank you for this thread! I never would have even noticed those little details! :)
Woo! - Argent Girl


I prefer to set my energy builder to "Maintain".

I've personally been annoyed by the fact that I can't seem to target objects with my controller. 
When you insult someone by calling them a "pig" or a "dog" you aren't maligning pigs and dogs everywhere.  The same is true of any term used as an insult.


This made a big difference in the gameplay. I did choose to leave always face forward on becuase the keys for turn left and right actually turn the camera and not the character so this made it easier for me to move about and turn.

Now if someone could make a similar post about graphic settings so we could make the game look closer to what we're used to we'll be all set  :)


"I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will KILL it."
— Gen. Stacker Pentecost


This should, hopefully, fix some of the tetchiness I'm experiencing with my Power Armor character.


I will try some of these settings and see how they feel.


Unrelated to combat, but related to settings.. you can alter your chat colors if it's confusing you (it confused me).  I set Zone to gray, team to green, NPC to blue etc.


Quote from: emu265 on December 09, 2012, 03:16:22 AM
Unrelated to combat, but related to settings.. you can alter your chat colors if it's confusing you (it confused me).  I set Zone to gray, team to green, NPC to blue etc.
You can also add context, which labels the source of the "chatter."  Give me a moment, let me find what that button's labelled.

Edit:  Under "Chat Settings" go to the "Options" tab and enable "Show message category."  Gives you CoH-style [Zone] or [PinnBadges] blocks in front of the text.
Aram:  "Man, just look at all this.  Sometimes it's hard to believe that we get to live surrounded by such wonder."
Gamal:  "We don't live over there." Aram:  "We don't?"
Gamal:  "No.  We live over there." Aram:  "... But it's all on fire."
Gamal:  "Yes it is, Aram.  Yes it is."


Thanks!  This was very helpful.  When I first tried CO, I was running sideways like a crazed crab, but this helped not only with that but with enemy targeting/facing.  I hate when my toon spins around but my camera remains static (so I can't see what the heck she's doing).


wow, this really works. Can somebody sticky this?

Darkness De Ding

Thank you all! I have been pretty frustrated with this game so far. This info really helps! Now maybe I can figure out how to play her so well I don't get the noob comments.
Me? Just a blaster? My shoes will kick your ass.


Quote from: Starsman on December 06, 2012, 10:27:09 PM
Does that mean what I think it means? Dont even need the power on my tray? It will always auto attack anything I have on target/range??  :o

As noted, you still need it to toggle on.

There are times when you need to stop attacking.  Certain missions require you to "cure" certain mobs while they're still alive and sometimes partially damaged.  And, even unenhanced, you can sometimes accidentally kill them with your energy builder.

Also, zoning detoggles your auto-attack.

General Idiot

As I understand it, the mechanics behind that auto-attack function actually auto-fire whatever power's in the number 1 slot on your tray. So you'd need to keep it there. I could be wrong on that though.

Lily Barclay

Quote from: General Idiot on January 01, 2013, 03:25:07 PM
As I understand it, the mechanics behind that auto-attack function actually auto-fire whatever power's in the number 1 slot on your tray. So you'd need to keep it there. I could be wrong on that though.

And now when I play later I must move it and see if it still works.