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DCUO F2P Survival Notes

Started by crayehal, December 05, 2012, 03:23:07 AM


There wasn't a topic for DC Universe Online yet, so I thought I'd make one.

I was going to write a short list of caveats of the game, but someone did an excellent one already.
Njdss4's Opinionated Gaming Corner

Still want to try DCUO?   Okay, but first a brief mantra to keep your mind open.  Please close your eyes, chant "This is not CoH, This is not CoH, This is not CoH..." for 30 seconds and forget everything you know about CoH because it will prevent you from enjoying DCU.  Though I doubt you will forget, at least see DCU for what it is.

I am trying out DCU because CO has no villains.  Despite all the caveats, I can put up with the horrid game mechanics in exchange for diabolical schemes and mayhem.  The game is playable, so my intention is to list drawbacks, limitations and obstacles as I encounter them to help folks trying out DCU.

Here is a really nice list of tips for beginners:
< -- broken link as of 12/21/2012.  Please see a later post for a copy of the tips -->

Note first and foremost that this game is heavily slanted towards console players and keybd/mouse seems like an after thought.  Hence the GUI takes away access to the mouse after you leave character creation.

Character creation:
- just a few options.  As you play, equipping gear gives more costume parts
- color is under the gear option
- pick flight for a travel power for now until you get used to the controls.  I originally tried superspeed, but it was driving me up the wall.  Literally.

After character creation, you will be in the tutorial.  If you are a mouse user, the mouse pointer is gone.  Yes.  Gone.  Moving the mouse pans your view.  To prevent vertigo, press [Esc] to bring up the settings menu.  Go to the mouse sensitivity control and move the slider to the left until you get the feedback that you like. 

Power activation is by the mouse buttons and number keys.  If you don't like spamming the mouse buttons, go to the settings menu and click on the Key binds tab.  Scroll down for the attack actions and set a key for each.  Mine is:

Q W E -- Strafe left, Forward, Strafe right
A S D -- Melee attack, Backward, Range attack

You need to target an enemy to hit them.  I'm used to [Tab] in CoH to cycle through targets, so I swapped target cycle, originally [Q] to [Tab]. 

The heal is a soda can.  Drag the can to the lower right slot around your toon.  Press 7 to use it.

In the tutorial, there's a part where you have to hold buttons down.  If you don't hold them down at the right time, you won't proceed to the next part, so listen and read the instructions.

In the mission where you destroy power couplings, note that the mobs keep spawning.  So just target the coupling and destroy it.  The boss won't attack until all couplings are destroyed.

After you get out of the tutorial, sell stuff at the vendor and repair items.   When you need to repair items, a blue shard icon appears under your map.  I leveled to 12 and am maxed out at $1500.  Since $1500 is the max, don't be shy repairing items and buying soda.  Don't bother buying gear at the club.  The gear is much better in the Watchtower or Hall of doom.

More next post...


Quote from: crayehal on December 05, 2012, 03:23:07 AMDon't bother buying gear at the club.  The gear is much better in the Watchtower or Hall of doom.

You MAY want to buy the pieces in the club if only to unlock certain appearance costume pieces. It's been a long time but during beta I used to just buy every piece and then sell it back to the NPC at a loss, to just "buy" the costume unlocks. There is an icon on every shop item that flags if you already unlocked any given piece's appearance piece.
For the sake of the community: please stop the cultural "research" in your attempt to put blame on the game's cancelation.

It's sickening to see the community sink that low. It's worse to see the community does not get it.

I'm signing off and taking a break, blindly hope things change.


Quote from: Starsman on December 06, 2012, 03:46:27 PM
You MAY want to buy the pieces in the club if only to unlock certain appearance costume pieces. It's been a long time but during beta I used to just buy every piece and then sell it back to the NPC at a loss, to just "buy" the costume unlocks. There is an icon on every shop item that flags if you already unlocked any given piece's appearance piece.
I did that myself.  It's a must if you want multiple or unique outfits.


I've said this before - and I think it bears repeating - it REALLY helps if you throw out the pre-conception of a standard MMO UI and control interface with this game.

If you've ever played MASS EFFECT, then DCUO plays much more like that then any MMO I've ever seen.

"I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will KILL it."
— Gen. Stacker Pentecost


Tip: There are two US servers, a PVE one and a PvP one. If you roll on the PvP server, you will get ganked from time to time while adventuring... possibly repeatedly and/or followed up by various taunting emotes; you just gotta' take your lumps in stride. If you wish to switch servers, there's a portal located in the Hall of Doom/Watchtower (heroes are on the watchtower, right? I've only really played a villain so far) that allows you to switch servers.

