Signature bar and avatar image

Started by Electro-Cute, July 30, 2009, 01:38:38 PM


Hi alll, sorry if this is not the right section for this request, but I didn't know where to post.

Anyway, where can i find the page to generate the signature bar and the avatar image? I looked for it on the website but I wasn't able to find it.

Thanks in advance. :)


On CIT's main page, click on Manage Account.

Now, at the top of your Character Tracking page, hover over My Account.  You'll see a dropdown list appear.  The second option down should be "Avatar Settings" and the third option down should be "Signature Settings".  Click on either of those.

On the each of the settings pages, you can select the style of image you want to see when online and the style you want to see when offline.  The code you'll need to insert use the images can be copied further down.  At the bottom of the page you can generate images specific to one character if you'd prefer to use those instead.
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