Low Hanging Fruit

Started by TheMajor, August 14, 2008, 03:32:32 AM


Dumb question, probably been answered but search turned up nothing (or I am doing a search on the wrong words)...

Anyhow - on the Low Hanging Fruit page (which I am about to set to my homepage I love it!!!) is there any way to exclude badges which are totally unobtainable?  I don't even mean the ones that require a holiday really, just the ones that are impossible to get anymore ever again.  Or maybe an option to turn off individual badges?

I know it would be an insane query to try and get that working, and would add a million tables but I am just hoping that maybe there is something like this already there and I'm not seeing it?  Or that I am mistaken and it would be a snap?


No, that doesn't currently exist. I'll add it to the "to-do" list but I can't guarantee when it'll make it in. 


Not a huge thing, and the amount of work to get it in I am sure would not be worth the return.

I can just cross them off a printout.   ;)


That specific Low Hanging Fruit item is already on the Tracking List, we had it around from our old CIT.  I cannot recall if it ever made it in then, but we re-instated the Ticket just a few days ago so we won't miss it.


It's such an awesome feature, it's like oh, look almost 15k people did the Gears one.. wtf why don't I have it already! *goes on a clockwork murdering spree*  ;D


Quote from: TheMajor on August 14, 2008, 02:58:04 PM
It's such an awesome feature, it's like oh, look almost 15k people did the Gears one.. wtf why don't I have it already! *goes on a clockwork murdering spree*  ;D

Yup, that's why I LOVE it, too! :D
(aka Ani)

Chilling Temper

I love this feature but I do have a request for a change on it.

Can you remove the one time only badges from it? Like the anniversary badges, the veteran badges, and the extra purchase badges (VIP, Pocket D VIP). Since these badges are obtainable through actions solely in-game?



Essentially, the Veteran Badges will be obtained, so long as one continues to play the game.  Therefore, it's rightfully in it's place on the LHF.  As for the Purchase Badges, well, those too can still be obtained, technically.  I see the questionableness in those Badges, but the Vet items are were they should be.

We'll have another discussion on this and based on those results, we'll alter the LHF accordingly.


I think Mav was working on that. The issue is we need an additional flag on the seasonal or one-time only badges, since they're lumped in with other badge types.

If anyone wants to take the time and compile a list of badges that are like this, i could filter them out.


Sure, I'll do it.  ;D  Give me a bit.

Chilling Temper

Quote from: Tazhyngarth on August 14, 2008, 06:13:49 PM
Essentially, the Veteran Badges will be obtained, so long as one continues to play the game.  Therefore, it's rightfully in it's place on the LHF.  As for the Purchase Badges, well, those too can still be obtained, technically.  I see the questionableness in those Badges, but the Vet items are were they should be.

We'll have another discussion on this and based on those results, we'll alter the LHF accordingly.

It's not that they can be obtained. It's that they can't be obtained by doing anything in-game. Which in my opinion doesn't make them low-hanging. As for veteran badges, they can only be obtained by paying for game time which again means that they can't be obtained in-game.

As for the list of badges.

One-time only

Paid Extras
V.I.P./Destined One
Pocket D VIP Gold Club Member


I know I am missing some, I hope someone sees this and fills in.

Keep in mind, some of these have specific dates on them, but I don't know if they pop back up when the holiday comes back around... such as #s 155, 156, 157... has anyone obtained those since 2006?

One Time only:
408 - Partygoer
155 - Longbow Reservist / Jet-Setter
156 - Holiday Spirit / Scrooge
157 - Toy Collector
209 - Heart of Light / Heart of Darkness
219 - Reveler
302 - Pursuer / Elusive
488 - Merrymaker
636 - Entertainer
888 - Celebrant

403 - Trucker
212 - Handsome / Beautiful
213 - Toothbreaker
300 - Ghost Touched
301 - Iron Warrior
389 - Miraculous
390 - Joyful
391 - Frosty
392 - Crystallized
393 - Cold Front
513 - Clothes Horse
514 - Fashionable
515 - Ostentatious
631 - Gifted
700 - Cold Warrior
701 - Frozen Fury
709 - Hallow Spirit
710 - Hunter
711 - Buster
712 - Shifter
713 - Dead Head
714 - Malleus

Unobtainable at the moment:
45 - Power Liberator / Master Thief

This one is broke because SG/VG raiding is turned off.

