Call to Action! Team Wildcard needs YOU! TF Hail Mary LFM

Started by Victoria Victrix, November 26, 2012, 06:30:02 AM


Quote from: JWBullfrog on November 30, 2012, 01:34:18 AM
And, as far as this entire project goes, the following comes to mind....

Fred Gailey: Your Honor, every one of these letters is addressed to Santa Claus. The Post Office has delivered them. Therefore the Post Office Department, a branch of the Federal Governent, recognizes this man Kris Kringle to be the one and only Santa Claus.
Judge Henry X. Harper: Uh, since the United States Government declares this man to be Santa Claus, this court will not dispute it. Case dismissed.

Several times since the shutdown announcement, I've thought of Judge Harper's intoning, "Before making its ruling, this Court has consulted the highest authority available."  (William Frawley.)

True story: When I taught clinic, I showed the entire trial sequence of Miracle on 34th Street as an example of how to structure an argument to support a client's conception of his case.


Quote from: dwturducken on November 30, 2012, 05:34:28 AM
I've been selling as hard as I can on the teams I've played with on Champion, tonight. Every little bit helps, right? People are already aware of this, but they think it's just another rumor.

I have found it hard to sell this idea.  While Team Wildcard's pitch to Disney IS being discussed on various server chat channels, what's said is often not supportive or  more precisely met with mixed reactions.  Additionally, none of my non gamer friends will write, nor will many of the players I'm still in contact with who would (i think) return to CoH - many of them did the whole range, everything from e-petitions to physical letters, capes and masks to NCSoft, CNN iReport, Twitter, etc.  They're feeling defeated and emotionally cutting their losses.  They're also still stinging from having the rug pulled out from under them, with a few vowing never to do MMO gaming again.

I'm hopeful that Wildcard's presentation package was sufficiently strong on it's merits alone that Disney will consider it, even without an avalanche of mail.  Perhaps each letter actually sent represents more like 50, rather than the usual 1:10 or 1:20 ratio.  Sorry for the bad news.  Hoping others have met with more success than I.

P.S.  Thanks again, Team Wildcard!  Whether it works or not, you done great!!  I'll keep doing my individual best.  I probably won't check forums again until after the shut down.  Maybe i'll see you in-game.
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine


So, then, it's a question of how we can re-energize them for at least one more push. I know defeatism and depression and exhaustion are all major factors, but we need to convince people who've already put their time into it that their time wasn't wasted - it's only wasted if they give up.

Maybe ask each one to just write a short paragraph about their feelings, about what they have already tried to do, about the time and money and effort they've already invested in saving this game? Ask them for a paragraph about how they would feel if the game were restored, what they'd do.

Ask them to write and sign it, and then you mail it if they won't or can't. Those of us still energetic enough for this, maybe buy pre-addressed and -stamped postcards or envelopes to offer to people if they'll just write a letter to put in them. I know somebody has made special envelopes with a special design; maybe offering physical ones, pre-addressed and -stamped, might encourage those flagging to make the one-more-effort?

Lily Barclay

I was considering making our Statesmouse into postcards.


Perhaps I was too hasty in my post before this one.  It's backup day for me with Titan's Sentinel + Extractor.  I am seeing all sorts of people on Chat (server LFG esp) again fired up, angry, hurt.  One is a mother angry her 10 y.o. daughter is going to school crying, writing about how the daughter's reading and math skills improved by playing CoH.  I'll be posting the link to the Team Wildcard forum lots today, i think.  Hail Mary!!
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine



Quote from: Segev on November 30, 2012, 03:58:09 PM
Hail Hydr--er, Mary!

*ducks and runs*
Lol. You know Viper is in the next Wolverine movie...I  smell awesome crossover-ness.
Virtue: Moonsun, Dynamo Jr., Crimson Fury, Sabre Kat, Double Sixxes, Quantum Stranger, Mystic Kirin, Pink.Eye Champion: Blackjak, Redwing Blackbird Justice: Shield Marshal Guardian: White Talon Triumph: Gosuto Union: Stellar Girl


Quote from: johnrobey on November 30, 2012, 02:40:22 PM
I have found it hard to sell this idea.  While Team Wildcard's pitch to Disney IS being discussed on various server chat channels, what's said is often not supportive or  more precisely met with mixed reactions.  Additionally, none of my non gamer friends will write, nor will many of the players I'm still in contact with who would (i think) return to CoH - many of them did the whole range, everything from e-petitions to physical letters, capes and masks to NCSoft, CNN iReport, Twitter, etc.  They're feeling defeated and emotionally cutting their losses.  They're also still stinging from having the rug pulled out from under them, with a few vowing never to do MMO gaming again.

I'm hopeful that Wildcard's presentation package was sufficiently strong on it's merits alone that Disney will consider it, even without an avalanche of mail.  Perhaps each letter actually sent represents more like 50, rather than the usual 1:10 or 1:20 ratio.  Sorry for the bad news.  Hoping others have met with more success than I.

P.S.  Thanks again, Team Wildcard!  Whether it works or not, you done great!!  I'll keep doing my individual best.  I probably won't check forums again until after the shut down.  Maybe i'll see you in-game.

