The Shot Heard Around Paragon City - SCORE Public Release

Started by Super Atom, April 16, 2019, 04:19:43 AM


Quote from: Vee on June 05, 2019, 12:10:45 AM
So i can do something the lame way before it gets improved? Pass.

Each to his own, I say.   I enjoy the evolution of the game.  In the case of snipe attacks, I never thought they were broken.  I was a fan of what Paragon was going to do with I24.


My main on the homecoming servers is now slotted up and has about an 11 second recharge time on their snipe. 

With tactics six slotted with Gaussian which has the to hit buff running all the time and occasionally activating, I can keep my snipe almost always instant without the need for any special new IO sets.

However I do want to the game evolve.

I also want to play vanilla and that is what private servers are for.
In fearful COH-less days
In Raging COH-less nights
With Strong Hearts Full, we shall UNITE!
When all seems lost in the effort to bring CoH back to life,
Look to Cyberspace, where HOPE burns bright!


Been playing nonstop for the last 2 weeks. Was a Tanker on live but I'm a scrapper here atm. Still feels like I'm dreaming, lol


When you hit the groove, it's like the lost years never happened.


The timing of this rebirth was probably fortuitous too.  7 years later, things were such a state that NCSoft was bound to care less than they would have, if it happened much sooner after the initial shutdown.  So, in all likelihood, it happened when it could happen, and couldn't have happened any other way.
What was no more, is now reborn!



Quote from: saipaman on June 12, 2019, 05:56:45 PM
We'll never know about the road not taken.

I will always wonder at 3 issues a year by 6 years what those 18 issues would have looked like.


Quote from: duane on June 15, 2019, 12:43:26 PM
I will always wonder at 3 issues a year by 6 years what those 18 issues would have looked like.

something like

perhaps? or something even more echinodramatic?


DC's lawyers then send a C&D for looking too much like Starro.

aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


Quote from: Abraxus on June 12, 2019, 02:42:36 PM
The timing of this rebirth was probably fortuitous too.  7 years later, things were such a state that NCSoft was bound to care less than they would have, if it happened much sooner after the initial shutdown.  So, in all likelihood, it happened when it could happen, and couldn't have happened any other way.




Quote from: Taceus Jiwede on June 05, 2019, 07:57:14 PM
I agree with all of this.  I am happy they backpedaled on the range and recharge about, those were my biggest gripes.

I agree the "feel" of it is just different.  Something about just doesn't feel entirely right  I also agree on the Gamership part.  Even on my Fire/Fire Blaster who didnt have Perma-Insta snipe I liked using Aim, Build Up, or Inspirations when necessary.  As for my /Devices blaster.  His whole existence was to have perma instant snipe as low as possible.  Which is 10 for an Energy/Device blaster.  Currently, the IO to pick is my biggest gripe.  It seems silly to make people change their builds to pick something they could already pick.

I will say its nice to see them responding the feedback.  People didn't like the initial Sniper changes and they listened and made some changes until it was ina place they felt was a good compromise between their goal and players wants.  I respect that at least, lots of MMO's with Publishers and full Dev teams blindly commit to changes all the time regardless of feedback.  So it is nice to see.  However, I still think they just call off this sniper change entirely.  To me, it doesn't feel like a player prompted the change.  It seems like something the SCoRE devs wanted to do when the server was private still, and now have the support to do it.  The only problem is the vast majority of us have only been playing for a month and a half tops, not 7 years.  Most of us barely even had time to enjoy the new snipe changes as they were.  I wouldn't say the newest snipe changes are a good thing if the last time you tried a Snipe power was on Live, at least until you try the current i24 changes - its that different feeling.  I agree snipe was less than useful on Live, but the i24 changes to Snipe have made it an entirely different power.

On Live I rarely took snipe besides my main blaster.  Now with i24 snipe changes, I always take snipe because its amazing.  After these newest changes, ill probably go back to never taking it.  Id say try the current snipe as it is, before deciding if these new changes are better or not.  They may be better than on i23 Live, but they certainly aren't better than the i24 Beta changes (IMO)

A GOOD read and a fair assessment.

If you haven't tried snipe before?  Try it now on 'i24' because it plays pitch perfect.  It feels THAT good.  (Whether it is technically what the devs intended in i24's unfinished state is one thing...)  But from a 'how it feels and plays' point?

Oh mamma.

They're going to use Tactics to get back the 'damage' the short snipe had on i24.  It's the whole longer short recharge vs more less damage equation their balancing.  Regardless, range and recharge nerfs were a bad(!) move they quickly changed due to feedback.  The auto feature works great.  But at least give us the option of using the short snipe animation from the powers customisation menu.



Quote from: saipaman on June 05, 2019, 11:02:54 PM
Each to his own, I say.   I enjoy the evolution of the game.  In the case of snipe attacks, I never thought they were broken.  I was a fan of what Paragon was going to do with I24.




Quote from: Sinistar on June 06, 2019, 07:09:05 AM
My main on the homecoming servers is now slotted up and has about an 11 second recharge time on their snipe. 

With tactics six slotted with Gaussian which has the to hit buff running all the time and occasionally activating, I can keep my snipe almost always instant without the need for any special new IO sets.

However I do want to the game evolve.

I also want to play vanilla and that is what private servers are for.

They've put back the range and the recharge (thank goodness.)

