Finished Call to Action: CoH is 1st, 3rd in MMOSite Readers' Choice Awards!

Started by Felderburg, December 05, 2012, 05:22:30 PM

Mr. Wentworth

Quote from: Capt. Energon on December 08, 2012, 05:03:15 PM
We shoud get best F2P as well for city of heroes on
anyone figure out how to add that as a option?
By accident, I noticed City of Villains is in the list of games, too. From the home page, click on 'C' in the alphabetical list at the bottom and you'll see City of Villains to the right of City of Heroes. Click it and it doesn't go to a voting page, but the page does reload with a search box at the bottom. That search box seems to have the ability to suggest a category for a game. Select City of heroes and then select Best F2P. I did it, but it may take multiple suggestions before it gets added to a category, if it has any effect at all. I couldn't say. Just found that search form by accident. So... :D

Mr. Wentworth

Quote from: TimtheEnchanter on December 08, 2012, 06:10:35 PM
Maybe didn't read it right yesterday, but it looks like Knight gained 1000 votes overnight.
Yep, that's about the size of it. I know nothing about that game or its community, but really?


So, WoW is third for best F2P. Isn't that a little insulting, since their F2P is really just a glorified trial?
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."

Exodus Orion

I looked up Knight Online just out curiosity. The game has a few different versions for different regions, the US one having been released in Aug 2004. and the reason why they are winning atm is mainly due to this:

"If Knight Online wins 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in any category, we will have DOUBLE EXP and NOAH Rates 1/14/12 – 1/16/12!!

In addition to the EXP and Noah reward for our whole community, we will be giving out 50 Bronze Premium at random to lucky winners! Not only will this be a great opportunity for you to show all your friends that Knight Online is forever, but just for voting MMOsite will add MMOGold to your MMOsite account. "

Mr. Wentworth

I went looking for more information on Knight Online, too, and was about to post the exact same info, Exodus Orion :)

I'd say that explains the motivation behind their skyrocket to first in Best Community. But we've got staying power and can still surpass them. besides, they only need 3rd place to claim their reward. I'm happy to see them in 2nd or 3rd. :)


Oh good grief... so one of the candidates for prom queen is getting extra votes by bribing everyone with a free blow j.... err.... kisses. Figures.

Hmm... maybe we need more AP33 patches.  8)


For me it's not about winning. It's about standing up for my community and saying to the gaming community at large that we're still here, and we still love our game. Even if we only end up in 4th or 5th, we'll have only made it that high out of love and dedication, the same things that are keeping us together here since the shutdown.


"To never die, and to conquer all. That is winning."

*AHEM* Sorry, I was channeling Illyria there for a moment. Pay it no heed! ;)
... ^o^CORVUS^o^
"...if nothing we do matters, than all that matters is what we do."

Mr. Wentworth

8 more votes to reach 1st in Most Classic MMO. Probably less than that as I post this.

Altoholic Monkey


Spread the word! Vote! Vote! Vote! If CoH can pull off some awards it will showcase what a travesty the shutdown truly was.


I had forgotten to vote on my phone. Fixed. We're ahead by close to a hundred votes. I would be interested to see how long KO can maintain their drive. A lot of people on the CO forum are whining that they can't, in good conscience, vote for their game in any category, including best community.

I suppose I should go back and see what they've done to me for pointing out that it probably indicates that they don't deserve to win any of them...  ;D
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."

Mr. Wentworth is coming up fast in the Best Community category. So, I checked on them and discovered they are also motivating their player base with in-game rewards for voting.

We've really got to keep mobilizing more voters to compete with that kind of thing. Don't give up!




But not by much!


I know we can do it people! We are not far ahead of most classic rpg so we need to remember to keep it up every single day until votes are no longer being taken!

We NEED to get best community in Addition to most classic so vote for both every day and do NOT forget!
If we win both it will be a huge thing for us!


Seem to be gaining 15+ votes on each every half hour or so, good to see we're on top for most classic and nearly there for best community. Hopefully we can win the best community even with our game gone just to show our love!  ;D


No where near best community we are down by about 2 thousand votes and I am sure they area gaining more each day as well lol.
Lets try to reach beyond our forum community to get more votes somehow.


Quote from: emu265 on December 08, 2012, 10:38:31 PM
NO ONE should beating us in community!  Come on guys!

Seems that within a couple weeks, this contest won't be about "best community" and more about "most easily bribed" community.


Quote from: TimtheEnchanter on December 09, 2012, 12:32:10 AM
Seems that within a couple weeks, this contest won't be about "best community" and more about "most easily bribed" community.

That is the way popularity contests always go. That is why Stars and famous people get more tail then the rest of us!

Because its popular and you will get something out of it like popularity if you get or do that one thing or go with what everyone else is doing.

They are being bribed more than anyone else.

The Fact that we are number 3 and DONT EVEN HAVE A GAME....means quite a lot to me right now.