Author Topic: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM  (Read 184702 times)


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #100 on: November 26, 2012, 05:53:09 PM »

Keep in mind that the SW purchase was a massive investment, while CoH is a much smaller and safer business move. Buying CoH might therefore help them show confidence that they can take something as huge as Star Wars in stride and keep moving like it's business as usual. As for how much NCsoft would ask for the game once it's shut down, we don't know - hell, we don't even know if they still want to sell - but if Disney decides it's worth their time, we could liken the situation to a showdown between a schoolyard bully and a PO'd Bruce Banner.

Given the revenue hits NC took after announcement of the closure, Disney would more than come to the table as the heavyweight negotiator. If their people seriously considered this proposal, then they'd also smell the blood in the water, and could give NC an offer they can't refuse.

Someone also brought up a point today that Disney already has a superhero IP and CoH is just not as recognizable as others out there. True, but we're talking Disney here, who would have the marketing means to MAKE Statesman as recognizable as Captain America, if they wanted to. Even if this is a long-shot, this is the company that could really make the IP visible on the common public radar.


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #101 on: November 26, 2012, 05:56:43 PM »
I too am unsure if this has already been addressed or not, but something popped to mind as I was sifting the thread thus far:  One positive point to mention in the letters would be about using the IP outside of the MMO. Any company that purchases the CoH IP has a decade of story and in-game history to work with. If they own the IP, all of that would be available for flash games, cartoons, comic books, action figures, board games, novelization, and countless other avenues of merchandising.

Purchasing the IP would provide a ready-made universe (like they got by purchasing Lucasfilms), and any cross-promotion done via other media would likely A) net them money and B) serve to drive a larger population to the MMO. With the success of the Marvel & DC superhero films, this seems like it would be an easy sell, even given an original mythos/universe.

My thinking exactly. The heavy work has already been done. The one thing that's always struck me about CoH lore is that Paragon created a super-powered pantheon that has depth and story like Marvel or DC. It's just not as old and ingrained into the public psyche yet, but that can change. All the other heroic IPs started out small too.

The Skippylabs

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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #102 on: November 26, 2012, 06:07:10 PM »
Absolutly in love with this idea. When I stopped to think about who best symbolizes 'family entertainment', Hasboro, Milton-Bradley and Disney come to mind. What better buyer could we come up with other than Walt Disney's legacy? I'll get on my letter writing after I post this.

BTW, has anyone thought of offering Disney reps to come down and play a little CoH BEFORE it closes? Give them a taste of the product and the community while they still can. Nothing better to a prospective customer than to 'kick the tires' first.


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #103 on: November 26, 2012, 06:13:19 PM »
It would probably a good thing to mention - we still have a small pool of loaner accounts ready to be used and a lot of claims we make about CoH really need to be seen to be believed.

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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #104 on: November 26, 2012, 06:15:28 PM »
I doubt we have the time to get them to notice before the 30th. 

But if anyone has the funds to relaunch CoH it's Disney.
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #105 on: November 26, 2012, 06:19:06 PM »
But if anyone has the funds to relaunch CoH it's Disney.

That's pretty much why they were our go-to company. And it's not just the funds either - given Disney's not so much pervasive as enveloping coverage of entertainment media, I'm sure even NCsoft would be very, very eager not to get on their bad side. Market share, after all, hath its privileges.


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #106 on: November 26, 2012, 06:19:26 PM »
Thank you, Team Wildcard! I'll be writing up my letters and mailing them this week. I appreciate the hard work and positive spirit from this community. You guys rock!


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #107 on: November 26, 2012, 06:22:58 PM »
Thank you!

Oh, and welcome to the forums too!


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #108 on: November 26, 2012, 06:24:17 PM »
This time of year is horrible for us retail workers, free-time-wise. I will do everything I can to try to contribute to this project, but if I'm not able to get my letters out, I want you to know I support this Hail Mary pass with every last fiber of my soul.

Would I be leery of the Mouse owning my beloved City? Yes.
Would I be -less- leery than if NCSoft continued to run it? YES.

So the Mouse gets my vote, people. And if they agree to this? A whole crapton of my money.
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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #109 on: November 26, 2012, 06:32:13 PM »
Thank you for the time and effort to make this pitch.

I have thouhgt for a very long time about what this could be given the power of advertising of a Disney or Valve. Do you have any idea how many hits a day it would garner just being listed on Disney's page?

Add in the free to play, family friendly game and community and Disney has a winner here. If this happened my grand daughter and I would be very happy :)


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #110 on: November 26, 2012, 06:34:16 PM »
Okay, letters written. My wife and I wrote them as a couple. They will go into the mail today.


