Is there any easy way to find this information?

Started by Snow Globe, July 10, 2011, 09:42:41 PM

Snow Globe

I'm trying to find out how many characters have different badges, but the only place to find this information is the low hanging fruit window.

I'm trying to find the comparative frequency of the incarnate trial badges across CIT's records.

If there isn't a way, could that info be added to the badge listings?

Edit 2:
Not across my characters, but across City Info Terminal's entire database.

Derek Icelord

There is. Go to any character's badge list and click on the badge you want to check for, then on the pop up window there's a button at the very bottom that says "Check my characters for this badge". Click it, and up pops a full list of your characters tracked on CIT with a check mark or  "X" to indicate if they've earned the badge or not. The only downside to this is it's only one badge at a time.
Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket?


I think I initially read Snow Globe's post the same way you did, Gamer, but after I read it more carefully, I think he's asking not for a list of which of his characters have the badge, but a count of the number of characters registered across all of CIT that have verified the badge.
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I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov


There's no such place on CIT as far as I know, but I can give you a quick-and-dirty dump of all the badges with their numbers. Names are the hero version, you'll have to dig out the specific badges you want yourself.

Here's 5 through L.

5th Columnist 2636
7th Generation Paragon Protector 3016
A Light in Dark Astorias 1282
A Neu Man/A Neu Woman 1409
Abiding 10992
Abomination 3532
Above the Law 1688
Abyssal Gaze 913
Academic 1587
Accelerated 3021
Acclaimed 406
Ace 3076
Acolyte of Anger 971
Adam in Waiting/Eve in Waiting 1208
Adamant 4499
Addicted 15803
Adjuster 1426
Admiring 1650
Adventurer 859
Adventurous 793
Advisor 6129
Agent 2386
Agent of Discord 1749
Agent of Order 13429
Agent of Praetoria 1877
Agent Provocateur 2102
Agile 2480
Air Lifter 2424
Airlift 1485
Alarm Raiser 2040
Alchemist 3919
All Business 724
All For One, One For All 1360
All Your Firebase... 1008
All-Seeing 2089
Allegiant 12104
Alpha Ranger 1035
Alpha Struck 1847
Alpha Unlocked 4976
Already Dead 1781
Alterist 1055
Alumnus 2331
Ambitious 1702
Among Friends 682
Among the Giants 1156
Anathema 2545
Anemic 747
Anger Manager 1109
Annihilator 1557
Antacid 308
Anti-Anti-Matter 63
Anti-Arachnos Activist 1951
Anti-Venom 822
Apex 3220
Apocalypse Survivor 4099
Apocalyptic 3617
Apprentice Plumber 1001
Arachnobot 1751
Arachnoid 1863
Arachnophobic 930
Arachnos Rising 1426
Arachnos Traitor 2674
Arbiter 1056
Arch-Mage of Agony 1390
Archaeologist 3129
Archetypical 665
Architect 8233
Architect X 6994
Architect XXV 2111
Archmage 1372
Ardent 15346
Arena All-Star 245
Arena Duelist 1042
Arena Survivalist 675
Arena Victor 1386
Armorer 1210
Arms Dealer 1137
Army of Me 841
Army of Neu 1297
Around the Bendis 3661
Arriviste 650
Artifact Destroyer 1794
Artisan 5225
Ascended 977
Assassin 6969
Assistant 1851
Astoria's Last Stand 1332
Asunder 4226
Atlas Tour Guide 2923
Auctioneer 862
Audacious 976
Author 13054
Authority 2676
Avalanche Shaman 1593
Avatar 3555
Avid Reader 965
Avoids the Green Stuff 25
Awarded the Freedom Cross 967
Babe in the Woods 1288
Back From the Future 420
Backup 341
Backwoodsman 2780