Knew I forgot at least one, Trucker - can't get out there now.


Chilling Temper, I understand where you're coming from with that reasoning, which is one of the things we've discussed about in the past.  Valid Justification, however one term to describe the LHF's purpose is that it's composed of Badges that are easy to get for that specific character.  Ergo, Vet Badges are amongst the easiest to obtain....so it's a sort of double-edged sword if you will.

TheMajor, I believe the Event Badges are perminent, the Text changes per year (if any specific timeline is mentioned) but the Badges themselves are the same.  The Yearly Anniversary Badges are a one time deal, those should not be on the List once that time has passed.  The Group Badge may or may not make its triumphant return with I13....since that's meant to be a Group related Issue to an extent, perhaps the Devs will get Raids working again....however, I do see that it isn't exactly fitting for the List.


I see the LHF report being a list of actionable badges - meaning it's something you can log on and DO SOMETHING to obtain. 

So on that note, I agree with Vet badges being filtered. There's nothing you can do to obtain those other than just wait out your subscription fee.

Anything like veteran badges, holiday badges, the annual badges, etc, aren't anything someone has control over.  So they take up possibly valuable space on the list where other badges YOU can work towards are omitted.


Probably been hashed to death, but yeah.  I want to look at that list and see what I can do right now toward earning more badges.

However, I also don't want to make your lives more difficult in maintaining a list of, oh turn on the halloween ones, oh turn em off now, ok now turn on the winter ones, ok now off, ok now valentines etc etc

And yes, I did buy the collectors editions of CoH and CoV just to get the badges.  ;D  Actually I like smacking around the Statesman HeroClix(tm) too. Buwhaha


Quote from: TheMajor on August 14, 2008, 08:27:17 PM
And yes, I did buy the collectors editions of CoH and CoV just to get the badges.  ;D  Actually I like smacking around the Statesman HeroClix(tm) too. Buwhaha
Been there. Done that. Got the Clix.  ;D
Excreta ergo sum.


Thinking about doing a server xfer to get that badge.. but I keep hearing it's broke right now?

Actually was thinking about it anyway, Infinity is so lightly populated compared to the two big servers.

Lady Thanatos

Quote from: TheMajor on August 15, 2008, 09:48:34 PMThinking about doing a server xfer to get that badge..

What badge? I ended up having to move characters off of Virtue to Infinity and then Justice (I'm not kidding when I say I have a ton of alts), then back to Virtue with the purchasable slots with I12.

If you're referring to Passport, wasn't that something for transferring to/from EU from/to NA servers or vice versa? I recently read that somewhere that it isn't working and likely won't be back up again.

-- Lady T


One item I noticed with the report is that when I click on a badge to check it I can't backstep to the original page.

Just an idea to make it more user friendly...

could also just be my system :P

Artax:  What happened?

Yeagar:  He didn't have the allergy to sharp metal I usually exploit in my opponents.


Could right-click => Back, or hit the backspace key.

I'll add a "back" link, but those should work in the interim


Quote from: Lady Thanatos on August 15, 2008, 10:16:32 PM
If you're referring to Passport, wasn't that something for transferring to/from EU from/to NA servers or vice versa? I recently read that somewhere that it isn't working and likely won't be back up again.

Yeah, is that one permabroken then?  Should yank that one off this list too.

I thought it was just for moving not from EU to NA or whatever.  Oh well, one more badge I won't be able to get hehe


SP, the report looks awesome! Thank you so much!!!  ;D ;D ;D


Yeah, I like it better now without the badges I can't really do anything about or have to wait for specific times for.

