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Tier Zero Powers

Started by KidKourage, April 24, 2020, 08:22:37 PM


For this year's anniversary, I feel the need to share the last of my thoughts and ideas about City of Heroes. 
Tier Zero Powers (or These Go to Six)
When upgrades to the Fighting Pool were discussed, there was a mention of adding Brawl into the pool's synergy where each power you had from the pool boosted every other related power you had.  There was a similar synergy discussion surrounding the Medicine pool, but Rest was not being associated in the same manner as Brawl.  I had to wonder if the Devs ever used the term 'tier' the way the player base did. 
Cause what I instantly understood was: Brawl is the tier 0 power from the Fighting pool.  Sprint is the tier 0 power from the Speed pool.  And Rest is the tire 0 power from the Medicine pool.  All players got every tier 0 power and these did not count towards the 4 pool limit. 
This gives us 3 pools with a potential of six powers each.  Whatever synergy benefits you get from investing in more powers of each pool, these 3 have greater potential.  Or, players could take the 3 free powers, thank you very much, and head out on some other build path with no real loss.
Movement Synergy
So would they have ever gone back and pushed this synergy concept into the movement pools?  It would have been very easy. 
1)   Jump Kick, Air Superiority, and Flurry would each get an inertia (damage and/or knockback) boost, 
2)   Teleport Foe would get a magnitude boost,
3)   Lower the initial caps by mode and then each movement power chosen increases the appropriate cap,
4)   All teleport powers would benefit from a reduction in endurance cost and possibly interruption time.
Origins Mean (a Tiny Little) Something
Here's an interesting idea to ponder.  Would Sorcery, Experimentation, Force of Will, Gadgetry, and Utility Belt consider synergy with your Origin temporary power?  Along the lines of: if you take the Origin pool that matches your own origin, then your temporary power is replaced with a fully enhance-able pool power equivalent.  So while anyone can learn Sorcery, those who have a Magic origin get to synergize the pool 6 degrees with an improved version of Charm.
I'm sure many of us discount the origin power as something to stop using between levels 10 and 15.  But my Scrapper used his Throwing Knife all the way through level 50.  Just a free version of Challenge as far as I was concerned; something I could toss into one mob while running for another.  It wasn't until I respec-ed him with Shurikens from the Weapon Mastery pool that I finally gave it up.  But if it my Throwing Knife essentially was a Shuriken?  I could'a done something totally different for my auxiliary pool.
Fitness Pool Fifth Power
If the fitness pool got the same treatment, what would that be?  I would be a fan of introducing Swimming as a movement group and giving some sort of boost to swimming speed as well as holding your breath.  But if not, I would go for something offering a range or duration or magnitude boost to all applicable powers.