Bad Luck 1619
Balancer 953
Bane of Ajax 1294
Bane of Dannan 3392
Banisher 1591
Banker 6592
Bantamweight Champion 544
Barred 743
Barrier Holder 2333
Base Jumper 2569
Battery Powered 1189
Battle Hardened 13789
Baumton Avenger 1027
Beguiler 1122
Behavior Adjuster 2177
Behemoth Overlord 2097
Being and Nothingness 980
Believer 3148
Beneath the Empire 1325
Bereaved 968
Better Days 2404
Big Dog 315
Big Spider 2457
Big Time 4193
Binder of Beasts 1716
Binge Eater 1340
Bird Watcher 4043
Bladegrass 1330
Blind Eye 1567
Blinding 1153
Blindsider 1314
Blockade Runner 2785
Blood Moss 1459
Bloody Hands 1925
Blue Shield 4005
Bodyguard 1362
Bold 823
Bomb Specialist 2859
Bomb Squad 778
Bone Collector 2000
Bonecrusher 2136
Boom... Goes the Town 1275
Boomtown Refugee 999
Boomtown Troglodyte 1296
Born in Battle 1187
Boulder 1714
Bound 697
Brawler 4364
Breakneck 549
Brickhouse 1726
Bridge Holder 2661
Bridge to Nowhere 2370
Bright Star 4966
Broad Shoulders 2923
Broken Mind 1349
Broker 4174
Bronze Medalist 1497
Brood Leaver 1997
Bug Fixer 2207
Bug Hunter 13
Bunker Buster 56
Burden Bearer 1825
Burkholder's Bane 1941
Burning the Midnight Oil 2643
Businessman/Businesswoman 702
Buster 4029
Busy, Busy Bee 1140
Button Man Gunner 7958
Cabalist 2979
Cage Fighter 1904
Caged 601
Caged Beast 921
Cairn Warder 2760
Caliban 1769
Calibrator 1197
Call of Nature 1357
Camel Snot 2068
Can't Do That 3
Can't Stop the Chant 960
Cannibal 2110
Cannon Fodder 3009
Canyon Carver 2442
Cap Buster 4069
Capped 840
Caregiver 9374
Carping the Diem 1797
Cascade Cleansing 966
Castaway 991
Cause for Concern 4908
Celebrant 1121
Celebrity 8425
Centurion 5660
Cesspool 2703
Challenger of Gods 3
Chaotician 2830
Charismatic 1075
Charmer 1293
Charming 1186
Chief 3399
Chief Swiper 2638
Chronologist 6100
Chrononaut 7694
Chum 2834
Cimeroran 3849
Circle Gazer 1839
Circle Seeker 1937
Cirque du'Freak 1194
Citadel's Assistant 3281
Citizen Cole 1632
Citizen of Salamanca 1988
City Official 5362
City Traveler 10199
Civic Minded 3012
Cliche 974
Clockstopper 3719
Clockwork Mechanic 1375
Clothes Horse 3931
Clubber 7986
Clutch 20
Cluttered 1412
Cobra 3129
Cog 5063
Cold as Ice 2972
Cold Front 4646
Cold Warrior 5183
Coldblooded 1716
Collector 13563
Colonel 1317
Column Breaker 2498
Come Full Circle 514
Committed 16726
Commuter 6070
Commuter's Woe 1806
Concussed 3
Condemning 1341
Confined 1026
Conjunction Junction 2470
Connected 417
Connector 2407
Conspiracy Theorist 1797
Contributor 947
Controversial 3986
Coralax Blue Hybrid 1861
Cornerstone 1914
Corpse Box 1298
Correctionist 873
Corrupter 1758
Couch Potato 1243
Courage Driven 2472
Courageous 848
Courting Madness 982
Crab Spider Longfang 2301
Craftsman 1513
Crane Enforcer 2053
Crazy for Crey's Folly 1177
Crey Cares 1210
Crey Fish 2632
Crey Havoc 3412
Crey Power Tank 5132
Crey Test Subject 1633
Crey Watcher 2720
Critic 1717
Cruiserweight Champion 544
Crystal Keeper 1596
Crystallized 5189
Cunning 675
Curtailed 869
Customizer 10981
Cut-Off 642
Dam Hero 1944
Dance Legend 2798
Dancer with Death 1020
Danger! Danger! 1254
Daredevil 789
Dark Fiend 2464
Dark Garden 874
Dark Mystic 2856
Dark Omen 1921
Dastardly 1517
Dauntless 3546
Day Trader 10338
Dead End 2137
Dead Head 4238
Dead Man's Tree 1611
Dead-eye 642
Dealer 1183
Dean of Hard Knocks 173
Death's Jailer 4
Deathless 5830
Debilitated 801
Decaying 1276
Declining 1351
Decreased 647
Dedicated 17082
Dee Jay 2011
Defector 2185
Defender of Primal Earth 5615
Defender of Truth 8060
