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Archetype Pools

Started by KidKourage, April 24, 2020, 08:55:21 PM


For this year's anniversary, I feel the need to share the last of my thoughts and ideas about City of Heroes. 
Archetype Pools
Few people seemed to know this, but power sets were not actually shared between archetypes; each had their own specific version of each power in the set with variations on damage, duration, magnitude, and endurance values.  That never felt right to me.  Nor did it feel right that certain powers (taunt, challenge, build up, focus) were repeated in almost every power set.  This 'problem' was most pronounced with Stalkers, but I felt it with all the melee types.  You don't get nine unique powers, you get seven, plus those other two.  That really made sets like dual blades, or powers like Rage feel unique.
I knew Tankers who did not have Taunt but were excellent at managing agro.  I myself had a Tanker that I really wanted to get into the Presence pool with, and so chose the weaker Provoke.  I knew players that wanted to maximize their archetype benefits and those who wanted to minimize them; and I'm not just talking about Masterminds who did not want henchmen.  It made me realize that we had little ability to customize this character aspect.
And so I got onto this notion that an archetype power was an actual enhanceable thing that tweaked other powers.  Blasters and Scrappers enhanced any damage component to powers, Defenders reduced the endurance, etc.  Out of the gate, this would likely be slightly weaker than today, but by slotting enhancements to archetype powers, you would be improving your global bonuses a tiny bit at the cost of reducing the number of enhancements available for specific powers.
When the inherent version of the Fitness pool was added, the idea of creating similar inherent Archetype pools seemed obvious.  Every archetype had at least three specialized abilities, I just needed to split these benefits down into four 'powers', allowing players to customize them individually (or not at all).  When the pool powers got expanded to five, I spent a good while thinking through a fifth option for each.  Then it hit me I had overlooked another obvious thing, different archetypes had a given power set as either the primary or the secondary.  Enhancing a primary power set would help to make that difference more pronounced.
With the opportunity to assign up to 25 slots on this pool, this could wildly alter character build options.  Think of this as Diversification of Enhancements rather than Enhancement Diversification.  It also changes power sets to contain 9 thematic powers shared across a few archetypes.  If a Blaster chooses to ignore sniping he/she simply doesn't enhance nor use Sniper and still gets a set of nine powers to choose from.  A Stalker's primary power set no longer looks radically different from the Scrapper/Brute/Tanker's.
Note that caps are not altered by these powers.  For example, where Primary mentions adding 2% to max health per power, this does not affect the health cap for that archetype – which can be significantly different from the others. 

Remove Blaster specific benefits in primary & secondary sets.  Replace the effects all Sniper attacks with a power to feature the secondary effects of that set (extra damage, - recovery, - defense, etc).  Replace 'Aim' from primary sets with another attack, except Amplify; which becomes a +damage to the energy component of all attacks.  Replace Build Up from secondary sets.
   Aim (click) – Boost to Accuracy for a few seconds.   Accuracy, Recharge
   Build Up (click) – Boost to Damage for a few seconds.   Damage, Recharge
   Defiance (auto) – Increases Damage of all powers available through level 4 and allows them to be used regardless of status effect.  Global accuracy boost.   Damage, Accuracy, Resistance (status effects)
   Primary (auto) – Each attack power gives you minor defense (1%) and resistance (2%) to its main damage type and delivery mode.  Each non attack increases your max health by 2% and regen rate by 1%     Defense, Resistance, Health, Recharge
   Sniper (toggle) – Adds tremendous Range and Damage to the next attack made but adds a large interruptible activation to it; untoggles once an attack is made (or is interrupted).   Accuracy, Range, Interrupt Reduction, Recharge

Remove Controller specific benefits in primary & secondary sets (generally the duplicate attack).
   Awareness (auto) – Improves your overall awareness and defenses to status effect powers, but reduces your maximum health.   Defense (+ protection), Range (+awareness), Health (+ max)
   Boost (click) – Increases the Radius and Duration of area effect powers as well as reducing the endurance use of toggled effect powers for a short time.   Range (+radius), Recharge
Endurance Reduction
   Containment (auto) – Tremendous Increases to damage against targets under any status effect.  Also applies a recharge debuff to target.  Applies a minimal max health debuff.   Damage, Slow (+recharge debuff)
   Lock (auto) – Duplicates any effects attack against the primary target.  Increases the To Hit and Rank/Magnitude of any offensive power with a status effect.    To Hit, Damage (+magnitude)
   Primary (auto) – Each attack power gives you minor defense (1%) and resistance (2%) to its main damage type and delivery mode.  Each non attack increases your max health by 2% and regen rate by 1%     Defense, Resistance, Health, Recharge