The new '2 second' activation on the 'slow' snipe will come as relief to any who hated the long wait and the 'hey, he nudged me...' snipe.  The 'hit like a truck' damage is great.  And the 'SNIPE!' shows a nice dry sense of humour.  Bit of fun there.

The new 'auto-snipe orange ring in and out of combat' feature now works great.  Seamless.  And democratises gameplay for all instead of being behind a power and some slots and an IO pay wall.  Which , for me, is MORE in the spirit of the COH being 'pick up and play'.  (However, I will miss the game management of hit aim or BU or power boost to get the to hit.  Which those and tactics 'to hits' I had insta-snipe up and running 'most' of the time.)

Numbers?  Back to 12 second recharge.  With 2 recharge SO in snipe I've got about 7-ish seconds.  With Hasten?  Just over 5 sec!!!  (Ker-POW!)

One 'emotive' gripe from test.  They've changed the 'shoot from the hip' to the 'arm out wobble'.  I liked the 'cocked' arm fasted gun in the west animation.  So satisfying.  (There maybe be technical reasons why it was like this.  But the developers had a great 'short animation' for insta snipe and it differentiates both long and short form.  I hope they change the 'short animation' back.)

How it plays.  'Just about as good' as on 'live.'  (I think I got used to how it was.  I don't see how they couldn't have just made the requirement for insta snipe tactics and 'to hit.'  But it DOES democratise gameplay for all snipe.)

It's worth trying.



Quote from: Vee on June 15, 2019, 06:38:55 PM
something like

perhaps? or something even more echinodramatic?

Two 'regurgitative' monopolies.  One called Marvel and one called DC.

*just came to mind.



Quote from: duane on June 15, 2019, 12:43:26 PM
I will always wonder at 3 issues a year by 6 years what those 18 issues would have looked like.

There is one 'farm' map that has the 'Earth' in the sky (much bigger than the Earth from NASA's 'film' release) and has what looks like a luna service.  I wonder...was this the beginning of the Moon base stuff?

What 'might have been.'  However, with the dev' tools most likely being in the hands of the community now...  Those 18 issues can be pondered and developed by the community. 

A fitting epitaph for a new dawn.

A multi-verse of visions as each dev' community will  have their own alt reality..?



Quote from: Sinistar on June 06, 2019, 07:09:05 AM
My main on the homecoming servers is now slotted up and has about an 11 second recharge time on their snipe. 

With tactics six slotted with Gaussian which has the to hit buff running all the time and occasionally activating, I can keep my snipe almost always instant without the need for any special new IO sets.

However I do want to the game evolve.

I also want to play vanilla and that is what private servers are for.

I haven't fitted the Gaussians.  I'll have to do that before the new patch gets pushed.

That's the thing.  For those that want vanilla?  There will be those that believe CoH should be curated as it 'was'...

...and for Homecoming and others?  Perhaps evolution.

It will be interesting to watch.



Quote from: saipaman on June 10, 2019, 10:09:36 PM
When you hit the groove, it's like the lost years never happened.

It feels just like live to me.  Testimony to the work done by the community.

Dream like.


Thunder Glove

Quote from: Azrael on June 17, 2019, 12:37:44 PM
There is one 'farm' map that has the 'Earth' in the sky (much bigger than the Earth from NASA's 'film' release) and has what looks like a luna service.  I wonder...was this the beginning of the Moon base stuff?

According to the 2012 Loregasm, the long-awaited moonbase was going to be added in Issue 28.  Positron says he approved the art assets in the last day before the studio was closed. :(

Quote from: duane on June 15, 2019, 12:43:26 PM
I will always wonder at 3 issues a year by 6 years what those 18 issues would have looked like.
Way too many Incarnate powers.  I don't know how they were going to keep up the pace.  (I mean, the six we have now make a dramatic difference; imagine having fourteen more of equal power and utility)


Quote from: Azrael on June 17, 2019, 12:37:44 PM
There is one 'farm' map that has the 'Earth' in the sky (much bigger than the Earth from NASA's 'film' release) and has what looks like a luna service.  I wonder...was this the beginning of the Moon base stuff?

Isn't that the scene for the final "Who Will Die?" mission?
I used CIT before they even joined the Titan network! But then I left for a long ol' time, and came back. Now I edit the wiki.

I'm working on sorting the Lore AMAs so that questions are easily found and linked: Tell me what you think!

Pinnacle: The only server that faceplants before a fight! Member of the Pinnacle RP Congress (People's Elf of the CCCP); formerly @The Holy Flame


Quote from: Thunder Glove on June 17, 2019, 04:20:48 PM
According to the 2012 Loregasm, the long-awaited moonbase was going to be added in Issue 28.  Positron says he approved the art assets in the last day before the studio was closed. :(
Way too many Incarnate powers.  I don't know how they were going to keep up the pace.  (I mean, the six we have now make a dramatic difference; imagine having fourteen more of equal power and utility)

What a shame.  I wonder, is there anything in the code for the Moon Base or had they just started pre-visual?  I wonder if the 'art assets' are out there and can still be used?  Or lost in the 'hasty' closing down of the studios?

Incarnates.  Uber.  Nice idea.  Lousy 'nest ridden' interface.  I'd rather they'd have used the standard interface.  'Super Epics' or 'Incarnates'.  With standard slotting and power picking.