Defensive 1127
Deflated 652
Defying Gravity 1064
Demarcated 753
Demiurge 979
Demolitionist 724
Demon Slayer 2098
Denial of Service 1001
Dependable 18335
Depths of Time 5705
Descended 843
Desisted 776
Despoiler 1349
Destined for Valhalla 2683
Destiny Unlocked 1246
Destroyer 619
Destroyer of Strength 1127
Destructive 3219
Deuces Wild 2380
Devalued 621
Devilfish 2329
Devoted 17522
Digger 2374
Diligent 8
Dimensional Explorer 2933
Dimensional Sojourner 1272
Dimensional Warder 2149
Diminished 1035
Diplomat 2397
Dirty Attorney 2753
Disappeared 1385
Disciple 2125
Dismantler 1213
Dispossessed 973
Disruptor 537
Distinguished 6463
Divided Mastery 1222
Do Gooder 115
Doc Whedon 3430
Doctor 894
Doer 20
Don't Drink It 1464
Doom Sayer 1834
Downward Bound 1127
Driller 2567
Drink Enriche! 1354
Drone Protector 2039
Drowned Rat 3195
Duelist 5176
Dull 709
Ear to the Street 4566
Early Bird 17011
Earned the Statesman Star 1612
Ectoplasmic 2238
Edge of Chaos 3424
Efficiency Expert 854
Egg Hunter 3274
Egghead 2687
Electrician 1172
Emancipator 3058
Ember Legacy of Flame 1814
Emissary 257
Empath 342
Emperor for a Day 1488
Empowered 3067
Encourager 507
End of the Line 1304
Enduring 8312
Energized 7818
Energy Conservationist 1174
Engineer 1402
Enhancer 2719
Ensorcelled 3126
Entangled 3803
Entertainer 5698
Entrepreneur 4335
Entrusted with the Secret 9492
Epitome 2891
Escape Artist 3022
Escapee 1334
Eternal 14258
Eve of Destruction 958
Evil's Resident 3683
Ex-Archvillain 1379
Ex-Marshal 1137
Exalted 4875
Exorcised 1239
Expert 2663
Explorer 11610
Explosive Finale 1156
Exterminator 1634
Extractor 4281
Extractor of Secrets 1796
Exultant 9287
Eye of the Gemini 2592
Eye of the Storm 2914
Eye on Arachnos 1331
Eyes of Nemesis 1237
Eyes of the Dark 1750
Eyes to the Future 1546
Eyewitness 2473
Fabricator 601
Faithful 18486
False Image 552
Family Partier 2155
Fashion Designer 6039
Fashionable 2846
Faultless Mystic 3546
Faultline Finder 2694
Fearless 807
Fearsome 1470
Featherweight Champion 550
Ferryman of the Damned/Ferrywoman of the Damned 1366
Fervent 14733
Festive 11361
Field Crafter 953
Finder 2544
Fire Chief 864
Fire Marshal 763
Fire Thorn Caster 6374
Firebase Zulu Security Detail 3977
Firefighter 1402
First Rule 1803
Fist of Fury 958
Flat 789
Flying Shark 2179
Flyweight Champion 563
Foggy 3244
Force of Justice 553
Forest of Stone 1150
Forged by Hellfire 2368
Former Servant of Recluse 1381
Fort Knox 1539
Fortified 2644
Fortunata Seer 3898
Forward Observer 615
Forward Thinker 2827
Founders' Hero 2188
Founders' Protector 1703
Freak of Nature 2463
Freak's Folly 1201
Freedom 6869
Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member 2017
Freedom's Defender 1958
Frenzied 1372
From Beneath You 1105
Frontline 1718
Frostbitten 7003
Frosty 5130
Frozen Fury 3901
Fugitive 2151
Fungoid 3439
Fwoosh 563
Galactic Explorer 2504
Galactic Fan 2679
Gallant 2687
Gamer 7584
Gangbuster 1106
Gangland Fury 2912
Gate Closer 1625
Gatekeeper 1830
Gearsmasher 5068
Geas of the Kind Ones 1631
General 1091
Genetically Altered 1936
Geneticist 1242
Genuine 7501
Geologist 2888
Ghost Hunter 2104
Ghost Touched 2380
Ghoulish 2865
Giant Killer 2748
Gifted 5368
Gladiator 3506
Glimpsed the Abyss 4325
Global Guardian 3158
Globetrotter 2335
Going Rouge 1990
Gold Digger 1575
Gold Medalist 1277
Goon Squad 937
Gotta Keep 'Em Separated 1136
Gotten Soft 1158
Grade F 1347
Graffiti Communicator 1931
Grand Lanista 662
Grass Is Meaner 2371
Gravedigger 2850
Gremlin 1173
