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Started by KineticEntity, March 17, 2009, 10:24:18 AM


OK, I'm just starting to use City Info Tracker and HeroStats so I can manage my toon collection offline.
Just tried to view badges I have already collected but for some reason they don't show up.

Is there something I need to do apart from just standing in the lobby of Atlas Park City Hall?

This is for my Lvl 41 Mutation Blaster on Defiant.

Many Thanks


If you check the downloads page, there's a section named "SetTitle Bind Files".  You can either download the standard set or generate your own with some customized tweaks.

Once you have a set of SetTitle bind files, you'll want to use "/bindsave" to save your current keybinds on your character.  Then load the first bind file with "/bindloadfile C:\...\settitle.txt" (using whatever path you installed the files to.)

You may then start slowly pressing the T key (or whatever key you specified if you created your own custom set of binds) to set your character's title.  If you look at the tracking program, you'll start to see that it's recognizing badges as you set your title with each of the badges.  After a short period, the tracker will then transmit those badges to CIT and you'll be able to view your collection on the web site.

After you finish, you can then use "/bindload" to restore your character's keybinds back to what they were before you started the process.

From this point on, any time you earn a new badge it will automatically be detected and recorded as long as you have a tracker open when you earn the badge.
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It's been awhile since any background documentation on either application hasn't been assumed as common sense by the COH/V Communities.

So, in a nutshell, Both CIT's TNT: Glycerine Edition and Skip's HeroStats applications run off the same backend. That backend only sees your chat channels. Regarding badges, it will only see badges you obtain while it's on OR as eabrace explained above you can use or bind files/generator to make you life a bit easier, and last (definitely least) the CLICK method. The monotonous task of going through each badge and clicking on it, grah... takes forever.

These work because when you click on a badge (or the set title bind eabrace spoke of grabs 10 at a time), it changes your title. Changing your title will notify you via the "System" channel that you have a new title... and then TNT or HS will gobble it up like the cookie monster.

There ya go, a little explanation on how those two things work.


OK, I did the clicking on each badge thing before like it told me too but nothing happened!

Just consider me a total n00b at all this though!


Details for how to setup HeroStats to recognize your City Info Tracker Account:

-Start up HeroStats and go to the Global Options Tab (View->Global Options)
-Click on the Web Sites tab
-Check off the "Use City Info Tracker (Titan Network)" Box
-Enter in your Titan Account Login Details
-Check off the "Block Test Server Updates" Box just for the heck of it.
-Click "OK" back to the main HeroStats Window
-Proceed with the Badge Collecting Methods already mentioned

That's basically it, however, for less elaborate details, Click Here and start with "Step 3", as you've already completed Steps 1 & 2.


And if that doesn't work, this will come in handy too:

They might be written for HeroStats, but Titan's Tracker tools use the same back-end so, they will relate.