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #111 on: November 26, 2012, 06:36:12 PM »
First batch of letters written, on the way to the post office in 10 mins or so. Info has been crossposted to our SG's forum (and even though many have moved on to other games, they still check the forums.)

My closing paragraph:

If Disney were to rescue City of Heroes from oblivion, there are at least three subscriptions in this household, just waiting to send money. I would be able to keep my promise to my granddaughter for her own account.  And isn't that what Disney is all about? Making childrens' dreams come true.


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #112 on: November 26, 2012, 06:37:00 PM »
First- Atlantic makes sending letters a bit harder for me poor european, can I target any emails?
You can, but don't make the mistake of thinking it is the same.

The whole point here is showing commitment.  Anyone can spend 2 seconds to click a petition, or 30 seconds to write a post, or a minute to write an email.  Sending the mails, in the post, is different, and just as important and meaningful as sending that carefully crafted 31 page pitch document.  It shows that someone was committed enough to commit it to paper, invest in envelope and stamps, and put it into the mail.  In other words, it shows that you are serious about wanting to continue to be a consumer of CoH.  It shows that CoH has a large, passionate, eager market just begging to be served.

If you have a real problem with postage, (and reading around I see that many of those letters already written today came from Europe), refer to Altaholic Monkey's very generous offer to print out your letter and post it for you.  But please, if you can, put in the investment yourself.  That international postage with its post marks is part of what shows Disney just how committed we are, how serious we are about being prepared to spend money, and how much they'd love to have us as their commited loyal customers.

Anything more beside letters normal user can do?
Oh, yes, there certainly is.  We are very much hoping that this story is going to be covered by various media.  We are obviously counting on the gamer sites being interested, but the sheer audacity and chutzpah of a passionate group of players walking up to the giant Mouse is possibly of wider interest too. 

In fact, that's a secondary part.  Even if Disney don't buy it, we are once again getting the idea that CoH is good enough for them to consider, that it is a product that represents a real investment opportunity.  If this doesn't get other parties thinking that maybe CoH is something they could pitch for I'll be quite surprised.

So, same drill as ever about the 'Thank The Media' and helping to spread the word of any and all coverage it gets.  Comments, likes, +1s and sharing of links always makes journo's and bloggers happy to have written about it.


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #113 on: November 26, 2012, 06:43:31 PM »
I'm all over this.  My only problem will be keeping my letters to a readable length.

And if they want family-friendly and positive, well, I'll just include this at the bottom of the letter.  It's one of a few commissions I had done when I stopped being able to spend money directly on the game, and it's a married couple (Drs. Gen and Eric Hiro ;)) my wife and I played.


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #114 on: November 26, 2012, 06:44:59 PM »
That scene in Pirates of the Caribbean 3? When they're hanging like..a billion pirates, including a little kid, in about 30 seconds?  I think more people die in that scene than they do in about a dozen horror flicks.

In my letter I casually remark that CoH is just as family friendly as Star Wars or PoTC. In retrospect, we're more friendly than the pirates.
As long as somebody keeps making up stories for it, the City isn't gone.


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #115 on: November 26, 2012, 06:49:29 PM »
So we want to go from one Mickey mouse outfit to another :)

Too busy playing to draft anything up before the game stops, but will look into it after.

Talon Blue

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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #116 on: November 26, 2012, 06:58:37 PM »
But does this mean Ghost Widow could be a Disney's First Villain Princess? O.o

Wouldn't that be the first undead Disney Princess? ;)

I'll get going on a letter.


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #117 on: November 26, 2012, 07:05:57 PM »
Wouldn't that be the first undead Disney Princess? ;)

I'll get going on a letter.

And think of all of the little Goth girls out there that would latch on to that one...
As long as somebody keeps making up stories for it, the City isn't gone.


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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #118 on: November 26, 2012, 07:10:53 PM »
For those worried about the darkness, I think many of you are missing the exceptional "Once Upon A Time" series, which is now in its second season on ABC.  Betrayal, murder, hearts ripped out, the evil queen is maturely evil.  And everyone is motivated somehow by really is an entertaining series (season 1 available on netflix streaming and hulu plus).
30+ pages for a business pitch is pretty good, considering it's not yours to literrally sell.  I hope Mickey is interested!
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Re: Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM
« Reply #119 on: November 26, 2012, 07:33:31 PM »
Wouldn't that be the first undead Disney Princess? ;)

I'll get going on a letter.

I want a shot of the Atlas parks stairs filled with female CoH characters- dev and player made.

Caption something like "Could we be Disney Princesses?"