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Gladiator Badges

Started by apoo1978, April 01, 2009, 02:03:36 PM


Hello, I was wondering if anyone could plz tell me how to verify my gladiator badges?

Ty :)

Lady Thanatos


There are two ways of verifying your gladiator badges.

The first is to manually type /settitle # for each gladiator badge you have, where # is the value in the far left column of this gladiator badge list. Note that if you do not have a specific gladiator badge, you will see an error of "Your badge title has been cleared."

Alternately you can download the SetTitle Binds specifically for the gladiator badges subset (only tick the box beside Gladiator) and follow the instructions on how to run the binds in-game.

Glycerin or HeroStats should, of course, be running in the background when you do this.  ;)

Either method will work... it simply depends on how many gladiator badges you need to verify and how much patience you have. (I used the first option when I started tracking my badges on CIT, but used the binds generator with the recent re-upload.)

-- Lady T


If you go to the CIT downloads page and scroll to the bottom, you'll find the SetTitle Bind Generator.  This will generate a set of bind files that allow you to cycle through all the badges your character has to verify them (assuming you are running either Glycerine or HeroStats at the time.)

Alternately, you can manually verify each gladiator badge with the /settitle command, using the settitle number for each badge.  (This is probably an easier solution in the short-term if you only have a few gladiator badges to verify.)
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I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov


The coolest call of Gladiator's is AGONY MAGES, woohoo. ;D
Smokey-Imp: 50 Fire/kin- Virtue

King Amenhotep

I'm having problems with the title generator i'm not sure what I am doing wrong I haven't done binds in a very long time.  ???


Quote from: casire1 on August 06, 2009, 12:26:10 AM
I'm having problems with the title generator i'm not sure what I am doing wrong I haven't done binds in a very long time.  ???

... Ok, so you're going to have to give us a bit more information than that.  What steps have you done so far?