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Borderlands 2

Started by Vasarto, December 04, 2012, 04:42:35 AM


Anyone play or playing it? So far I have not beat the game yet but I tried out Zero so far.
Original game I liked Mordecai the best so I am glad they worked him in TONS into the game and made him really cool.
Did not like Roland much...well ok I only liked mordecai.

With the new game I don't really know much about the others but the siren and Gunzerker seems cool!


I've been enjoying the crap out of Borderlands 1 and 2. I was quite pleased that it swept a lot of great awards recently, and it really should continue to do that.

I too LOVED playing as Mordecai in the first one, and thus the choice for Zer0 was ideal. I still don't use his action skill and I hesitate on grenade use, because I'm a pretty hardcore sniper in that regard. I have yet to play any other characters in either 1 or 2...

And the feels, man. Mordecai and the feels. T_____T


I've played the first one through (as well as working on the Major Moxxi expansion), with four of the guys from the Friday Knights. We're slowly accumulating B2, but mine has to wait until after the holidays.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


Did you get the other expansions for BL1? Knoxx, Claptrap and Dr Ned? Since Moxxi's is mainly just an arena it's kind of hard to do solo, but the others contain a lot of content and fun stuff. Great characters. Aside from Mordecai himself, I just adore Knoxx. Him and Handsome Jack from 2 are ... so wonderful.


It must be Knoxx, then, cuz we're pretty far into it, and there's no arena. It was a bundle that we all got thru Steam, so it has all of the expansions.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


Yeah you are likely in TBone Junction. That's where you meet Moxxi, her "underdome" is reached by the fast travel section, not by being in her place in the Deep. The one problem I really had with that one was so much travel time. :/ And, only one fast travel point. They sort of fixed that in BL2 in that there are a couple spots in each of the DLC that you can teleport to, but it still sticks you only at the start point like in BL1 when you log out, no matter where you are.

Knoxx is so hilarious. Be absolutely sure to do the side quests and listen carefully because the dialog in that one is precious.


I think the side quests are a blast. Also, I don't mind the travel time, so much. I kind of like the driving. Plus they didn't cut corners on the scenery.  We haven't gotten to Knoxx, yet, but all of the dialogue is pretty priceless. :)
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


Hehe when you start getting his echoes and the contact with him, omg. :)

General Idiot

The one thing I wish Borderlands 2 had that the first game did, is replaying echoes. So many times I've accidentally triggered another message before the last one finished playing, and there's no way to go back and listen to it again anymore. :(


Yeah that is one of the extremely few things that I find after having played through to level 45 or so, I really do want back. It's kind of strange that they removed it. The other thing is too, that if you're apt to fiddle with the config files, they removed 3rd Person view entirely, even as a developer tool apparently, and since they re-encoded things differently from the first game, so far as I know no one's yet figured out how to edit the ini files (or any of the associated ones) to allow it. :/


borderlands 1 was great but it was annoyingly hard to play online at all, felt more like a single player game

borderlands 2 is so much better, the challenges actually mean something, and much easier to play with multiple poeple

ive been playing borderlands 2 since it came out and pretty fun, have 5 character (one maxed out, others for multiplayer), cause ive finished all the content i been dabbling in save editing for borderlands 2 so i can get any legendary gun with the tedious grinding and play around with modded guns which are crazy overpowered

feel free to add me on steam if you want to play it for fun or if you want any kind of items (steam name is Necrotech Master)


Yeah that's one of the good things about Gearbox that this time they ditched the crappy GameSpy garbage and went straight for Steam online play.