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Status of the Titan Network

Started by Sekoia, September 19, 2019, 02:05:19 AM


In case you missed it, several days ago Tony announced he was stepping down from Titan. After initially stating that Titan would be transitioned to Homecoming, we later clarified that ownership would be transferred to me instead. I understand that the whole situation has caused both confusion and alarm for some of you so I wanted to address a few things to hopefully set minds at ease and clear the confusion.

Transfer of ownership
While Tony had planned for Homecoming to take on ownership, it turns out that Homecoming didn't actually want it. As GM Widower posted, "Titan folding into Homecoming in any way would be a whole big can of data-protection worms that we don't want to open." Additionally, many people--including people at Homecoming and at Titan--felt that Titan should remain independent. Thus I decided to step up and offered to take on ownership of Titan, which Tony agreed to.

Who is Sekoia?
As I said earlier, I know my name isn't anywhere near as recognizable as Tony and I'm sure people are wondering who I am. I started out as a heavy contributor and then admin at Paragon Wiki. I became a part of Titan staff when Paragon Wiki joined the Titan Network in 2008 and gradually expanded the scope of what I worked on. As the years passed and Titan staff members came and went, I soon became one of the primary administrators at Titan and have been doing a lot of the backend work behind the scenes for many years.

Tony wasn't just an administrator and owner of the Titan Network. He rallied us when the world went dark, and he's been the face of not just Titan but of much of the community. I won't be able to fill his shoes and I don't intend to try. Rather, I see my role as a steward of the Titan Network. On paper, yes I'll own the servers that run the Titan Network when Tony transfers them over to me. But the content and community that lives on those servers belong to the world. My responsibility is to keep it all alive and to continue giving the community a home independent of any of the private servers.

Homecoming and other private servers
On the topic of private servers, I do firmly believe that the ongoing talks between NCSOFT, Titan Network, and Homecoming represent our best chance at securing a legal agreement with NCSOFT. I will be stepping in to fill Tony's role as the representative of the Titan Network in the talks with NCSOFT. I am committed to seeing the effort succeed.

The Titan Network, however, remains independent. None of the private servers are running the game legally and we therefore do not endorse any of them. We don't even endorse playing on Homecoming. It's your call to decide if you want to take on the legal risk associated with these servers and, if so, which of them you want to play on.

Status of Titan Network
To put people's minds at ease: You don't have to worry about any of our sites or services going offline. My goal is to keep everything running as it is.

Since we are independent of any of the private servers, that means that our sites are still locked in on the game as it existed at shutdown. That means we don't support adding characters to CIT for private servers. It also means that we don't allow private server content on ParagonWiki. This isn't a change, it's been our stance for a while, but I wanted to re-emphasize it.

Thank you!
I'll wrap up by saying thank you. Thank you for your patience during this transition. More importantly, thank you for being a part of the community.


Your feedback is welcome! Please feel free to comment on the corresponding discussion thread: Discussion: Status of the Titan Network.