And my previous suggestion was intended more as a quality of life enhancement.

Artax:  What happened?

Yeagar:  He didn't have the allergy to sharp metal I usually exploit in my opponents.


Found a couple more *doh*

628 - Speed Demon
629 - Accelerated
630 - Qualified

Also - there are a couple that are easy for heros to get, but villians can only get 'em on holidays - dunno if you would want to check if the character is hero/villian and then display them or not:

214 - Red Cap
936 - Cap Buster
938 - Bane of Dannan

This one is for getting a holiday kill badge:
215 - Snowbeast

I'm sure there are still more.  :P

Snow Globe

Quote from: TheMajor on August 14, 2008, 06:51:50 PM
I know I am missing some, I hope someone sees this and fills in.

Keep in mind, some of these have specific dates on them, but I don't know if they pop back up when the holiday comes back around... such as #s 155, 156, 157... has anyone obtained those since 2006?
Well, combining your list with the one I made on the official forums...

The list of time limited/rare badges:

    * Celebrant (year 1 badge May 2005), Reveler (year 2 badge May - June 2006) having both gave a 5th columist gladiator, Merrymaker (2007), Entertainer (2008). Login badges.
    * Pursuer(CoH)/Elusive(CoV). November 2006. Login badge.
    * Frozen Fury: Winter Lords. Winter 2004 event, repeated for Winter 2006.
    * Cold Warrior: Winter Hordelings. Winter 2004, 2005, 2006 events.
    * Hallow Spirit, Hunter, Buster, Shifter, Dead Head, Malleus: The Halloween event 2004 & 2006, 2007.
    * Iron Warrior, Ghost Touched: Halloween event 2006, 2007.
    * Clothes Horse, Fashionable, Ostentatious: Halloween event 2007. Costume powers collection.
    * Heart of Light(CoH)/Heart of Darkness(CoV): Valentines 2006 Event. Gave Toga costume option. Login badge. Mission complete in later years (2007, 2008), some people still have access to mission, but fairly rare at this point.
    * Hellfrost gladiator(CoH), Hordeling Lasher gladiator(CoH), Coldblooded(CoH), Weed Whacker(CoH), Beautiful / Handsome: Valentines 2006, 2007, 2008
    * Partygoer Valentines 2007, 2008 mission complete badge.
    * Toothbreaker (Gives rad cap gladiator), Cap Buster(CoV): Valentines 2006, 2007, 2008, Winter 2006, 2007 events.
    * Toy Collector (gives Snowbeast gladiator), Longbow Reservist(CoH)/Jetsetter(CoV), Holiday Spirit(CoH)/Scrooge(CoV) were all winter 2005 event. Toy Collector repeated for Winter 2006, 2007 events.
    * Cold Front, Trucker: Winter 2006. Login badge. (Could buy with candy canes in 2007 event).
    * Joyful, Miraculous, Frosty, Crystallized, Bane of Dannon(CoV): Winter 2006, 2007 events.
    * Speed Demon, Accelerated, Qualified Winter 2007 Ski run badges.
    * Gifted: Winter event 2007.
    * Passport: (North American to EU Transfer badge, no longer available)
    * Power Liberator / Master Thief: (not obtainable until Items of Power are returned to the game.)
    * Bug Hunter: (Yeah, I know it is technically available, but there is absolutely nothing a character can do to obtain it, granted solely on the discretion of the developers.)

Oh, and:
QuoteI believe the Event Badges are perminent, the Text changes per year (if any specific timeline is mentioned) but the Badges themselves are the same.
This is incorrect. The texts do not change.


Ya you're right, I was thinking of Requirements and the Anniversary Badges when I refered to the Event Badges.  So I had it wrong in my mind.  Thanks for the correction Snow.

Holiday Spirit / Scrooge is one of them, we left the mention of the '05 Winter Event as the requirement, in which it's truly every winter event.