Sig settings broken for me

Started by Shorts, August 05, 2008, 07:37:49 AM


My CGT sig works fine but the BBCode includes the link which leads to a 404.

CIT sigs all show as image and the same link as above in the BBCode.

The old CIT sigs seems to work (redirected) but the links now leads to a 404 page.

Edit: Never mind the last part. I had already changed the old sigs to working ones: But I had neglected to change the link. It still shows the wrong image in the sig settings though.
Excreta ergo sum.


Excreta ergo sum.


Sorry about that, slipped through the cracks.

The correct images should now appear in your profile.  The legacy links should work, and new ones will have a "u" in front of the character id in the URL.  Same for avatars.


Images works just dandy now. Thanks. ;D

However, the profile link in the BBCode section still shows, is this normal? There are no explanations as to what to change it to if I'm expected to do that.  ???
Excreta ergo sum.


Wow, that is leftover from when I first put that page together.  The correct link is your public profile link.  Yours is:


Mine doesn't seem to like me either.  I swear it was working last night, but now it's just giving me the evil image place holder.  I've checked it about 5 times and noticed yours was doing it too earlier SP.  Not sure if I'm just losing it though since yours is all better and mine's still a placeholder.  :(

\m/  (^.^)  \m/


Which images?  Can you link them here?


Oh, and I wanted to ask to:  are the badge counts on the website-that-used-to-be-known-as-CIT ones not updating yet?  Mine don't seem to be.

\m/  (^.^)  \m/


The images are all working fine as provided but the "Display+Name" business is still going on. I'm assuming that's supposed to link to either that character's or that player's page. (I made the corrections to my own signatures manually but it may confuse other players.)


Looks like the Default URL got changed again.  SP will have to go through and change that along with the Images themselves since they still have on them.

Interesting how not everyone seems to have got affected though...perhaps there is something else involved.  We'll look into it though.  Thanks for finding this.


Excreta ergo sum.