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What is a "cycle"?

Started by Axonius, November 14, 2008, 04:28:40 PM


I've just about got this thing working. But it does not appear that all my bacdges went through. I suspect that it may be because I pressed "t" a little too quickly.

Theinstruction say to press "t" every 10 cycles. What the fark is a cycle and how do I know when 10 cycles have passed?


I think it's a brain-fart and is supposed to be "seconds".


Let me see if I understand...So if a second is a cycle and say I have 200 badges...That means I am going to be pressing "T" every 10 seconds for 30+ minutes?


no, 10 cycles = 10 seconds, is what he meant
so press T every 10 seconds ...
and 1 cycle goes thru 10 Settitles

there are 1000 settitles (0 - 999)
so it would take u about 17 minutes to cycle thru all of those
(1000 divided by 60 settitles per minute)

but you can always stop after you notice your 200 badges are all verified

and be sure to reset your T-bind if you had it mapped to something else
(for example, i use T for my Targeting: /bind T "team $target found!" )


Quote from: jlucifer on November 14, 2008, 05:08:32 PM
Let me see if I understand...So if a second is a cycle and say I have 200 badges...That means I am going to be pressing "T" every 10 seconds for 30+ minutes?

Well, it's either press "t" every 10 seconds until they're all verified, or manually go through your badges and click on each and every one.  I think the "t" method is faster ;)   Not to mention you can't manually set your Gladiator badges, so those can only be verified through the binds or by receiving them while the Tracker is running.

It's unfortunate, but we're limited to "reading" out the game whatever is available. Your already earned badges are not something the game has available to read freely, so you have to run through the settitle binds.  If there was a better option to read them automatically out of the game, we'd be doing that.

Voltaic Shock

There is an option but I think it's against the EULA.

We could send keys to the game and have it run the "T" command for us.
@Voltaic Shock[/b]
TN Admin, CIT Co-Creator, CGT Developer, Obsolete


Quote from: Shades29A on November 14, 2008, 05:28:21 PM
no, 10 cycles = 10 seconds, is what he meant
so press T every 10 seconds ...
and 1 cycle goes thru 10 Settitles

there are 1000 settitles (0 - 999)
so it would take u about 17 minutes to cycle thru all of those
(1000 divided by 60 settitles per minute)

but you can always stop after you notice your 200 badges are all verified

and be sure to reset your T-bind if you had it mapped to something else
(for example, i use T for my Targeting: /bind T "team $target found!" )

Ohh Ok. So basicly, 10 badges are sent every 10 seconds.  If I press my "t" after 5 seconds, then it may only send about 5 badges. That must be why some didn't show up.

Thanks for the help everyone...


kinda, our webservice can handly only so much data
also, the fastest TNT sends a batch of data is every 1 minute
so in order not to flood TNT (and therefor our webservice), we advise it's best to only press T every 10 seconds, and allow TNT to catch up
you can try pressing T every 2 seconds, but that won't help much


Quote from: jlucifer on November 14, 2008, 05:42:06 PM
Ohh Ok. So basicly, 10 badges are sent every 10 seconds.  If I press my "t" after 5 seconds, then it may only send about 5 badges...

Incorrect.  You get 10 Counts per 1 T press, period, this does not change.  The 1 Minute factor is just how often TNT / HS Update our Site (based on defaults).  The number of Badges sent to the Site (and ultimately the length of time in which you are pressing T all together) is determined by how long you wait before pressing T each time:

Press T every 5 Seconds will give you 120 Counts a Minute....60 divided by 5 = 12, 12 times 10 = 120;
Press T every 10 Seconds will give you 60 Counts a Minute....60 divided by 10 = 6, 6 times 10 = 60. (just showing the work :P)

Factor in that within each 10 Count is a mix of Actual Badges, the Badge Placeholders as well as the "You Badge Title Has Been Reset" message....Placeholders and the Reset message don't Update the Site, so even with all this, one still cannot be 100% sure as for how Many Badges Per Minute are really Updating.  What you do is just press T slowly...5 - 10 seconds between each Press and wait for the end Message which tells you that "T has been reset to Target".  As Shades mentioned, pressing T every 2 seconds is almost guarenteed to have the Site miss a few Badges.  Not for everyone, but it is more common to happen the faster you press T.


we get Counts?
like Count Dracula? :D



I tried to find the best term for it, that seemed fitting :P.