Author Topic: A call to all COH players  (Read 3699 times)


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A call to all COH players
« on: October 30, 2012, 01:30:47 AM »
 As a thought I propose that each and every one of use (if we can afford it) buy one share of stock (hopefully the voting kind) then once we as the players have several thousand of these shares we ask a person (Possibly TonyV) to step in and be our voice and tell NCsoft to either keep City Of heroes alive and bring back the entire paragon crew or let the IP be sold to interested party's. I for one could buy one share. and money is tight. So Please think about this and lets see if this action will work.


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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2012, 02:57:32 AM »
Uhm... please see the Stockwatch thread.

And don't take this personally, Mr. Caine,  but... I don't need to buy NC stock when I have a perfectly good toilet to flush dollar bills with.


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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2012, 02:59:20 AM »
Hm.    Intriguing enough I'll answer this one...

Well, according to this:;range=1y;compare=;indicator=volume;charttype=area;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=undefined;

If you take the Market Cap in Billions KRW and divide it by (the sale price/1000), you'll get about 20 million shares that are on the market.   Last check, 4171.48 / (210,500 / 1000)=19.8 million and change.
So, if every CoH account *ever* bought a share, then that'd be...  what... 1 million?

You are so outvoted.  And I kind of doubt you'd have that many buy, AND that all were single people accounts, and not one person, multiple accounts, which was done pretty frequently.

As it is, the current core is somewhere about 100,000 accounts?  Maybe? 


Oh, and each share is worth (as of this typing, where the Korean market is movin' it up and down a lot... mostly down as it happens today..)  about 190 dollars.  And that's not including whatever fees are involved in the purchase of just the one share.  And the only way you get a voting kind of the shares is to have *a lot of them*.  A major enough holding.  By one entity.  Not thousands.  Oh, sure, if we all has a share, we'd get a vote... depending on how that all works in the first place... but seriously, it's just not gonna work out.

And that's assuming the same rules apply as listed here:

AND the stock in question is the common kind, not preferred.

I admire the idea, of course, but the logistics are what they are.  A nuisance at best for the NCSoft Brass.  No, what'd be needed is to get someone with, oh, $19,404,915.50 to buy 51% of the stock value, and then FORCE NCSoft to do it *their* way.  As of this writing, stock price, and USD to KRW exchange rate.

I don't happen to have that much, though. 


/Can someone check my maths?  I was told there'd be no maths...  I'm pretty sure I'm good on the maths, but... *head explodes*
//See I was upstaged... ah well. :)  Here's the link to that thread:,5250.msg51863.html#msg51863


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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2012, 04:45:23 AM »
I think I mentioned in another post that prior to the announcement I was going to buy stocks in NCSoft, a small amount relatively but decent amount of cash. Yea those stocks are pricey per share.

 You'd be surprise as how many ideas/issues are actually brought up by the lowly amatuer stockholder that the big dogs didnt think about yet.

So I'm saying it may work but I dont know how it would work with one person assigned to represent the entire group. I never did a group stockholder thing. Enlighten me on that alittle more if you can. Yet, remember their stocks are slipping and would those people be willing to see about nearly $200 or more with the brokerage fee added, end up being worth half that? I mean for some, $200 is a decent chunk of change that they may not be willing to risk it being kissed goodbye.
(lighter note) Plus if we did invest it probably be a good idea to stop rooting for their stocks to continue to fall because then our money would be on the line. (lighter note)

Victoria Victrix

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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2012, 05:27:07 AM »
If we could get $19 million and change together we could fund an entire new studio and have a new superhero MMORPG up and running with our old devs in about a year (given their level of experience).
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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2012, 05:38:42 AM »
If we could get $19 million and change together we could fund an entire new studio and have a new superhero MMORPG up and running with our old devs in about a year (given their level of experience).

Even if we just get to the point of funding a new studio, reclaiming our developers is definitely at the top of the "to do list."

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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2012, 10:36:11 AM »
Well it was a thought. A decent one. And if I had the money I would have hired all the old Paragon guys to remake the game and make sure it was legally changed by 10% (American law)  Like change the name to what ever we all decided on. I figured that the cost was about 200 dollars a share and I could get one share. But IF we all had one share and somebody said that there were 100,000 of us and we had the one person speaking for us. Does having 100,000 shares make us as one person a share holder?


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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2012, 10:52:46 AM »
100k players, and many of those have left for greener pastures since the announcement - only a fraction those are actually active on these forums and seeing that message...
And then of the active ones we have here, only a certain percentage would be able to afford that stock (or be able to justify the investment).
Realistically I imagine saying a few hundred people buying those stocks would be a very generous number... so no, nowhere even near 100 000.
The idea is a sound one (hence it popping up so often), it's just not quite realizeable =/

Victoria Victrix

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    • Mercedes Lackey
Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2012, 11:17:33 AM »
Well it was a thought. A decent one. And if I had the money I would have hired all the old Paragon guys to remake the game and make sure it was legally changed by 10% (American law) 

Actually that is a fallacy, one that is often quoted and just as often results in the offender being pounded into the ground like a tent peg in court by the copyright or trademark holder.

Short form: 
    there is no such thing as the "10% or 20% change rule" at law in assessing copyright infringement
    courts will focus on the quality of the part of the work reproduced, not the quantity in determining infringement
    the part reproduced need only be a "substantial part" of the original work, not the newly created work.