Grim Fandango 871
Grim Wanderer 3208
Grounded 2631
Guardian 1194
Guardian Angel 2190
Guardian of the Volts 1209
Guardians of Justice 1671
Guide 4667
Gunner 2781
Gunrunner 3029
Gutter Bait 1510
Guttersnipe 2044
Hacker 1614
Hades Aspirant 1023
Hallow Spirit 3473
Hamidon's Fury 2082
Hamidon's Ire 918
Hammer Down 2175
Hammer of the Rikti 1205
Hammerhead 1958
Handsome/Beautiful 3632
Hangman/Hangwoman 2780
Hate Machine 958
Haunted 1978
Head of the Hydra 1448
Headjuiced 1156
Headstrong 848
Healing Node 4054
Heard the Call 2528
Hearing Voices 979
Heart of Light 4127
Heart of the City 4231
Heart of the Hamidon 2113
Heat Seeker 2582
Heavyweight Champion 544
Hell and Back 2211
Hell Hath No Fury 2437
HellBane 818
Hellfrost 1791
Hellspawned 2472
Helping Hand 798
Hercules Titan 662
Here Be Dragons 940
Hero Corps Insider 8062
Hero Corps Recruit 6579
Hero of the City 5540
Heroic 3018
Hidden Getaway 1850
High Voltage! 1207
Hindered 763
Hired Gun 1150
Historian 2033
Hit-Man 1241
Hive Mind 1227
Hoarder 1343
Holiday Spirit 3210
Homewrecker 2572
Honorable 9301
Honorable Captain 2010
Honorary Monster 865
Honorary Peacebringer 2384
Hordeling Lasher 1208
Hungry 3058
Hunter 4152
Hydra Protean 1295
Illusionist 2551
Illustrious 264
Image Crasher 1695
Immortal 178
Imploding 2786
Imprisoned 2428
Impulsive 263
In Therapy 894
Incarnate 1284
Indestructible 5931
Indifferent 679
Infamous Rubble 1533
Infiltrator 3015
Infinite Lives 221
Inhibited 848
Initiate 3758
Ink Man 2077
Inmate 3247
Inquisitor 2390
Inspiring 1590
Intellectual 2506
Interceptor 600
Interface Unlocked 1582
Intern 4049
Interrogator 578
Into the Wild 1591
Intrepid 747
Inventor 7148
Invulnerable 223
IP Address 2057
Iron Warrior 2665
Iron Willed 11
Ironic 1941
Irradiated 1053
Island Hopper 2236
Isolator 4040
Jack's Wrath 2078
Jail Bird 3300
Jailed 376
Johnny's Ex-Best Friend 1429
Joyful 4861
Jubilant 7987
Judge & Jury 6038
Judgement Unlocked 1612
Juicer 2159
Jumped the Shark 1645
Junkyard Dog 3229
Just Said No to Superadine 2151
Justice Avenger 3625
Justice Incarnate 6509
Justiciar 694
Kaolin Legacy of Earth 14529
Keen Sighted 4272
Keeper of Coral Lore 682
Keeper of Peace 10046
Keeper of Secrets 2113
Keeping the Lights On 1347
Keyes Technician 305
Kill Skuls 2505
King Maker 2696
King of Pain/Queen of Pain 983
King's Righteousness 2947
Kitty's Got Claws 1747
Knight Errant 1733
Knows He Knows Not/Knows She Knows Not 590
Knows Nova's Nooks 1355
Knows the Truth 1160
Lagged 3
Lambda Leader 2000
Lambda Looter 319
Land Locked 4008
Land, Sea & Air 1159
Lanista 1407
Last Line of Defense 4843
Last Stand 2160
Laughs it Off 188
Laureate 829
Law Enforcer 4545
Lead-Follower 1985
Leader 559
Left Behind 2333
Legionnaire 1116
Lessened 942
Leviathan 1548
Liberator 1629
Libertarian 1508
Lifesaver 2670
Lightweight Champion 549
Limited 690
Line Holder 1552
Lionhearted 676
Liquid Memory 984
Living Dark 1016
Living Legend 47
Lobbyist 2783
Locked and Loaded 2125
Locked Out 147
Locksmith 1742
Long Walk 1873
Longbow Nullifier 1403
Longbow Reservist 3935
Longbow Rifleman 2113
Longbow Spec-Ops 3026
Longbow Warden 1 2655
Longbow Warden 2 528
Longshoreman/Longshorewoman 1499
Lord of Storms/Lady of Storms 966
Lord of War 1097
Lord of Winter/Lady of Winter 2601
Lore Unlocked 1223
Lorekeeper 2081
Losing Paradise 2603
Lost and Found 1985
Lost Savior 6085
Loves A Challenge 17
Lowlife 1345
Loyal 18312
Loyal Customer 1504
Loyalist 827
Lt. Colonel 1235
Lucent Legacy of Light 696
Lucky 9480
Luscious 2550