Remove Defender specific benefits in primary & secondary sets (generally Range and Duration).  Replace the effects all Sniper attacks to feature the secondary effects of that set (extra damage, - recovery, - defense, etc).  Replace 'Aim' from primary sets with another attack, except Amplify; which becomes a +damage to the energy component of all attacks.
   Aim (click) – Boost to Accuracy for a few seconds.   Accuracy, Recharge
   Primary (auto) – Each attack power gives you minor defense (1%) and resistance (2%) to its main damage type and delivery mode.  Each non attack increases your max health by 2% and regen rate by 1%     Defense, Resistance, Health, Recharge
   Shield (auto) – Increases the Range and Defense, Duration, Resistance, Regen, and/or Recovery of all (de)buff/healing powers.  The Range benefit extends to AoE radius (including Group Fly or Teleport radius).   Defense, Resistance, Interrupt (+duration), Range, Health (+regen), Endurance (+recovery)
   Sniper (toggle) – Adds tremendous Range and Damage to the next attack made but adds a large interruptible activation to it; untoggles once the attack is made (or interrupted).   Accuracy, Range, Interrupt Reduction, Recharge
   Vigilance (auto) – Increase to Recovery, Recharge, and Damage based on total team health.  Minor debuff to max health.  Enhancement modifies the amount of Endurance discount.   Damage. To Hit, Endurance (+recovery), Recharge (+recharge)

Remove Scrapper specific benefits in primary & secondary sets and health scaling.  Replace Confront/Taunt powers with an additional attack.  Replace Build Up powers with another attack, except where specifically named, such as Follow-up, Call of the Wild, Power Siphon, Focus Chi, Combat Readiness, Build Momentum.  In these cases redesign the power to provide additional boosts when the inherent Build Up is used. 
   Build Up (click) – Boost to Damage and Movement for a few seconds.  Note that this will interrupt the progression of combination attacks (Dual Blades & Street Justice)   Damage, Recharge, Fly/Leap/Run
   Challenge (click) – Makes ranged Taunt attack versus target, debuffs target's Defense & Resistance for a few seconds.   Accuracy, Taunt, Defense Debuff
   Critical Hit (auto) – Boost to Critical Hit rate and damage done by critical hits.    Damage, To Hit
   Primary (auto) – Each attack power gives you minor defense (1%) and resistance (2%) to its main damage type and delivery mode.  Each non attack increases your max health by 2% and regen rate by 1%     Defense, Resistance, Health, Recharge
   Vigor (auto) – Minor buff to max Health, improves Movement Rates and Recovery.   Health (+ max health), Endurance (+recovery), Flight, Running, Leaping

Remove Tanker specific benefits in secondary sets as well as overall health scaling.  Replace Confront/Taunt powers with an additional attack.  Replace Build Up powers with another attack, except where specifically named, such as Follow-up, Call of the Wild, Power Siphon, Focus Chi, Combat Readiness, Build Momentum, and Rage.  In these cases redesign the power to provide additional boosts when the inherent Build Up is used.
   Build Up (click) – Boost to Damage for a few seconds.   Damage, Recharge
   Brawny (auto) – Major buff to max health per level.  Also buffs self Defense, Resistance, and Healing powers.   Health (+ max health)
Defense, Resistance
   Bruiser – (auto) Makes a Bruising (for powers available up to rank 4) follow-up attack on the same target(s).   Defense Debuff, Endurance
   Gauntlet (auto) – Adds range and rank to all Taunt powers.  Makes an AoE Taunt follow-up attack on the same target(s).  Enables slotting Taunt enhancement to any melee power.   Range, Taunt, Accuracy
   Primary (auto) – Each attack power gives you minor defense (1%) and resistance (2%) to its main damage type and delivery mode.  Each non attack increases your max health by 2% and regen rate by 1%     Defense, Resistance, Health, Recharge

Remove Brute specific benefits in primary sets as well as overall health scaling.  Replace Confront/Taunt powers with an additional attack.  Replace Build Up powers with another attack, except where specifically named, such as Follow-up, Call of the Wild, Power Siphon, Focus Chi, Combat Readiness, Build Momentum.  In these cases redesign the power to provide additional boosts when the inherent Rampage is used.
   Challenge (click) – Makes ranged Taunt attack versus target, debuffs target's Defense & Resistance for a few seconds.   Accuracy, Range, Taunt, Defense Debuff
   Fury (auto) – Build up bonus to Damage and Resistance.  This benefit should be at 100% when the fury bar is at 66%.  Additional boost to max health.   Damage, Resistance
   Primary (auto) – Each attack power gives you minor defense (1%) and resistance (2%) to its main damage type and delivery mode.  Each non attack increases your max health by 2% and regen rate by 1%     Defense, Resistance, Health, Recharge
   Rampage (click) – Increase Status effect resistance and Recovery rate for a short period.  Enables slotting Taunt enhancement to any melee power.   Resistance, Endurance (+recovery), Taunt
   Vigor (auto) – Minor buff to max Health, improves Movement Rates and Recovery.   Health (+ max health)
Endurance (+recovery), Flight, Running, Leaping