Tip 2: On the instance queue screen, you need to click the check box next to the instance you wish to join, rather than just highlighting the name of the instance (for some reason I didn't realize that right away).

Tip 3: Those DC heroes/villains you see wandering the city? They generally require teams to beat, much like CoH's giant monsters.

Tip 4: The music in the Chinatown Nightclub (villain side) is painful if you're wearing headphones... I'd recommend removing them before entering that particular safe house (however, the game's soundtrack is generally great).

Tip 5: You can lock your costume pieces in the costume menu, that way your appearance doesn't change whenever you equip a new piece of armor.


Thanks for all tips so far!

Quote from: FlyingCarcass on December 06, 2012, 11:53:24 PM
Tip: There are two US servers, a PVE one and a PvP one. If you roll on the PvP server, you will get ganked

I also don't recommend the PvP server since lvl 30s can attack lowbies.  The speed hack is still floating around, from what I hear.

Post #2

Press [enter] to get the text box and invite a player by:
/invite <name>
More / commands are listed in the tips link in Post #1.
But if you don't remember, you can use the UI.  The team stuff is under the social menu which is displayed by pressing F4. 
Invite:  Group -> Invite New Player -> type the name

I also suggest joining a league.  On villain side, I was invited to one and the members have been pretty helpful.  They joined me in my quests and showed me how to earn renown with my mentor.  We beat up several bounties and monsters.

Unlike CO, I haven't noticed an xp penalty if you join a group that is +/-5 levels from your own.  So don't be shy joining. 

If a quest can't be shared, the quest holder must enter first.  After s/he enters, a portal to the quest appears to the rest of the team, and they can then enter.

Beware of getting locked out of a boss fight.  If you are too far away when the boss cutscene triggers, a door will close and you won't be able to go in.  If you are leading a team, and you see the boss in a room, wait for the team to catch up before you enter the room. 

Also note that over 60% of the players are on a PS3.  If they aren't chatting as much, it is most likely because it is a pain to enter text on a virtual keyboard with a gamepad.

Think of levels as a gate to getting new powers.  It is not necessarily an indicator that you can handle a quest.  You may get quests up to +3 your current level.  In some cases, you may have to outlevel a quest or ask other players to help.

If possible, try to do 1 Alert a day.  It's pretty fun and gives good xp.


If you have any chance to do so, try to not hit lvl 6 while finishing a's rather unpleasent to hear Ambush Bug talk over your debrief.
But besides that try to hit the vault as often as possible, it's a good way to get new costume pieces and other random stuff. You get one Vault-Ticket at lvl 6 and one free visit per day and toon. You can also buy tickets at the cash shop, just in case you have too much money... ;)
I'm bad and that's good.
I'll never be good and that's not bad.
There's no one I'd rather be than me.

...unless I could be Batman, of course. Everybody wants to be Batman.


Craeyhal, your second link isn't viable anymore.  I've tried a lot of games lately and DCU seems to be the least objectionable.  And one of the things they touted were good story that not true?
Writer of Fantasy and Fantasy Romance


Quote from: Risha on December 20, 2012, 12:29:49 AM
Craeyhal, your second link isn't viable anymore.  I've tried a lot of games lately and DCU seems to be the least objectionable.  And one of the things they touted were good story that not true?
I play villain in DCU and I like the arcs so far.  And the things you get to do are quite ebil.  I started with Circe as a mentor but for my next toon, she will get Joker as a mentor since I kinda like Joker's sense of style.
Thanks for the heads up on the link!


Risha reported that the Tips link was broken and so it is.  However, I saved a text copy of the info in the Tips link.  Here it is:

<--- Tips link copy --->

Here is a quick tips guide that I created during the beta. It continually grew from beta tester tip submissions, eventually getting stickied by the Devs. Admittingly I stopped playing beta about 3 weeks before launch so that everything would feel fresh on 11/11. During my time in Beta I leveled up 6 lvl 30 toons...below are some of the knowledge tips that helped me along the way. I apologize if any of this is no longer valid on launch day...please take into account it was created during beta before the last 2 big patches.

And in your travels, if you find you have tips to add to the list, please share in this thread!!!



1) Use the Mouse-wheel during the Character Creation process to see all the options. Scroll bars were apparently recently added, but the Mouse-wheel also works great.

2) You don't have to hit "E" if you use a mouse. You can just click both mouse buttons at any npc or item that is "E" interactive.

