Statistics page with Going Rogue... info cut off?

Started by patteroast, August 03, 2010, 07:28:58 PM


Correct me if I'm wrong, but when you search the statistics page by archetype (or anything else...) you appear to get the top ten primaries and secondaries for that search. That's enough to see how many times people on CIT have used every single primary and secondary, when you search by archetype. (Barring a couple weird buggy stats of people having impossible sets for their archetype.)

However, when Going Rogue comes out, Brutes will have eleven primaries, and Tankers will have eleven secondaries... making it impossible to see all powersets even when searching just by archetype. Perhaps it'd be possible to expand the displayed info on the statistics page when Going Rogue hits to prevent this?  :)


While I will keep note of this, it will likely be a lower priority thing.


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I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov


I know the original thread for this is old, but it seems better to bump than make a new post that's almost identical...

Issue 21's powerset proliferation and new powersets could push some archetypes to fourteen or more primaries or secondaries. I know it's low priority, but I thought I should mention again that some of us really enjoy the statistics listings (I know I like statistics more than I should :D ), and would like to be able to see them fully in the future.


Quote from: patteroast on July 13, 2011, 03:29:42 PMI know it's low priority [...]

Keen's the guy working on CIT now, so I'll bring this to his attention. It'll be changed quite promptly, I assure you!


Change implemented internally and currently undergoing testing.
You can expect it to come in the next site publish. :)

Not a native English speaker.
But I'll let you point and laugh at my typos so I can fix them. :)