Here's M through Z.

Mad Science Supporter 1759
Made a Stand 4555
Mage Hunter 987
Major 1231
Major General 1142
Malice Aforethought 962
Malleus 4168
Man in Black/Woman in Black 1798
Man of Vengeance/Woman of Vengeance 2713
Manticore's Associate 3490
Marcone Insider 1734
Marginalized 717
Marked for Death 2385
Marketer 561
Marvel of Modern Medicine 3
Mask Maker 1209
Master Architect 6243
Master Artisan 3773
Master At Arms 645
Master Craftsman 1138
Master of Apex's Task Force 1666
Master of Keyes Island Reactor 14
Master of Lady Grey's Task Force 383
Master of Lambda Sector 271
Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force 392
Master of Olympus/Mistress of Olympus 2969
Master of Science 2039
Master of Statesman's Task Force 580
Master of the 5th Column Strike Force 328
Master of the 5th Column Task Force 591
Master of the Airwaves/Mistress of the Airwaves 2148
Master of the B.A.F. 929
Master of the Imperious Task Force 744
Master of Tin Mage's Task Force 469
Master Plumber 976
Media Junky 2625
Medic 2355
Medical Specialist 705
Medicator 1249
Medicine Man/Medicine Woman 498
Meltdown 2581
Member of Vanguard 5966
Mender 1233
Mercenary 4491
Merchant 5110
Mercy Mariner 1749
Mercy Missionary 1563
Merrymaker 3589
Mesmerizer 1016
Meson 2161
Meteorologist 1561
Meticulous 1619
Middleweight Champion 553
Midnight Dodger What Dodges At Midnight 509
Midnight Squad 8438
Midnighter 4047
Midnighter Archivist 3575
Midnighter Club Member 5517
Midnighter's Perseverance 2131
Minotaur 4570
Miraculous 5188
Misbegotten 968
Misfit Monstrosity 872
Mission Engineer 1898
Missionary 606
Misunderstood 2379
Moar Power 1471
Mob Specialist 981
Monitor Duty 8784
Monkeywrencher 1620
Monster Factory 872
Monster Islander 882
Monster Masher 2454
Monsters' Playthings 871
Monstrous 2371
Mook 2537
Mook Capo 1370
Moral High Ground 152
Morbid 1369
Mortician 4356
Motivator 335
Mu Guardian 671
Multidimensional 3119
Munitionist 1229
Mystic 3256
Mystic King/Mystic Queen 4184
Mystical Savior 1482
Mystically Powered 1187
Nailbiter 1328
Natural Law 1231
Natural Selection 1222
Nature Lover 3353
Nature's Wrath 1272
Nebula Elite Buckshot 9112
Nebula's Memory 1588
Negotiator 2881
Nemesis Soldier 1762
Nerva Navigator 1508
Nerva Wreck 2161
Nervous Dreck 2396
Neu You Could Do It 1304
Never Learns 238
Newsman/Newsgirl 3434
Nigh Indestructible 307
Night Haunt 1557
Night Widow 3582
Nimble Mynx 4256
No Authority 2152
No Escape 922
No One Left Behind 516
No Road Not Taken 2
No Turning Back Now 976
Nomad 1002
Not On My Watch 1894
Nuclear Powered 1322
Numina's Compatriot 3245
Obligated 640
Observant 5445
Old Fashioned 4714
Old-Timer 105
Omega Wolf 5489
On the Waterfront 1630
Ophelia's Final Scene 1561
Oppressor 595
Origin of Power 4073
Orion's Belt 2593
Ostentatious 2210
Ouroboros Mender 661
Outcast Slugger 1800
Overachiever 50
Overhauler 758
Overlord 2045
Overtime Worker 2718
Pain Killer 745
Paradigm 2536
Paragon 3842
Parapsychologist 2881
Pariah Anchorite 2522
Park Ranger 1879
Paroled 2003
Partner 101
Party Crasher 963
Partygoer 3353
Passing Fab 1460
Passport 232
Pathfinder 8374
Patriot 7929
Patroller 11058
Payoff 1956
Peace Walker 1027
Peddler 3460
Pedestrian 1742
Peerless 2336
Penitent 969
Penitent of Vice 1907
Pentad Victor 435
