Help: Trying to get Herostats to track progress towads Toy Collector

Started by dandc0711, December 22, 2008, 11:20:08 PM


So I know there's a custom tab in the Herostats Option and I'd like to use it to create a stat to track the number of presents's I've opened so that I can know how close I am to the Toy Collector Badge. The Game gives a specific message of "You open the present!" each time you open the presents so I figure there's got to be an easy way to have Herostats create a simple counter but I'm not a programmer. Can any code smart people help me out with this?


I could have sworn that the game tracked percentages and amounts now, find where the badge would normally be (probably achievements) and see if there is a number.

If you need the game text to figure out which badge it is, search it on CIT.


The game doesn't track all the badge's and Toy collector's one of the ones it doesn't.


really!? Wow, that's messed up. Why implement something if it doesn't do the WHOLE picture ya know...

ineffablebob (Skip) will probably see this soon and let you know a way around that.


Open up the Villains Defeated window in Herostats  (View-> Villains defeated).  You'll see how many presents you've opened there.


Rarely though, that item doesn't Update immediately. Sure it tracks it, but sometimes it will not add the numbers correctly until you Re-log back onto that specific Toon, while having HS load it's saved data.

I'm not 100% if this has been corrected as my experience is from the I11 builds of HS, but all-in-all, that should show you mostly everything you are looking for.  Besides, if the count is off, what's a few extra presents anyway :P.


I kept a notepad nearby when working on Toy Collector... Thankfully I don't have to worry about it this year. ;]

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