3) Slash commands...there aren't a lot ingame yet, but here are the ones posted so far (you can hit "o" to get to the chat window):

    /say - Say something to anyone in your local area
    /s - Same as /say
    /groupsay - Say something to members of your group
    /group - Same as /groupsay
    /g - Same as /groupsay
    /party - Same as /groupsay
    /p - Same as /groupsay
    /tell [name] - Send a private message to another person (use quotes around names with a space)
    /t - Same as /tell
    /reply - Send a private message to the last person that sent you a private message
    /r - Same as /reply
    /shout - Shout a message to everyone in the same region (like say but broader)
    /invite [name] - Invite another person to join a group with you (no quotes needed)
    /leave - Leave your current group
    /kick [name] - Kick the specified person from your group (no quotes needed; must be leader)
    /promote [name] - Promote the specified person to be the group leader (no quotes needed; must be leader)
    /league - Say something seen only by those in your same league
    /l - same as /league
    /friend [name] - Add a friend to your friends list

Kithkarnon has posted a more detailed list of chat commands here.

4) Regarding Costumes:

    Costumes are unlocked each time you equip an item or use a costume token.  Using the token will 'destroy' the token, but it unlocks the costume in your 'style' tab. You do NOT have to have an item equiped in order to see it on your character.  Once the piece is unlocked you can change your look via the style tab.
    When you hit "esc", if you click on the "mask" "style tab" at the bottom menu bar, you can change your look without changing the stats of what you are wearing. The "look" of items is dependent on what items you've collected and equiped so far. You can sell any item you have previously equiped and still keep the "look" as an option (so you can go to a vendor, buy all the gear, equip it, then sell it back losing a little bit of cash and add all those "looks" to your options).
    You can now lock or unlock your costume choices.  If you do not want gear changing the way your character currently looks, you can use the 'lock all' button at the top of the style tab.  If you want to change a piece of gear later on however, you must unlock your costume, equip the piece, and then lock again (just to be safe) in order for it to appear on your character.

5) You can change the color your costume and player at anytime.  [Added 1/12/11]

Just go into your style tab (see #4) and click on the icon next to each gear type to bring up the color change menu for that item.

    To change your player colors, including skin, eyes, hair & make-up, just click on the 2nd tab of the style tab.

6) Pressing the Shift key will release you from being crowd controlled (most of the time), as well as provide you with a couple of seconds of immunity.

7) If you hold the Shift key and a strafe movement key, you will do a rolling dodge in that direction.

8) F9 takes a screenshot. You can change your settings if you want the screenshot to show the UI or not (default is not showing the UI). Images are saved to your game folder to your "My Documents" Folder.  Pathing on my computer looks like:

\My Documents\My Games\DC Universe Online\DCGame  [updated 1/12/11]

9) Hovering over a gear item in your inventory, via a quest reward offer or via a vendor will now tell you the set type and whether you've collected it yet as a style item.

10) Auto-run is available at all levels, in or out of movement mode.

To auto run on the mouse/keyboard, press "num lock."
To auto run on the controller, press and hold the left thumbstick.
Every movement mode allows you to purchase a "level up" to your auto-run speed via the skill tree, but you can still auto-run without it.
Note: you can't engage auto-run while in the slower combat movement mode (i.e., if you've been attacking or have been attacked within the last few seconds).

11) Pressing the "R" key works the same way as the "Shift" key.

12) During the openning movies, you can hold down ESC to skip past them.  During the cutscenes after boss fights, you can hold down the LEFT mouse button (or whatever is the equivilant on your controller), to skip it.  [added 1/18/11]

13) You can cancel a race by hitting '/'.  You don't have to finish it or let enough time pass if you wish to end the race early. [added 1/19/11]

Message edited by rom101 on 01/19/2011 12:31:38.
01/11/2011 06:40:53


1) Don't fly through doors...just don't...

2) Something I learned because of #12. If you get stuck anywhere, just use your map (M) warp buttons to port yourself out of that stuck spot.

3) In acrobatics, to use the Grapple line climb abilities mount a wall and press and hold SPACE to zip up a wall. To use the grapple wall be near a wall and hit space to grapple and pull yourself to it while falling. To use the auto move abilities move forward and hit NUMLOCK.