Remove Corrupter specific benefits in primary & secondary sets.  Replace the effects all Sniper attacks to feature the secondary effects of that attack (extra damage, - recovery, - defense, etc).  Replace 'Aim' from primary sets with another attack, except Amplify; which becomes a +damage to the energy component of all attacks.
   Aim (click) – Boost to Accuracy for a few seconds.   Accuracy, Recharge
   Boost (click) – Increases the Radius and Duration of area effect powers as well as reducing the endurance use of toggled effect powers.   Range (+radius), Recharge, Endurance Reduction
   Primary (auto) – Each attack power gives you minor defense (1%) and resistance (2%) to its main damage type and delivery mode.  Each non attack increases your max health by 2% and regen rate by 1%     Defense, Resistance, Health, Recharge
   Scourge (auto) – Creates a chance gain a Critical Hit when the target is below 50% and also gives you a small health and endurance recovery when you eliminate a target.  Minor debuff to max health.  Minor buff to accuracy.   Accuracy, Endurance(+recovery), Health(+regen)
   Sniper (toggle) – Adds tremendous Range and Damage to the next attack made but adds a large interruptible activation to it; untoggles once the attack is made (or interrupted).   Accuracy, Range, Interrupt Reduction, Recharge

Remove Dominator specific benefits in primary & secondary sets.  Replace Build Up from secondary sets.
   Awareness (auto) – Improves your overall awareness and defenses to status effect powers.   Defense (+ protection), Range (+awareness)
   Boost (click) – Increases the Radius and Duration of area effect powers as well as reducing the endurance use of toggled effect powers.   Range (+radius), Recharge, Endurance Reduction
   Domination (click) – Once the domination bar has reached 90% of its maximum, the power enables.  When used it applies large boost to the magnitude of status effect attacks as well your defense to such powers.  Minor debuff to max health.   Damage (+ magnitude), Defense(+ protection)
   Primary (auto) – Each attack power gives you minor defense (1%) and resistance (2%) to its main damage type and delivery mode.  Each non attack increases your max health by 2% and regen rate by 1%     Defense, Resistance, Health, Recharge
   Sniper (toggle) – Adds tremendous Range and Damage to the next attack made but adds a large interruptible activation to it; untoggles once the attack is made (or interrupted).   Accuracy, Range, Interrupt Reduction, Recharge

Remove Mastermind specific benefits in primary & secondary sets.
   Bodyguard (auto) – Major debuff to your max health.  When pets are in defensive mode, each will protect you by taking some damage for you.   Health (+ max health)
Resist (+pet damage reduction)
   Primary (auto) – Each attack power gives you minor defense (1%) and resistance (2%) to its main damage type and delivery mode.  Each non attack increases your max health by 2% and regen rate by 1%     Defense, Resistance, Health, Recharge
   Resilience (click) – Increase Status effect resistance and Regeneration rate for a short period.   Resistance, Health (+regen)
   Strategy (click) – Improves your awareness and movement rate for a short while.  When pets are in offensive mode, you gain accuracy and defense debuff due to their co-ordination.   Range (+awareness), Accuracy, Defense Debuff, Flight, Running, Leaping
   Supremacy (auto) – This power turns all Pets into Henchmen and boosts Henchmen's Damage and Accuracy when nearby and you are not reduced to self only status effects (such as being Caged, Invisible, or Phased).   Accuracy, Damage, Range (+ radius)

Remove Stalker specific benefits in primary & secondary sets.  Replace Hide, Assassination, and Placate powers from primary & secondary sets except where specifically named (such as Smoke Flash).
   Assassination (toggle) – Substantial increase to damage if your target is currently affected by Fear, Sleep, Confuse, Immobilize, Stun, Taunt, Placate, or Blinded; but this removes such effects.  Slotting such enhancements further boost this damage when a matching effect is removed.   Fear, Sleep, Confuse, Immobilize, Stun, Taunt
   Hide (auto) – Applies the Hidden status when using a Concealment, Phase, or Placate power.  Increases Movement, as well as mitigating movement penalty of concealment powers, and resistance to slow status effect.  Minor boost to Concealment radius.  Substantial boost to damage from next attack.   Interrupt (+ stealth), Run, Leap, Fly
Range (+Teleport), Damage
   Misdirection (auto) – Adds to range, accuracy, rank, and duration of Placate powers.     Range, Accuracy
Damage (+ magnitude)
   Primary (auto) – Each attack power gives you minor defense (1%) and resistance (2%) to its main damage type and delivery mode.  Each non attack increases your max health by 2% and regen rate by 1%     Defense, Resistance, Health, Recharge
   Vital Strike (auto) – Following a successful melee attack, this applies a 2% healing debuff, and a 1% Slow (Movement) and Recharge Debuff.  Each effect lasts a few minutes and can stack up to 15 times.    Slow, Interrupt

