old City Info Terminal site Badge Listings

Started by Moon Roach, October 09, 2008, 03:19:14 AM

Moon Roach

On the old CIT there was a way to look at the badge numbers for anyone on your server (or the game in general I suppose) but after looking around on the new site, I can't seem to find a way to do this.  I found the search page, but that seems to be for searching for specific players or characters.

Kind of a small issue I suppose, but I liked to track where I was in my badge hunting in relation to the people on my server, is there a way to do that on the new site and I'm just missing it?


A Real simple way to circumvent that is, Select your server location, and in the Player Name box, put three percent signs.

Should pull up everyone on that server.


That doesn't have badge counts though.  I'm not sure I'd want such a huge query run on the fly like that, but it was definitely a cool report that we need to add back in.


I'm thinking pagination script?

Should cut the query into pieces maxing it out at 50 per page or something.


This specific item used to be part of the Stats Page on the Old CIT.  It was a Search Item that had different "Sort By" Options (Server, Alignment, Lv, Unranked, and something else, there was 5 I believe).  I think we should make that a part of our new Stats Page as well.

BTW, I responded to your Support Email, Moon Roach, thanks for the heads up.