Mids' Hero/Villain Designer 1.960

Started by Diellan, July 11, 2012, 07:46:35 PM


Mids' Hero/Villain Designer 1.960 - July 2012

New features:

  • Overwhelming Force (for reals this time)
  • CancelOnMiss support for Fire Blast and the like (finally!)
  • Water Blast
  • Added beta only powersets: Bio Armor (the three toggle version), Nature Affinity (buffed version) (note that any builds made with these are not guaranteed to work when the real version of the powerset is put on live)
  • Added Absorb effect (note: will add to Totals later)
Fixes & changes:

  • "Afraid" error when using Vigor Alpha enhancement
  • Removed more random "1"s in recipe/set viewer
  • Fixed crash with set bonus finder
  • Fixed bug with calculating total run speed
  • Fixed overflow error
Known issues:

  • Windows Vista and Windows 7 have issues with the updater due to UAC interfering with writing to the Program Files folder. Many of these problems can be resolved by (a) installing as Administrator, (b) running Mids as Administrator, or (c) installing Mids to a location other than the Program Files folder.
  • Diminishing Returns for PvP mode have not yet been added; all buffs currently show their full, unmodified values.
  • The Power Graphs for the current build do not display effects for pseudo-pet powers like Ice Storm. This does not affect the Powerset Comparison, which is now fully aware of pseudo-pets.
  • Power Boost affects some powers that should ignore its buffs, such as Ice Shields.
  • Temporary and Accolade powers are not being affected by buffs such as recharge rate.
  • Some powers are enhanced by HOs that shouldn't be (like Active Defense's Res(Def))
  • Staff combos not applying effects properly


I love you guys. You're doing a hell of a job!
Give me Fire.
Give me Information.


ALL of the Overwhelming Force set bonuses are... wrong

Nature Affinity's Wild Growth is bugged. It's resistance is not increasing when you slot resistance enhancements. The resistance seems to be flagged not to be enhanceable but I am fairly confident that it is...


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I made a Bio/StJ Tank and the Adaptation toggles can not be toggled on.
There is only Defensive and Offensive (I understand this is the original version of the set so the 'balanced' toggle doesnt exist yet) but neither can be turned on to see their effects.

Also when the Adaptiation power is selected the two Adaptation toggles replace the Combo Level 1 and Combo Level 2 indicators:
This could be why I cant turn on the Adaptatoin toggles as there is an overlapping issue?


I can't install it at all. I put it in the same folder as all the previous updates I've never had a problem with, and run as an admin.

The error I get is that it can't open the base.dll. and it comes up almost instantly. If I ignore that, it gives me the same error for every file it encounters, including the slot PNG files. I've never had this happen before.


Nevermind. I guess the problem was I had the previous version open. It went on fine this time.


Quote from: Kyriani on July 11, 2012, 11:32:32 PM
ALL of the Overwhelming Force set bonuses are... wrong
Indeed they are.

Also, thanks for the Singularity slotting fix!!  :)


Another bug... any build using the Overwhelming Force set will not save the Overwhelming enhancements. If you save the build and then reopen it the Overwhelming Force enhancements will be gone from the power leaving empty slots.


Thank you guys for continuing to make it easier to manage and plan my toon's builds. I know it's a hell of a lot of work and I appreciate the effort and maintenance.

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The enhance tab doesn't seem to update when I have an Assassin's Strike power locked. It displays the enhancements that were on the previously selected power, and stays frozen like that until I select a new, non-AS power.


Quote from: billymailman on July 12, 2012, 08:37:44 PM
The enhance tab doesn't seem to update when I have an Assassin's Strike power locked. It displays the enhancements that were on the previously selected power, and stays frozen like that until I select a new, non-AS power.

Yeah, it looks like the Enhance tab doesn't work right with any power that uses the Power Override mechanic (e.g. Assassin's Strike, Titan Weapons, Water Jet).


Mine installed just fine (as usual) and under 15s no less While doing an external HDD integrity test.   :-p
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I started a thread in the technical section about the set bonuses being wrong for Overwhelming Force and also added later about the fact builds won't save that particular set/pieces when you reload the build later.


Edit: Thanks to the people who created the Mid's program. It's still super awesome even with the bugs. I can't live without it.  ;D
With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied – chains us all, irrevocably.


1.959 is released with fixes. I updated the post.


1.959 - the Bio Armor Adaptation Toggles do not appear for Tanks or Brutes (but do appear at the very bottom for Scrappers). Screen is full height of my 1920*1080 monitor.
Tested with Battle Axe and Fire Melee (for both Tanks/Brutes) and Katana for Brutes.

Staff (Brute) still gives you the 3x Combo Level and 3x Staff Master toggles.
StJ (Brute) still gives the 3x Combo Level toggles.

Staff/Bio Scrapper - the Combo Levels appear (level 1), Then Staff Mastery toggles (level 8 - if taken straight away :)). If you then select Adaptation (level 10) it appears on top of the Staff Mastery toggles (you can see both the Lables). Unselecting Staff Mastery does not remove the SM toggles.
If you take Adaption BEFORE Staff Mastery you see TWO (not three) Adaptation toggles (Def/Off). If you then select Staff Mastery the three SM toggles appear on top of the Adaptation toggles.

Unselecting either Adaptation or Staff Mastery does NOT remove the toggles from the interface.

It looks like Adaption/Staff Mastery toggles use the same physical space in the GUI. With all the "extra" stuff you can have its looking like Mids will need to redesign its layout (Class Inherent ie: Critical Hit] + Brawl, Sprint, Rest [3]+ Inherent Fitness [4] + Ninja Run [1] + Prestige Run [5] + Combo Levels [3] + Staff Mastery [3] + Adaptation [3] + Incarnate [1]).
Maybe you need a popout window for the items that are not available to ALL AT/Sets (ie: Combo, Staff Mastery, Adaptation, etc)?


Let me add that like everyone else Mids is the best thing about CoH apart from CoH itself :)
Without it I would be spending hours on each build.
So thank you to all the Mids team.

Also thank you for working hard on getting BETA powersets into Mids. This could not be easy and updating them everytime a set is tweaked would be keeping you all on your toes.
So while we are reporting some issues please also keep in mind that we are not complaining just advising you of things we have found.
I just dont want the team to think we dont appreciate the effort you all go through to provide us this awesome application for FREE!!!!


Yeah, there are more issues with Bio Armor. I'll put out another build with that, shortly.


Trying a new and interesting build design, actually, thanks to Bio Armor's current un-setability in the latest Mids build. I want to thank you for that!Fear/Recharge/Self Healing rather than my usual grind to Softcap. Should be interesting if it works!

That said, I'd really like to be able to slot sets into my Bio-Armor powers on a Brute, now that I know I'm going for recharge. Didn't see it listed, here, as an issue, so I thought I'd bring it up.



I put together a quick fix for Bio... it still won't work with Staff. Not much I can do about that in 5 minutes.