Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM

Started by Victoria Victrix, November 26, 2012, 06:30:02 AM


Quote from: Lily Barclay on November 26, 2012, 10:30:45 AM
Yup. Went there.

I'm disappointed it took this long.  :roll:

Lily Barclay

Quote from: Quinch on November 26, 2012, 03:37:49 PM
I'm disappointed it took this long.  :roll:

Well it did take me three hours to make... I was kinda worried someone would beat me to it.  ;D

Arctic Force.

Thank you for this opportunity Team Wildcard, my daughters and I are all writing letters now and will get them into the mail today.  But does this mean Ghost Widow could be a Disney's First Villain Princess? O.o
One the biggest entertainment franchises was saved by a letter writing campaign. Now it has 4 spin-off tv shows an animated series, eleven movies plus 1 in the works, multiple games And pretty much started "Fan-Cons". Thanks Mr. Roddenberry  Earn free bitcoin


Okay, few words from me here.

First- Atlantic makes sending letters a bit harder for me poor european, can I target any emails?
Second- I am afraid that Star Wars investition might have taken a toll on disney willingness for futher investtitions at the moment, after all, they have put really big money on the table... and I know Valve responded to fact we have sent quite a lot of emails to them. Is there an update concerning hipotethical price at the second selling?
Third- Marvel probably won't be interested, as there is collosal amount of backstory in CoX colliding with Marvelverse. But Deadpool tf is something my brains deems dream come true.
Fourth- I am tad worried, there may be a lot of editing in Villain arcs, and overall on redside. Quite a bit of content there is something I would consider rough. I am more than willing to support effort now though, worries may be resolved later.

Anything more beside letters normal user can do?



Though Disney may also crack down on what can be said in channel, to make sure everything stays "kid friendly." Wouldn't be the first time.


Do we have a deadline for this? I work phenomenally with a deadline, without I procrastinate, I start up CoH and lose track of time and then go 'Well, tomorrow I'll do it...'

Also I recently put to rest my printer and dread the thought of actually writing a letter.


Quote from: Beodren on November 26, 2012, 04:01:57 PM
First- Atlantic makes sending letters a bit harder for me poor european, can I target any emails?

This one's a bit fuzzy - the best we have available {that we can share openly, email bombing Disney head honchos, even in good intentions, would horrendously backfire on us} is the company contact form. Other than that, get involved socially - we're expecting first-strike coverage from Starburst and Massively, followed by contacting other blogs. Spreading the news via comments, Twitter, forums you frequent, anyone you can reach, basically, would be of immense help.

QuoteSecond- I am afraid that Star Wars investition might have taken a toll on disney willingness for futher investtitions at the moment, after all, they have put really big money on the table... and I know Valve responded to fact we have sent quite a lot of emails to them. Is there an update concerning hipotethical price at the second selling?

Keep in mind that the SW purchase was a massive investment, while CoH is a much smaller and safer business move. Buying CoH might therefore help them show confidence that they can take something as huge as Star Wars in stride and keep moving like it's business as usual. As for how much NCsoft would ask for the game once it's shut down, we don't know - hell, we don't even know if they still want to sell - but if Disney decides it's worth their time, we could liken the situation to a showdown between a schoolyard bully and a PO'd Bruce Banner.

QuoteThird- Marvel probably won't be interested, as there is collosal amount of backstory in CoX colliding with Marvelverse. But Deadpool tf is something my brains deems dream come true.

That's actually a plus - it's a whole different universe. You've got the opportunity for crossovers, but there's no inherent intersection between the two. It's win-win.

QuoteFourth- I am tad worried, there may be a lot of editing in Villain arcs, and overall on redside. Quite a bit of content there is something I would consider rough. I am more than willing to support effort now though, worries may be resolved later.

We'll burn that bridge when we cross it - not to mention Praetoria is much worse, but we also covered that bit in the pitch. Keep in mind that not everything Disney owns is necessarily "childified" - for example, did you know that Kill Bill was made while Disney owned Miramax?


Quote from: Jordan_Lee on November 26, 2012, 04:20:51 PM
Do we have a deadline for this? I work phenomenally with a deadline, without I procrastinate, I start up CoH and lose track of time and then go 'Well, tomorrow I'll do it...'

Also I recently put to rest my printer and dread the thought of actually writing a letter.

How about "before the day is out"? A little arbitrary, but basically, the sooner, the better.

Altoholic Monkey

Quote from: Beodren on November 26, 2012, 04:01:57 PM
Okay, few words from me here.

First- Atlantic makes sending letters a bit harder for me poor european, can I target any emails

I live in Los Angeles which means anything I mail will get to Burbank in a day. Because burbank is in the Los Angeles County area. So if any folks outside the US want me to print out their letters and mail them on their own behalf feel free to send me a PM here or email me at Altoholic DOT Monkey AT
I'm on Facebook as Alty Mo and Twitter as well.


Great work, team Wildcard.  We'll be sending letters ASAP.