Penumbra Elite Adjutant 2463
Perez Park Perfection 1427
Perpetual 1145
Persephone Supplicant 1022
Persistent 8
Pet Project 2657
Phalanxer 2887
Phantom Radio 1306
Philosopher 126
Phoned it in 673
Physician 7186
Pilgrim 1141
Pirate 1569
Pirate Hunter 1595
Piratical 2685
Pit Viper 2307
Plague Carrier 2641
Plague Stopper 2144
Plutonian 1035
Pocket D VIP Gold Club Member 17278
Police Chief 4029
Politician 2663
Poltergeist 981
Poor Impulse Control 5765
Popular 1139
Portal Corp Analyst 1870
Portal Hopper 1182
Portal Jockey 2004
Portal Parter 2930
Portal Smasher 1067
Positron's Ally 3447
Powder Monkey 2515
Power Hungry 2042
Power Liberator 563
Power Seller 487
Power Walker 1209
Powerful 2681
PPD Deputy 625
PPD Informant 2383
Praetor 255
Praetoria's Son/Praetoria's Daughter 793
Praetorian of Privilege 1728
Praetorian Professional 1384
Predator 4092
Prepared 5
Primal Instinct 2122
Primal Praetorian 358
Privateer 1448
Professional 756
Professional Liar 2217
Professor 7699
Promethean 1022
Proportional Supremacy 1266
Protector 1275
Protector of Innocents 11896
Protector of Kindness 902
Protectorate 3301
Protester 1075
Pumpkin King/Pumpkin Queen 2595
Pumpkin Master/Pumpkin Mistress 2655
Pupil 3747
Pure Praetorian 1535
Purifier 3677
Purposeful 4218
Pursuer 2881
Pwned 2596
Pwnz 2653
Qualified 3045
Questing 487
Ragnarok 2177
Raider Engineer 1050
Rail Rider 2003
Rapid Response Member 8082
Rash 699
Raver 2112
Razor Toothed 2371
Ready for Anything 1330
Reanimator 1101
Reborn 1302
Rebuilder 1305
Received the Atlas Medallion 3142
Received the Stalwart Medallion 2485
Reckless 664
Recognized 12719
Red Cap 4545
Red Fog 971
Red Hand 727
Redeemed Blackguard 440
Redeemer 1677
Redundant 1897
Reformed 2927
Reformed Firebug 595
Refrained 1000
Regal 3179
Regenerator 1757
Reinforcement 1097
Renowned 146
Repaired 468
Repairman/Repairwoman 805
Rescuer 2595
Research Assistant 3425
Researcher 2041
Resistance is Futile 2270
Resistance Member 1070
Resolute 5265
Restrained 6277
Retailer 2127
Retrograde 1165
Return Visitor 1181
Reveler 2619
Revivifier 1167
Revolutionary 1916
Rift Traveler 569
Rikti Drone 2086
Rikti Gone Wild 1939
Rikti Monkey Island 870
Risk Taker 2697
River Rat 1196
Road Raged 2379
Rocketman/Rocketwoman 565
Role Model 3317
Roman 5221
Room for Expansion 2463
Rule of Three 2201
Safekeeper 34
Safety in Numbers 4623
Salesman/Saleswoman 8696
Sally Sightseer 2227
Sandblasted 882
Savant 2074
Saved the World 2343
Savior 7
Scarred 2867
Scholar 2166
Scholastic 2782
Scientist 3408
Scoundrel 1835
Scrapheap of History 1195
Scrounger 7894
Scurvy Dog 2746
Sea Dog 2641
Seaweed 1697
Secret Admirer 4472
Secret of the City 1027
Secret Path 2145
Secret Prisoner 1381
Secured 2003
Security 1143
Security Chief 3799
Security Expert 759
Seeker 1404
Seeker of Monsters 2971
Seeker of the Lost 1040
Seeker of the Unknown 2789
Seen 1726
Seer 1542
Sensation 6811
Sentry 5114
Sewer Dweller 1872
Sewer King/Sewer Queen 1031
Sewer Stalker 1036
Shades of Arachnos 1925
Shadow Architect 1025
Shard Leaper 1024
Shared Victory 1424
Shark Bait 301
Shark Hunter 973
Sharpshooter 1068
Shifter 4263
Shivan Destroyer 1047
Shop Keeper 4573
Shopkeeper 538
Showstopper 1634
Shrouded 4747
Shut Down 822
Silent Sentinel 4520
Silent Witness 1361
Silver Medalist 1330
