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Project Spelunker

Started by PhiloticKnight, July 05, 2019, 01:48:40 AM


Hello everyone. I don't know if this is the best forum for this, but I'm not sure what the process even is. I don't know if any of you have heard yet about Project Spelunker, but it's my attempt to "bring back" the old CoH forums in an archival, but SEARCHABLE way - something you just can't get from trying to browse the Internet Archive. The project was chugging along just fine, I built my parser program, and have about a half dozen people donating PC processing time parsing the data - but then it was stopped dead by my crappy "cheap" shared server. Now, we're kind of stuck, and we need help.

Now, I've started a non-profit Patreon in the hopes that the community would help me pay the server costs for a dedicated server for the project, but I'm not posting here looking to advertise that (note the lack of a link to the Patreon). I came here to ask you, TonyV or whomever is running the show right now - would City of Titans be willing to host this project and this archive? I know Tony has said that he's in talks with NCSoft, but I don't think that this would get in the way of that. This information has been hosted legally by the Internet Archive for over seven years, I don't see why it would cause a problem to host a searchable mirror elsewhere.

So, what say you? Homecoming has already told me essentially "no" without directly saying no, and from the looks of it, it looks like the Patreon isn't doing the best out of the gate. The project I think is a worthwhile one, and it needs a home. If y'all could commit to hosting the project, I'd cancel that Patreon right here and then, because I don't want money, and I certainly don't want to give money to some giant corporate web host if I can help it, I just want to see the project fulfilled.

Can, or will, you help?


Blurry-eyed chiming in...

This project is one of the few that's going on that is truly server independent as it's purpose is to make the Original US forums easily referenceable with no intent to add content. While I know that TonyV is in the works on other things and possibly too busy to respond, I do believe this to be inline with the original Titan Network purpose without risk of being server specific.

What's being requested is essentially assistance with hosting or the costs thereof (or a referral to a compatible host). The original host was overwhelmed with the traffic of a handful of people who managed to sparse the first 2k/18k files in the group.

Also, if anyone has access / knows of the old EU forums, that has been requested as well by those reading up on the project.
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