Alot of times it's quality over quantity. While sending in letters sounds like a good idea, but if they are all are poor reasons in the reciver's eyes then those 100 letters become more of an annoyance instead of a moving gesture. 10 well written letters will have more of an effect than those 100 poorly written letters. I think with this letter to Disney, the aim will have to be quality. Even if our  peak player base each sent in a letter about (150,000-200,000) that is probably a very small amount of mail that they receive on a day to day basis per product that they have that is known to the public. Quantity alone probably wont get them to move. There is word that they recieved over a few million letters about having Mickey Mouse become an advertising tool sponsoring the vegan diet, and another few million or so about Mickey being used by PETA yet it is said that Disney did not budge. Why? Because they didnt want to and no amount of letters will change their minds. On the other hand, there have been cases where one single letter written by someone makes it through and Disney actually obliges the letter.


Isn't this all dependent on NCSoft being willing to sell?  Good luck with that.  Even the mouse has a budget limit.


Maybe, but if the word got out that Disney, of all companies made NCsoft a valid, reasonable offer and they refused, they'd get laughed out of the market.

So self-preservation plays a pretty huge role here.


bookmarked...I have a bunch of vacation time I *have* to take before the end of the year....hmmm.....
Liberty and a plethora of others.  Altaholic.  SG Starfire.
"...and it's never too late to stop being afraid..." 
"...have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?
"And your Moment of Truth is the day that you say, "I'm not scared!"
"Unity" - - Shinedown

Rotten Luck

Besides if we get Disney's attention, but NCsoft don't sell.  That doesn't mean Disney would stop.  They might choose to go and see if they can hire the Paragon Studio team and produce their own version, or Ours Plan Z.  By doing this writing campaign we are telling them There is a market for this type of MMO and so far the masters of this style of MMO is Paragon Studios.  (CO and DC are ... so so.  Marvel MMO is based on the Diablo system so its not even the same type.   You PLAY as a Marvel Character not your own.  It's more of an MMOAdventure game rather then a MMORPG. 

Disney owns Marvel.  So if Disney Buys COH then the next batch of comics be MARVEL CITY OR HEROES.  Already they had Top cow and ... what was the other Dark horse?

Marvel has a number of universes going.  The Main line, the Ultimate universe.  There is no reason a City of heroes universe brand couldn't be produced under the Marvel banner.

Besides more then one company has bought a franchise from another.
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


Have been promoting in global chat channels.  Single most common objection is "Disney owns Marvel".  Can't really refute that in a few chat comments.  At least some people have said they'd come here and look. 


Virtue - Vandellia / Unseen Scarlet

Twitter: @Skybloopink


Quote from: epawtows on November 30, 2012, 06:32:12 PM
Have been promoting in global chat channels.  Single most common objection is "Disney owns Marvel".  Can't really refute that in a few chat comments.  At least some people have said they'd come here and look.

First, that Disney owns Marvel does NOT work against CoH, imo.  It might dovetail nicely with a genre they're developing.  (Also no lawsuit issues if CoH and Marvel are owned by the same company.)  Second, I gotta say how MUCH i like what and how people write on Titan forums, as compared to what's been on the official forums predominately these past few weeks (this 100% apart from all the memories and sharing after 8/31.)  Thanks again!

Hoping the Mouse likes us and hoping parents, kids, and grandparents who all play CoH write in to Disney to tell them why CoH is special.
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine


I've been countering the Marvel argument with the difference in style of games. Seems to at least change their objection, most times.
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


I remember when I was younger collecting Marvel comics, Marvel bought and took over a really small comic company.  I don't remember the name of it but their main character was Prime.  Some of their characters were kind of neat.  Anyways, I don't see how acquiring a few new heroes would do Marvel any harm.  They would have a lot to gain from it actually.  I'd buy Freedom Phalanx #1. 

Kaiser Tarantula

Disney owning Marvel does not preclude them from purchasing other Super Hero IPs.

They own the Incredibles, and they own Mile High, both of which are super hero franchises.  What's one more, this one in playable MMO format?


Quote from: Tanglefoe on December 01, 2012, 12:00:55 AM
I remember when I was younger collecting Marvel comics, Marvel bought and took over a really small comic company.  I don't remember the name of it but their main character was Prime.  Some of their characters were kind of neat.  Anyways, I don't see how acquiring a few new heroes would do Marvel any harm.  They would have a lot to gain from it actually.  I'd buy Freedom Phalanx #1.

It was Mailbu comics.  A good comics line, which unfortunately, Marvel ruined.  They only bought them because they wanted their coloring techniques (or something like that, this was like 15 years ago; I don't quite remember).  Anyhow, it had nothing to do with Malibu's content, but with the technical stuff on how they made their comics.

Just a FYI. 

Don't get me wrong, I would be happy if ANYONE picked up City.



Self preservation of what, exactly?  NCSoft could care less about western markets.  Their money is right there in their own part of the world.  They don't need us.  And don't want us.  Google Korean business practices.  Sorry, I want COH to stay as much as the next person, but not going to happen.