Singular Vision 1501
Siren's Song 1088
Sister Psyche's Comrade 3869
Sixth Passenger 2095
Skip Tracer 1359
Sky Chaser 1707
Sky Gazer 2234
Sky Trader 1718
Slag Pile 1375
Slag Reaper 1383
Slammer 719
Slayer of Madness 1050
Smasher Elite 1123
Smokey 4296
Snake Charmer 3125
Sniper 1127
Snowbeast 2854
Social Worker 1570
Socialite 5255
Solace 3459
Somewhere in Time 614
Soother 1574
Sorcerer 979
Soul Binder 4344
Soul Taker 1541
Spanky's Competitor 3010
Sparky 2529
Spectral 730
Speed Demon 2518
Speeder 1654
Spellbinding 2777
Spelunker 4527
Spider Smasher 4349
Spirit of the City 1037
Spirit Warrior 1906
Spiritual 3040
Sprawl Survivor 1006
Stalled 651
Stalwart 686
Starstruck 1626
Statesman's Pal 2317
Staunch 17883
Steadfast 17760
Steamed 2564
Steel Strongman 2551
Steel Worker 2049
Stemmed 619
Still 683
Stockpiling 1545
Stone Cold 1375
Stonekeeper 1992
Storming the Palace 951
Stormwatcher 1079
Stouthearted 771
Straight Through Striga 1202
Strawweight Champion 581
Streetwise 2674
Strike Buster 2387
Strikebreaker 1661
Strong & Pretty 1313
Stuck 10
Student 2618
Stuff of Life 1767
Summoned 4300
Super Heavyweight Champion 694
Super Spy 2450
Superstar 5633
Surefooted 2668
Surgeon 1422
Surging 1883
Survivor of Praetoria 996
Suspended 679
Swashbuckler 1550
Sweet Tooth 2482
Swift Steel 575
Synapse's Cohort 3422
Synchronized 1637
Takedown Artist 954
Talon of Talos 1944
Talos' Might 1705
Tank 4248
Tank Buster 5690
Tank Smasher 5683
Tarantula 1463
Task Force Commander 2267
Teacher 237
Technofreak 2134
Technophile 1739
Technophobe 4309
Temerarious 724
Temporal Agent 1093
Temporal Fighter 2080
Temporal Soldier 269
Temporal Spy 558
Temporal Strife 5255
Ten times the Victor 2984
Tenacious 21
Territorial 3731
Terror 2468
Terror of the Vahzilok 1119
Tested the Water 2472
The Chosen One 16
The Constant 9549
The Devouring Earth Abides 1233
The Doctor's Ally 2733
The Fairest 1722
The Heart of Memory 984
The Mongoose 4572
The New Boss 1344
The Next Big Thing 4386
The Old Me 2415
The Roar of the Beast 873
The Silver Bullet 5486
The Slayer 5899
The Sleeper Below 1307
The Solution 1857
The Sound of Thunder 1192
The Thief of Midnight 1969
The Tree of Woe 910
The Unbroken Spirit 6342
The Underlord/The Underlady 998
The Unnamed 1287
The Unwavering 7460
The Unyielding 6910
The Wolf's Maw 1270
The Wolf's Snarl 1224
The Wounded Earth 1155
Thin Line 1259
Thorn Robber 1237
Thorn Thief 791
Thorn Usurper 525
Thrill Seeker 10223
Tiberian Overseer 1566
Ticket Taker 12536
Tiki Fan 2011
Time Bandit 1806
Time Fixer 712
Time Lord 3536
Time Machinist 1279
Time Traveler 1119
Tipped Off 9605
To The Rescue 14
Too Dark Park 1310
Toothbreaker 4561
Top Dog 6968
Tormented 957
Touched Bottom 906
Tough 8626
Tourist 13908
Tournament Victor 338
Towering Inferno 1301
Toy Collector 2866
Tracer 2042
Tradesman/Tradeswoman 7276
Trailblazer 4612
Trainspotter 1375
Transcendent 1631
Transmogrified 3176
Trapped 50
Traveler 2821
Tree Hugger 2098
Trendsetter 3649
Trespasser 2673
Trickster 1521
Tried and True 12988
Trigger Man 1152
Triumphant 2712
Troll Task Force Member 3653
Troubleshooter 1921
Trucker 5455
True to the Last 1423
Trusting 1064
Trustworthy 18540
Tuned In 1801
Tunnel Rat 2664
Un-Civil Society 2020
Unabashed 3527
Unbreakable 740
Uncompromising 3308