Remove the inherent powers of Combat Flight & Energy Flight.
   Cosmic Balance – Your Damage will increase for each nearby Tanker, Mastermind, Corruptor or Defender teammate. Your Damage Resistance will increase for each nearby Scrapper, Brute, Stalker or Blaster teammate. Each Peacebringer, Warshade, Arachnos Widow or Arachnos Soldier on their team gives a 10% Recharge Slow Resistance. Finally each nearby Controller or Dominator teammate will grant you limited protection from Control effects.   Damage, Resistance
   Combat Flight (toggle) – Slow speed flight power with lower endurance use.   Flight, Endurance
   Energy Flight (toggle) – High speed flight power.   Flight, Endurance, Knockback (+protection)
   Epic (auto) – Prevents access to Ancillary Pools but permits a tiny boost in global accuracy and recharge rate.   Accuracy, Recharge
   Kheldian (auto) – Prevents access to Patron Pools, tremendous debuff to defense and resistance versus attacks with Quantum/Negative type tag.  Minor buff to recovery rate.  Minor debuff to max health.   Defense (mitigates quantum debuff), Endurance(+recovery)

Remove the inherent powers of Shadow Recall & Shadow Step.
   Dark Sustenance (auto) – Your Damage Resistance will increase for each nearby Tanker, Mastermind, Corruptor or Defender teammate. Your Damage will increase for each nearby Scrapper, Stalker, Brute or Blaster teammate. Each Peacebringer, Warshade, Arachnos Widow or Arachnos Soldier on their team gives a 10% Recharge Slow Resistance. Finally each nearby Controller or Dominator teammate will grant you limited Protection from Control effects.   Damage, Resistance
   Epic (auto) – Prevents access to Ancillary Pools but permits a tiny boost in global accuracy and recharge rate.   Accuracy, Recharge
   Kheldian (auto) – Prevents access to Patron Pools, tremendous debuff to defense and resistance versus attacks with Quantum/Negative type tag.  Minor buff to recovery rate.  Minor debuff to max health.   Defense (mitigates quantum debuff), Endurance(+recovery)
   Shadow Recall (click & select) – Allows you to teleport a teammate to your side from very long distances.   Range, Endurance
   Shadow Step (click) – Allows you to teleport long distances.   Range, Endurance

Arachnos Soldier
The archetype pool only contains 4 powers until a career choice is made, at which point the selected fifth power becomes available.
   Career Choice:
       Bane Spider (auto) – Adds to max Health, improves Movement Rates and Recovery.     Health (+ max health), Endurance (+recovery)
Flight, Running, Leaping
       Crab Spider (auto) – Buff to all Defense, Resistance, and Healing powers.     Defense, Resistance, Health (+regen)
   Conditioning (auto) – Improves Recovery and Regeneration rates.
   Health (+regen), Endurance (+recovery)
   Epic (auto) – Prevents access to Ancillary Pools but permits a tiny boost in global accuracy and recharge rate.   Accuracy, Recharge
   Resilience (click) – Increase Status effect resistance and Regeneration rate for a short period.   Resistance, Health (+regen)
   Training (auto) – Global boost to Taunt value, To Hit, and Ranged powers.   Range, Taunt, To Hit

Arachnos Widow
The archetype pool only contains 4 powers until a career choice is made, at which point the selected fifth power becomes available.
   Career Choice:
       Night Widow (auto) – Greatly increases the benefit of and applies the Hidden status when using a Concealment or Phase power.  Increases Movement, as well as mitigating movement penalty of concealment powers, and resistance to slow status effect.     Interrupt (+ stealth), Run, Leap, Fly, Range (+Teleport)
       Fortunata (auto) – Increases the To Hit and Rank/Magnitude of any offensive power with a status effect.   To Hit, Damage (+magnitude)
   Conditioning (auto) – Improves Recovery and Regeneration rates.
   Health (+regen), Endurance (+recovery)
   Epic (auto) – Prevents access to Ancillary Pools but permits a tiny boost in global accuracy and recharge rate.   Accuracy, Recharge
   Misdirection (auto) – Adds to range, accuracy, rank, and duration of Placate powers.  If successful, you are also Hidden from that target.   Range, Accuracy, Damage (+ magnitude)
   Resilience (click) – Increase Status effect resistance and Regeneration rate for a short period.   Resistance, Health (+regen)