4) With acrobatics, you can double jump by pressing jump again while in the air. If you hold jump down on the second tap, you glide.  Tapping spacebar a third time with the crosshairs on any climbable object within aggro range will shoot a zipline and take you to that location. [updated 1/13/11]

5) In combat, your energy recharges and your supercharge meter fills up based on your combo. The higher your hit counter, the faster they fill. Your supercharge meter currently appears as a colored overlay on your hotbar'd supercharge powers. This is not final, and will be replaced with a real meter eventually.

6) You can switch roles using "T", these can be configured in the Loadouts screen. Note: Some loadouts are for illusions/transformations, to get to these you have to use specific abilities. You can hit "P" to change your loadouts by dragging powers around.

7) Might increases the damage of your powers. DPS and Precision increase the damage of your abilities and weapon attacks.

8) Pet commands:

To summon: Activate the ability like you would any other
To change tactics from aggressive to passive or back: Activate the ability again while the pet is summoned
To dismiss the pet: Hold the button for the ability until the pet goes away

9) You can enter flight mode by holding down the spacebar instead of hitting "F" (if you have the flying travel form). I believe you can activate the other travel modes the same way.

10) Enemies who are trapped by Encasement control effects (freezing, stasis field, etc) can only be damaged by certain powers -- specifically, ones that say they do heavy damage to Encased enemies in the power description. Normal attacks and powers will not cause any damage, and will in fact break the Encasement faster.

11) Current Stats & Descriptions that effect powers, abilities and weapon attacks.

Note: These are found by going to your inventory tab (i) and clicking on the stats tab.

Health:Health measures the amount of damange you can take before being knocked out. Enemy attacks can reduce your health. You automatically begin regenerating health when you leave combat.
Power: ower is required to use super abilities and is drained as they are preformed. Power is recovered quickly when using weapon attacks to drive up the hit counter. Power returns slowly when out of combat.
Defense: Defense reduces the damage received by attacks made by non-player enemies.
Might: Might increases the damage caused by super powers.
Restoration: Restoration increases the potency of all health recovery effects you activate.
Vitalization: Vitalization increases the potency of all Power recover effects you activate.
Precision: Precision adds to the base damage caused by all weapon attacks.
Toughness: Toughness reduces the damange you receive from attacks made by enemy players.
Dominance: Dominance makes your control effects such as stuns harder to escape. Dominance increases the damage an enemy must take before control is broken.

12) Stat Formulas

Precision: 10 Precision = +1 Weapon DPS
Might: 4 Might = +1% increase in base damage or healing
Restoration: 4 Restoration = +1% increase in base amount healed
Vitalization: 4 Vitalization = +1% more power generated by any effects you cause
Dominance: 2 Dominance = +1 additional damage an enemy must take before control is broken
Defense/Toughness: As you gain levels more Defense/Toughness is required to maintain the same protection. Roughly 15 Defense at level 1 and 71 Defense at level 30 = +1% more damage prevention.

There are hard caps but you shouldn't be able to reach them. They are more or less just there in case the devs flubbed up somewhere.

13) passive bonuses available in the weapon trees are ALWAYS ACTIVE. You don't need to be using a 1-Handed weapon to get the Precision bonus. If you buy a box you get that bonus no matter what weapon you're using.

14) Certain select powers require the meter to be at a set level (full, half, etc.) before they can be used. The icons for these powers is grayed out if there is insufficient Supercharge, and they have a coloured outer ring that fills as you gain Supercharge. Once the ring is full the icon is no longer grayed out, and the power can be used. Mouse over the various power types to see if they require 50 to 100% of your full supercharge meter. The Supercharge Bar (and the Power Bar) is filled through the standard attack combo counter.

15) You do NOT get your designated second role/loadout until level 10. After that you can use "T" to switch roles outside combat.


1) Make sure to click on all the investigation items before you leave an instance. You may not be able to get back in later until after you hit 30 or unless you have a mission still inside that instance.

2) Repair after you complete a series of missions, especially if you get knocked out a lot. Nothing feels worse then getting to a boss only to see that "your gear is broken" message.

3) When you get to a mission zone, fly around the area and look for secondary side quests (a "?" on your mini map). Most will have something to do with that current mission and you can end up getting more XP just completing your main mission.

4) Level 30 is the current level cap for Heroes and Villains. Once you hit that level, you get a new mission to see your mentor. That leads you on a quest series that activates the ability to access end game content (raiding and such).

5) Green Investigation items (outside of an instance) are normally around the quests zones so while looking for the secondary quest givers (Noramlly 1 or 2 at each area but not always) look for the Green symbols.

6) If you can't re-find a side quest giver, go into your journal and activate the side quest so you get the directional arrow on your mini map. You can later go back in and re-activate your main mission.

