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Hey Im confused

Started by Shinysarah2002, July 22, 2008, 08:42:21 PM



If im doing something that is blantantly obvious do inform me
but im trying to upload all my characters badges! but firstly not all the badges are there and also they are coming up as villain badges even though my hero is specified as a Hero..
Im finding this site difficult to understand so any helpful pointers would be gratefully recieved... :'(


That is interesting because Hero AT's and Villain AT's are Badge Specific, meaning that you should'nt be seeing any Badges that are Villain Only, under your Heroes' Manage Badges Pages.

We are aware of some of the Badges missing, but only for some of the VEAT types.  We've not encountered this for any other AT types, until you came forth.  Can you give us specifics, such as:

What Toon(s) are you seeing this with? (Name and Alignment)
What Badges are showing up that should not be?
What Badges are just not showing up?

That will help us get closer to the cause of this.