Electric Control - Static Field Showing Wrong Duration

Started by Fireheart, July 06, 2012, 01:37:02 AM


Mids shows the Duration of Static Field as 4 seconds, enhanceable to about 15.  However, City of Data declares the duration to be 25 seconds.

One of these is incorrect!

Be Well!


Both are correct. Sort of.

-- The pseudo pet that Static Field summons on cast lasts for 25 seconds.
-- The power that the pseudo pet casts is a "auto power" that has a 4.25 second duration.

Mids should probably continue to say 4.25 because that is the enhanceable part. You can't enhance the duration of the pseudo pet.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...



Okay, that's reasonable AND there should be some explanation of that, so people don't go freaking out and thinking that they shouldn't take the power because it 'only shows a duration of 4 seconds'... Um, like Me.

Be Well!


As someone that has a few Elec Controllers you want Static Field.
You really want it.
You don't even have to slot it for 30 levels.