Undammed 3229
Undaunted 335
Undefeated 4689
Under Fire 2667
Underground Explorer 1588
Undertaker 663
Undying 5456
Unenhanced 688
Unethical Tourist 1558
Unfettered 971
Unimaginative 827
Uninspired 739
Uninsurable 839
Unleasher 2402
Unlucky 2214
Unoriginal 787
Unshakable 8
Unspoiled 2330
Unsubtle 2312
Unswerving 16335
Untouchable 1547
Unveiler 2508
Unwelcome Guest 1766
Upgraded 4573
Uppercut 622
Urban Renewal 1478
Urban Spelunker 1774
Use Might for Right 2835
Usurper 1157
Usurper of Worlds 976
Utilities Commission 1184
V.I.P. 6431
Vagabond 1119
Valiant 707
Valorous 3350
Vampyri Watcher 1284
Vanguard 1563
Vanguard Operative 7939
Vanguard Recruit 4528
Veiled 1698
Vendor 11078
Veni, Vidi, Vici 1203
Venomous 1465
Venturesome 687
Venturous 961
Vigilant 11109
Vigilante 2022
Vigorous 3715
Villain Disruptor 1568
Villainous 1434
Virtual Destruction 1278
Virtual Extractor 1712
Virtual Victim 1776
Virtual Victor 2521
Virtually Impulsive 1734
Vision of Despair 2678
Visionary 1356
Viva Praetoria 1214
Vocational 794
Volcanic 1009
Volunteer Firefighter 3013
Voyager 2
Vulcanologist 2948
Wailer 1982
Wailer Queen 1130
Waiting 358
Walking the Path 6905
Walks the Earth 1060
Walks the Line 836
Wanderer 1175
War Wall Defender 1669
Warden 1022
Warhead 1327
Warhulk 1572
Warrior at the Gate 1826
Washed Up 2551
Watcher on the Knoll 2165
Watchful Eyes 2352
Watchman/Watchwoman 2700
Waylon's Observer 2059
Weakened 728
Weapon Inspector 2459
Weapon Master/Warrior Princess 2077
Weaponeer 1267
Weatherman/Weathergirl 1790
Web Master 1055
Weed Whacker 2104
Well Drinker 2871
Well Informed 2410
Well-Stocked 304
Welterweight Champion 546
Went the Extra Mile 408
Wentworth History Buff 3207
Whip Cracker 2007
Whisperer on Witchburn Hill 1358
Whistleblower 1590
Whitecap 3381
Who's Who 677
Widower/Widow 3493
Wild At Heart 1155
Wincott's Ally 1820
Wolf Spider Enforcer 5194
Wolf Spider Tac Ops 4471
Words of the Warrior 1246
Workaholic 6646
Wraith 1998
Wrangler 920
X-Ray Spectator 1036
Yesterday's News 955
Zealous 18112
Zenith Warcry Mk I 1939
Zig Warden 1926
Zookeeper 2687

Snow Globe

Quote from: eabrace on July 11, 2011, 04:57:04 AM
I think I initially read Snow Globe's post the same way you did, Gamer, but after I read it more carefully, I think he's asking not for a list of which of his characters have the badge, but a count of the number of characters registered across all of CIT that have verified the badge.
Yes, this is what I was asking.

Thanks, Sekoia that is what I was looking for. Though I was more specifically interested in the badges for the trials. I was able to find everything I was looking for thanks to your posts.


That could easily turn into a new report page for CIT if the information is useful enough to the public. How should I name it?

Not a native English speaker.
But I'll let you point and laugh at my typos so I can fix them. :)


Might just stick it as an extra data display on the badge info pages...

Snow Globe

The badge pages ( ) have enough room for an extra column. :) It should be a minor MySQL query.


This has been implemented internally and is expected to come with the next site publish. :)

Not a native English speaker.
But I'll let you point and laugh at my typos so I can fix them. :)