7) After the majority of boss fights, there is a path to a quick exit that opens up. You don't have to run all the way back to the beginning to get out. Just look at your mini map.

8) World bosses are often in the lvl appropriate quest areas so watch it while doing them.

9) You can reset any instance (before the last boss is defeated) by logging out of the game. This will put you back outside the instance with it reset.

10) Group sizes: Solo, Duo, 4-man and 8-man

11) The Skull and Red Arrow means that a near by enemy is readying a powerful attack...good time to block or dodge (covered in the turtorial, but good to remember).

12) Regarding Quest Credit...Everyone who has contributed to an encounter gets credit for all secures or deliveries.

    If you need to KO + secure some guys and someone comes up and secures one while you're fighting the other, you BOTH get credit for it!
    If there's an object you need to deliver. But there's an NPC guarding it. While you're fighting that NPC, someone grabs the object and delivers it. You BOTH get credit for the delivery.
    If there's an encounter with a KO, a secure and a delivery and you're fighting the KO and two other guys come up and do the secure and the delivery, guess what? That's right, you get credit for both the delivery and the secure.
    If there are three NPCs and a secure. Two people KO one guy, three other people KO the second and a lone guy number six KOs the third. Meanwhile a seventh hero does the secure. All seven people get secure credit and the ones that helped KO a guy get a single KO credit a piece.

13) Completing investigations automatically sends you Mail that appears to show no gear attachment. If you "take attachment" you will still get the gear reward (check your inventory).

14) If you leave an instance to join an alert that you were queued for, when the alert completes will be ported back outside the instance with it reset. This may be true for other queued items. You do not reset the instance by queing for an alert or pvp, just by joining them once called.

15) Combat Controls:

Left and right mouse buttons for melee and ranged combo attacks.
1-6 keys to activate your super powers.
7 to use consumables.
8 to use trinkets.
Left-shift to block and breakout (hold shift + WASD to dodge)
Left-ctrl to gather loot.
Tab to hard lock your current target.
Tab / Q for cycle left and right through targets once you have hard lock.
C to Clear your hard lock.

16) Roles:  (Credit for this goes to RONIN13 over in the PS3 forums. Thank you sir!)

"Powers determine "roles" (jobs/class). Fire and Ice are Tank roles. Gadgets and Mental are Controller roles. Magic and Nature are Healer roles.  Every class has a "damage" role. That is the default dps role. So anyone can DPS. A Tank's job is the same here as in any other MMO. He draws enemies to him and take the hits for the team. Healer heals. Controller's hold enemies via stuns and what have you. Controllers keep too many enemies from swarming the group. Controllers also have a few powers to replenish the group's power bars.

Anyone CAN dps. How much you do is up to you. But you can only be Damage Role (DPS) or Tank/Controller/Healer Role at one time, not both.  At level 10 you get stances.

Your powers work a bit differently when you're in Tank/Controller/Healer role.  Make sure to read the descriptions of each power carefully and note the differences.

When grouped up it is advisable to switch out of the Damage role and into your Tank/Controller/Healer role. The three roles were made with synergy in mind.  Having 4 people in damage role in an Alert is not well advised.  You may be able to power through it, but you're more likely a lot better off playing your role and acting as a team.  This becomes crucial at level 30 for raids."

As mentioned previously, hit 'T' to change your roles.

    Fire is Damage
    Shield is Tank
    Plus is Healer
    Diamond is Controller

Note: This can not be done in combat.

17) A few tips for PvP

    Tank counters Controller
    Controller counters Healer
    Healer counters Tank

    As for Combat -
    Blocks countered by Block breakers
    Block breakers countered by Lunges
    Lunges countered by Block
    Ranged avoided by Dodge roll
    Dodge roll countered by Lunge
    Every hold and stun is countered by tapping block
    Hold and stun break costs energy so must be used carefully, or you end up with no energy and dead.

(Comment by Cray: ignore, incomplete link ---
And a really great place to learn everything you wanted to know about PvP in this game - Thanks going out to Lokai for all his hard work:
--- )


1) On the Watch Tower, there are consoles in the place formally call the Habitat that you can respec with. The best way I've found to get to them is traveling from the Tech wing to the Meta wing or vice versa.

2) Teleport portals for Gotham are in the tech wing. Teleport portals for Metropolis are in the meta wing (pretty obvious, but didn't click right away they were by wing). It is the same for the Watch Tower and Hall of Doom.

