SuperGroup summary pages?

Started by IceHeart, August 01, 2008, 10:24:50 AM


First of all, kudos for the hard work on the new site.
Nice and clean design, and while a couple things may be due improving I fully realize it's a work in progress, so I just gotta say, looks good, keep it up!! :)

So - question/suggestion:  SuperGroup Summary pages / support?

Not looking for fancy stuff, just a basic page that links the characters signed to a particular SG.

I remember the old site had an embryonary SG page, where you could see the characters tracked for the Sg,and I assume that data is still available somewhere in the CityTracker DB.
Our Sg uses guildportal as its center, but the roster functionality there is extremely lacking, plus you have to update everything manually, and things are not kept up to date - example, as of now they have not added the option for Villain Epic ATs.

I figure I could build a page there that links to a City tracker SG page, that acts as a 'roster' and having our sg members use herostats or TNTracker, makes it easy for everybody...


Thanks, I'm glad you like the new site!

AS for the SG pages - they're definitely coming. We're trying to get TNT working again, and once that goes live and we get some fresh data in, we'll be re-launching the supergroup pages.


Just to throw this out ... one of my SG members once made a program to harvest data from TNT and create visual charts like this.  He eventually gave up on continuing to update his software as the tracker software changed so often, but I thought I'd show it to the Titan team in case it gave them any ideas :)


That looks pretty cool...I personally would try to make it look a little nicer, but I do like the concept of it.  Nifty!


Infinity Patrol doesn't care about "nice"; we care about results  8)


Quote from: Zombra on August 04, 2008, 01:37:56 PM
Infinity Patrol doesn't care about "nice"; we care about results  8)

I care about both  ;D

Really that's kind of a  :gonk: and a  :'( at the same time as  ;D because it's just so damn time-consuming... and I'm never happy.


SG pages are back!  Like everything else, it's still a work in progress. 

One of my group's pages, for example:

Also, there was a LOT of junk data and we had a lot of complaints about the old SG data being so out of date, that we figured now was as good a time as any to start fresh.  Sorry if anyone's data got wiped out, but if you use TNT/HeroStats, it'll quickly re-populate and also be current data!

Now that this is out of the way, I intend to add in an XML feed for SG rosters similar to the private XML feeds.  Keep an eye out for that!


Yay for SG pages! and look good!!  ;D

- ahem.. how do I link to them from my characters ??    ???   Because otherwise i keep 'OMG Screwing everything' - hehe
I know I know.. give you guys some time...

- hey Zombra, those charts look rather interesting.. think your SG mate would be willing to share the code?  PM here or PM at COH forums as well(at signature)  .. easier I think.



Quote from: IceHeart on August 04, 2008, 11:38:52 PM
Yay for SG pages! and look good!!  ;D

- ahem.. how do I link to them from my characters ??    ???   Because otherwise i keep 'OMG Screwing everything' - hehe

Right now, the SG is only linkable through TNT or HeroStats.  I haven't created a way to manually add Supergroups yet.


heh, wasn't really thinking about 'manually add' an SG,  just being able  to link from a character profile to its corresponding  SG page...

Matter of fact I would think it better to NOT manually this would undoubtedly add garbage (typos, etc) to your SG tables.. I would think it simpler/easier to update those from TNT/herostats..

On the other hand I realize there is a segment of the public that may not use herostats/tnt so maybe the manual add is required after all....

I'd be curious if you have any statistics on how many people use HeroStats/TNT vs manual adds/checks.. I'm sure that could be obtained from the server logs and would help prioritize some of the requests..
but I digress - thats another story entirely...

No worries, SP.. just keep up the good work :)


You don't see the supergroup on your Character profile pages?

The characters I've updated through TNT properly display the SG link:

It's under the "Character Data" heading.


Afraid I don't see it , SP..  :(  - should connect to 'Shadow Souls/Triumph' (most of them anyway...)

see :

Admittedly, I'm using HeroStats, and it may be out of sysnc still, so I'll  dl the latest TNT and see if it re-updates.. but i'm pretty sure that was there before (otherwise I wouldnt have asked initially)... and I realize u said some SGs/toons may have lost a couple things.. that's ok..

On the other hand, you may want to take a look and see if whatever affects me may have affected others :)


I don't think HS is updating you.  All of your "Last On" dates are in June.  I think that's the problem.


Just got TNT up and running and i see SG!!  yay

I'll have to update my old 'set-badges script' as well - get the correct new site names and add the >1000 badges...
I'll post an updated version later on , in case anybody might wanna use it

But looks good! Thanks SP :)


Glad you got it working, sorry for the confusion :)


Quote from: IceHeart on August 04, 2008, 11:38:52 PM- hey Zombra, those charts look rather interesting.. think your SG mate would be willing to share the code?  PM here or PM at COH forums as well(at signature)  .. easier I think.
I posted on the Infinity Patrol forum, where he'll see the request, but no guarantees about whether he'll dig it out; he's a busy guy.  If you don't hear from me, then he's either disinclined or doesn't have time :)


Please correct me if I'm wrong but I remember Info terminal giving a tally of the SG members, granted no links to those who didn't use titan but it gave a total of members and maybe names? My crew is pretty laid back so I can't make it a requirement though I have been seriously trying to get them to use Titan. Anyways is this functionality possible? It would be a nice thing to have available! Thanks for all the hard work!


The old CIT Supergroup info was only based off of those who had a CIT Account and ultimately used a Tracking Program to get their SG info linked with their Characters on the Site.  If one doesn't use a Tracking Program, we never had a way to Link that Character to any SG.

This still remains the same, all current CIT Registered Characters can only have an SG affiliation if they've had it linked up via the TNT or HS Tracking Programs.  I don't believe there's any way for us to pull SG Roster data from the Game just by having one Member Register with us and run a Tracking Program, since the Program can only track a single Character at a time.

I agree that having full Roster Data would be a plus, I just don't think we can do it unless every SG Member had an Account with us and ran one of those Programs.


Why anyone would NOT use Titan is beyond me :) I must have recollected incorrectly.


LOL!  That's what we keep saying, but then again, there's that Vault that's supposed to be so great it'll be sort of like the WoW Armory.  In keeping track of everything character perhaps some just want to wait for that...who knows.