Businesses must ensure that their employees and contractors are aware that reproducing even a small part of another work may constitute copyright infringement, even if there are other substantial differences between the two works. If the part of the work which is taken is the most valuable part (based on its originality or even its commercial value), then the Courts will be more likely to treat that part as important in a qualitative sense, leading to a finding of copyright infringement notwithstanding it may be only a small portion of the original work in a quantitative sense.

The long held belief by laymen that changing a work by a certain percentage, or reproducing only a small proportion of a work, would be sufficient to avoid infringement, should now be well and truly put to rest.

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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2012, 01:27:01 PM »
There is one other consideration when owning/buying stock in a company. It gives you standing to sue if you feel that the company is making decisions detrimental to the interests of the stockholders.

Im not making a judgement in any way about how practical this is. Just pointing it out


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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2012, 02:51:48 PM »
Reading the difference between common and preferred stock, should somebody really have the money to do something this insanely expensive, it is common stock they'd want. Common stock is voting stock; preferred is not, it just gets a guaranteed dividend and gets higher claim on company assets if the company must be liquidated.


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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2012, 11:32:57 PM »
There is one other consideration when owning/buying stock in a company. It gives you standing to sue if you feel that the company is making decisions detrimental to the interests of the stockholders.

Im not making a judgement in any way about how practical this is. Just pointing it out

Indeed, but for 1/19.8Mths of a slice of a company... hardly worth doing.  And your voice is still drowned out.  Even 100,000 shares worth of suit is only 1 in 198 worth of complaint, or less than 1% of the holders.

Your better angle is to lobby the other holders to be in alignment with you so that THEY bring up the problem.

Which is what a PR campaign does... make NCSoft look like a bad investment because they can't make good decisions, so the shareholders go "Now, wait a minute..." and make the change happen that way.

Don't need stocks for that.  Just need rational, but vocal outbursts that get their attention... followed closely by bad performance, and have that *directly* tied to their closing Co*. 

Is that happening?  Well, the stock isn't exactly being lowered in price, so...  *shrugs*


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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2012, 11:50:45 PM »
100k players, and many of those have left for greener pastures since the announcement - only a fraction those are actually active on these forums and seeing that message...
And then of the active ones we have here, only a certain percentage would be able to afford that stock (or be able to justify the investment).
Realistically I imagine saying a few hundred people buying those stocks would be a very generous number... so no, nowhere even near 100 000.
The idea is a sound one (hence it popping up so often), it's just not quite realizeable =/

I will fight til the end of time but yeah, i can't afford even one of their stock...why is it so high? I could buy a ton of blizzard stock and they don't kill their games...NC makes bad business decisions and their stock prices sore..i don't get it.

Victoria Victrix

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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2012, 12:30:12 AM »
Indeed, but for 1/19.8Mths of a slice of a company... hardly worth doing.  And your voice is still drowned out.  Even 100,000 shares worth of suit is only 1 in 198 worth of complaint, or less than 1% of the holders.

Your better angle is to lobby the other holders to be in alignment with you so that THEY bring up the problem.

Which is what a PR campaign does... make NCSoft look like a bad investment because they can't make good decisions, so the shareholders go "Now, wait a minute..." and make the change happen that way.

Don't need stocks for that.  Just need rational, but vocal outbursts that get their attention... followed closely by bad performance, and have that *directly* tied to their closing Co*. 

Is that happening?  Well, the stock isn't exactly being lowered in price, so...  *shrugs*

Actually the stock IS being lowered in price.  The stock price is currently at a 52 week low, according to Reuters, and still falling.  On Friday the price was down 4,000 yuan from trading Thursday.
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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2012, 12:39:42 AM »
Hey, if we can get it low enough we can buy it


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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2012, 01:07:05 AM »
As a child, my brother and I used to marvel at how my father would check the stocks each and every morning and night. Finally, my brother, in his lack of infinite wisdom declared, "Dad, it's too easy. Some stocks go up, some stocks go down, some stay the same. There. Just saved you two hours a day for the rest of your life."

Now, obviously, my brother was young and silly. But, he did have a point. Stocks will go up, and they will go down. The global economy is in rough shape, just as the US economy.

A 52 week low is not necessarily an indication of anything horrible on the horizon for NCSoft. According to Warren Buffett, one of those really rich guys, you add up all the company's assets and divide by the number of shares issued, and that is a fair price for that stock, per share.
So, if we were to all go crazy and buy stock in a company that has broken the hearts of MMO players frequently in the past, at least do that one math problem to see if the price is a bargain or not.
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Victoria Victrix

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    • Mercedes Lackey
Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2012, 01:37:26 AM »
I'm far more focused on hurting them enough so they turn their claws loose from the IP and sell our game to someone who'll take care of it.
I will go down with this ship.  I won't put my hands up in surrender.  There will be no white flag above my door.  I'm in love, and always will be.  Dido


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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2012, 01:46:03 AM »
I'm far more focused on hurting them enough so they turn their claws loose from the IP and sell our game to someone who'll take care of it.

yes...just yes...nothing else is working so it is war


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Re: A call to all COH players
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2012, 02:55:21 AM »
A 52 week low is not necessarily an indication of anything horrible on the horizon for NCSoft. According to Warren Buffett, one of those really rich guys, you add up all the company's assets and divide by the number of shares issued, and that is a fair price for that stock, per share.

Most companies trade at a large multiple of that number.

I am wondering what that number is for NCSoft.