3) As you get to later levels, go to the Watch Tower for the better potions (healing/mana). The initial portals in the Meta and Tech wings have vendors just outside the door. One sells potions.

4) Your map contain 2 buttons on the bottom left where you can teleport to the nearest rally point or teleport directly to the watchtower. Cooldown for Rally teleport is just about 8 minutes. Cooldown for HQ teleport is 1 hour.


1) Itemization Coloring:

Gray = not useful to you; sell it to a vendor
White = okay, but has no stat bonuses
Green = has good stat bonuses
Blue = has really good stat bonuses
Purple = has really, really good stat bonuses
Orange = Legendary

2) Regarding clickable "?" item in the World Environment

Collectible item = Yellow
Investigation item = Green
Brief = Blue

3) During Beta not all audio voices are in game yet. Many NPCs will have wrong voices until the actual voices are added to the game...This explains why Supergirl sounded over-dosed on Testosterone. I'm happy to report this appears fixed.  Please report if you find any voices overs missing ingame.

4) Falling does no damage. It doesn't matter how high you fall from, you will take no fall damage ingame. One fun thing to do is fly up really high and turn off your flight ability (f) and just fall to earth. The devs decided it wasn't very epic to die ingame via falling.

5) Badge Types:

Distinction - earned thru 8 man raids, used to buy "t2" iconic armors (note that just because it queues under the raid tab doesn't mean it's a raid)
Triumph - earned thru duos and 4 mans, used to buy "t1" iconic armors
Victory - earned thru pvp arena, used in conjunction with pvp cash to buy iconic pvp armor
Courage - earned thru pvp Legends, used in conjunction with pvp cash to buy pvp weapons and armors from the high level PD/Nightclubs

6) Pre-Order bonus items...once you have entered your code to your account via or, your pre-order items can be retrieved ingame by hitting "ESC", then hitting the store icon (bottom right).  You click on the item, and hit claim.  So far in my tests of 7 items, all items are available to all characters...this could be different for some items.

7) HOW TO LEAVE A LEAGUE:  Open up the menu, go to the social tab and find your name.  There is an option to 'leave league' there.

8) Regarding Costume don't start with everything unlocked; you get basics via the character customization, and then you have to acquire the rest of the gear in-game.

9) Double Vault Visit...When you hit lvl 6, Ambush Bug gives you a mission to visit his Vault.  This first visit actually allows you to visit TWICE in 24 hours.  Hit "Y" and click on "Vault" to do a vault run.  After you finish, equip the consumable ticket that the Ambush Bug gives you via accepting his quest.  Order does not matter. Until the marketplace starts selling vault tickets, this is the only time I know of that you get a double visit. [added 1/24/11]

(Comment by Cray:  These are supposed to be embedded links, but since I just saved as text, only the link title was saved.  But you may be able to google the link title and find the info so I include it here)

    Things I wish I knew when I started Playing DCUO - PS3 Side - Shaolinwind did a great job of making a version of this thread over on the PS3 side incase anyone want sto check it out.  I'll be keeping an eye on it to see what tips added there can be also added here.
    Things I wish I knew when I started Playing DCUO (GERMAN TRANSLATION) - Reese has been kind enough to create a German language version of this guide.
    Official DCUO PC Game Guide - The official PC guide from
    Official DCUO PS3 Game Guide - Same thing as above, but for PS3
    Newbie's Guide to Effective Grouping - a helpful guide for players new to MMO's from over in the PS3 form
    Mentors, Origins, and Iconic Armor Guide - Great guide posted by King
    List of Passives - Brayden was nice enough to map out all the passives available.  A good thread to keep an eye on.
    Roleplayer List and Adverts - If you are looking for information about roleplaying in DCUO, check out this thread by Catwoman
    Visual Guide to Roleplaying Areas - Guide by Saice showing ingame where RP players can gather.
    Weaponization - What Weapon is best for you - Ryuuis has put some serious time into building a helpful guide about each weapon typle and their benefits
    DCUO Voice List - An official list of all talking characters ingame and who they are voiced by
    Green and Blues WIP - A helpful growing guide, by the player 1989, on finding those investigation icons.  This may be a spoiler to some, so view at your own risk.  If you want to find them on your own, don't click the link.
    Tanking Pre-Guide - Sparky7474 is compliling information to create a useful guide for all those out there intersted in tanking.  Please visit and share any info you can.
    A Guide to Weapon/Role Synergy - Posted by Doctor Comics.  This guide is helpful in figuring out which weapons go best with which powers.

<--- End Tips Link copy --->