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Reformed Badge

Started by Garet Jaxs, January 13, 2009, 06:22:19 PM

Garet Jaxs

The reformed Badge for defeating 1000 long bow hero side is no longer available.

sent into redname.

Reformed badge

"Could you please find out if the Reformed badge is still accessible for Heroes. There is a short thread on it in the forums, myself and others have been trying to get this badge but sense i13 have been unable to. GM responses have been that it has been taken away. Thankyou for any information concerning this matter.
Have a wonderful day.  "

Redname response

"The GM's are correct in that the badge has been removed from game, but not from those that already have the badge.

The unfortunate part is the counter for the badge is still in place. We are working internally to address this issue. However we will not be placing the "Reformed Badge" back in game so players cannot obtain this badge anymore."

Thought i would pass then on for anyone thinking of working on it. So far have not found out the reason why it is no longer available.


Interesting....We shall have to organize something to test and see if it really is not being awarded despite the counter still being in place.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.  As soon as we get additional confirmation, we can mark this Badge accordingly.


Well this is just silly and it looks like there putting out more universal badges then single side badges and have made a way to stop us from obtaining badges that were intended for opposite side. No more exploits. There taking all the fun from the game.
Ken - @Calea
Titan Network Moderator

  Titan Network Member Page


Quote from: Calea on January 14, 2009, 12:43:59 PM
No more exploits. There taking all the fun from the game.

That statement boggles my mind.


Quote from: SuckerPunch on January 14, 2009, 03:09:26 PM
That statement boggles my mind.

Well for the badge collector at least. The trick to getting the reformed badge was a exploit in Warburg that was unintentional.
Ken - @Calea
Titan Network Moderator

  Titan Network Member Page


Right, but it was obviously an exploit.  People that go after anything in this game that is an exploit, and then get shocked, frustrated, or upset when the exploit is fixed have ridiculous expectations, and it really strikes me as odd to get angry about bug fixes.


I'm not angry. I have it!!!  ;D And I'm glad they are fixing thing that have been exploited but others. I think if there going to stop the obtainability of the badge then remove the badge from all that have that shouldn't. Along with the progress bar, that give a false sense of the obtainability of this badge.
Ken - @Calea
Titan Network Moderator

  Titan Network Member Page


Now that you can get it on your hero in The Red and the Black Story arc from Gaussian i fail to see the bug in that badge or even see that  it's a exploit :gonk:

Maverick X

Quote from: Calea on January 14, 2009, 03:59:34 PM

Well for the badge collector at least. The trick to getting the reformed badge was a exploit in Warburg that was unintentional.

You could also get it by doing missions in RWZ...

Quote from: Prototype on January 14, 2009, 06:37:33 PM
Now that you can get it on your hero in The Red and the Black Story arc from Gaussian i fail to see the bug in that badge or even see that  it's a exploit :gonk:

Yes, this is exactly what I'm referring to. ;)
Retired Resident Titan Nerd


I see Prototype has this thread under control.  ;)

I don't see why they would remove the badge unless they are going to asplode RWZ and not let us do those 2 missions anymore.  :-\


Well, it's official.  The progress bar for Reformed has been removed from the game.  I suppose it and the gladiator should be flagged as unobtainable now.


So stupid. Completely unnecessary.  >:(


Quote from: Blondeshell on January 22, 2009, 06:37:21 PM
Well, it's official.  The progress bar for Reformed has been removed from the game.  I suppose it and the gladiator should be flagged as unobtainable now.
At least to not appear on the "Low Hanging Fruit" list, since there are still some of us who have it >.>


Aye, ridiculous how they do things but whatever.  This Badge and all associated have been flagged appropriately.   Thanks for the final confirmation Blondeshell.

I am removing this Badge as part of the Pre-reqs for the CoV Accolade, "Force of Nature".


Quote from: Tazhyngarth on January 22, 2009, 07:25:13 PM
Aye, ridiculous how they do things but whatever.  This Badge and all associated have been flagged appropriately.   Thanks for the final confirmation Blondeshell.

I am removing this Badge as part of the Pre-reqs for the CoV Accolade, "Force of Nature".

Taz, this only affects heroes.


Ya I know, we're in the CoH Badges Thread and I've read this thing a dozen times......doesn't mean I'm still going to do the correct thing in the long run :P.

Thanks Cath, I fixed it.......damn my slowness.


Time to revert those changes, Ross - at least when I14 hits.

Positron has reversed the decision to take away the Reformed badge, and Heroes can once again obtain it once Issue 14 goes live.


Wow. Situations like this are cool. It was just 1 badge that people could've had a long time ago, but I guess the hardcore "I badge on all my characters!!!" people had a good reason to be a little peeved about it. To see them listen to the vocal forum goers is quite endearing.


I had only just parked my tank on the O-zone mission to farm the crap out of that badge when they locked it down.  I didn't make any noise because I figured I had my opportunity and just didn't take advantage of it.

I'm overjoyed that they're bringing it back.

If I ever try another MMO, I'm going to be so spoiled. . .
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Well, I'm both pleased and annoyed at this.  Fair enough though, glad to hear the Badge isn't really going away for those who don't have it yet.

I'll leave everything for now, and fix it when I14 hits.