Lily Barclay

Quote from: Altoholic Monkey on November 26, 2012, 04:48:04 PM
I live in Los Angeles which means anything I mail will get to Burbank in a day. I because burbank is in the Los Angeles County area. So if any folks outside the US want me to print out their letters and mail them in their behalf feel free to send me a PM here or email me at Altoholic DOT Monkey AT
I'm on Facebook as Alty Mo and Twitter as well.

Hey I think Tim the Enchanter wanted a higher ppi version of that logo you made for save CoH. We were talking about it early on in the thread.

Blast Lord

I definaly hope Disney buys City of Heroes MMO game which it would definaly be a upward chance to save City of Heroes


Altoholic Monkey

Quote from: TimtheEnchanter on November 26, 2012, 07:36:12 AM

Anyone know who made this? I kinda like it, just needs to be a higher dpi.

If not, I'll try and whip up something tomorrow. Can't believe with all the other logos that got done there was never really one made for the movement itself. *facepalm*

I made it. I have several versions and its vector art. Let me know what you need. Most of the ones created are for the Web.

EDIT: Also there's a thread in this section with different versions of this banner. Even one for villains.,4898.msg52558.html#msg52558,4898.msg53317.html#msg53317

You can download the various versions from here: will make a 300ppi version when I get home of both versions one for Heroes and Villains. I'll upload it to the RO directory listed above.

Please let me know if any other sizes are needed. (Half page, postcard..etc)


Quote from: Quinch on November 26, 2012, 04:22:32 PM
We'll burn that bridge when we cross it - not to mention Praetoria is much worse, but we also covered that bit in the pitch. Keep in mind that not everything Disney owns is necessarily "childified" - for example, did you know that Kill Bill was made while Disney owned Miramax?
It's also worth pointing out that both Treasure Planet and Atlantis got fairly dark in places.  Family-friendly, but still fairly dark -- Lt. Archer falling into a black hole, that really creepy spider-like bosun, more than a few on-screen-if-not-quite-center-screen deaths....  Many of the arcs redside would fit right in with only a modicum of editing.  Honestly, the things off the top of my head that would be frowned on by the Mouse would be Silver Mantis ('nuff said,) the Dark Astoria arcs, and a couple of the redside arcs.  Some of the Praetorian arcs may be a bit too greyside/ambiguous (which is kind of the point) so I'm not sure which direction Disney would go with that; though.

(Ms. Liberty as a Disney Princess?  Some of the more recent ones have been fairly good role models (Kida, Mulan.)  Ms Liberty could make a good addition.  And Ghost Widow would probably double the combined competence of the Disney villainesses gallery.)

I imagine for a lot of people, it's a matter of making a deal with the devil.  (And we all know how well that went over for Peter Parker and the audience.)  And I can't blame them.  A lot of us grew up with Disney and saw them steamroll through the media industry in ways that made EA look like Sesame Street.  And I'll still be looking at Disney with a jaundiced, wary eye.  But... there are much worse things that could happen to the CoH IP than it falling into the white-gloved clutches of the Mouse.

It's a long shot.  Disney's involvement with Marvel makes this thorny, and CoH's history with Marvel is itself a bit storied; that'll make this almost Jayne-level "interesting."  But, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Edit: Fixed formatting tags. --TV

Rotten Luck

Disney does dark sometimes.  Bambi's Mom, Hell lets look at Scar he Killed his own brother ran the land into the ground and framed his nephew (not to mention had a very Nazi style scene).  Tried to kill Simba more then once.

Yeah Disney does Dark.  Hell can you Imagine Ghost Widow and Maleficent!  I don't know if I should shiver with dread or awl.
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


That scene in Pirates of the Caribbean 3? When they're hanging like..a billion pirates, including a little kid, in about 30 seconds?  I think more people die in that scene than they do in about a dozen horror flicks.
Virtue - Vandellia / Unseen Scarlet

Twitter: @Skybloopink


I too am unsure if this has already been addressed or not, but something popped to mind as I was sifting the thread thus far:  One positive point to mention in the letters would be about using the IP outside of the MMO. Any company that purchases the CoH IP has a decade of story and in-game history to work with. If they own the IP, all of that would be available for flash games, cartoons, comic books, action figures, board games, novelization, and countless other avenues of merchandising.

Purchasing the IP would provide a ready-made universe (like they got by purchasing Lucasfilms), and any cross-promotion done via other media would likely A) net them money and B) serve to drive a larger population to the MMO. With the success of the Marvel & DC superhero films, this seems like it would be an easy sell, even given an original mythos/universe.

I'll have my letters out this week, although I'm discovering how hard it is to type with my fingers crossed. -Mindscythe


Quote from: Rotten Luck on November 26, 2012, 05:20:31 PM
Disney does dark sometimes.  Bambi's Mom, Hell lets look at Scar he Killed his own brother ran the land into the ground and framed his nephew (not to mention had a very Nazi style scene).  Tried to kill Simba more then once.

Yeah Disney does Dark.  Hell can you Imagine Ghost Widow and Maleficent!  I don't know if I should shiver with dread or awl.

Gargoyles. On par with, or even darker than Batman the Animated Series.