Can I create Bind Text Files here?

Started by caddok01, January 14, 2019, 02:26:00 AM


I'm kind of new here and just got Paragon Chat set up on my computer (a friend I introduced to CoH many, many, years ago did it for me) and I have a question about some things I used to do. Way back when, I was able to created Bind Text Files that would be saved on my computer and could be loaded with a keystroke. I had one for each character and they made playing those toons fun and unique. I've figured out the slash commands, making macros, and how to do individual binds, but I can't remember how to do that text document thing. My cuirrent functional computer never had CoH on it before so I don't have access to any of my old bind files.

Does this stuff even work on Paragon Chat?

P.S. I almost cried when I flew to the top of the statue in Atlas Park and got a badge. Thank you Developers! Thank you SO MUCH!


Of course you can.  I'd play with bind outside of the text file first (or macro, which is the same thing but uses PowerTray slots) so you have an idea of what works and what doesn't.

In general, CC Emotes, anything dealing with powers, and unimplemented chat channels (Super Group, Friends, League, etc.) won't work.  CC Emotes have workarounds when you install a Quickchat plugin to get most of them working with the regular Emote command, but they work asynchronous with costume changes (not synced at all).
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran



The guide says:
"Bind save (Slash Command)
Slash Command
Creates a file in the game installation directory (C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\data\keybinds.txt). This file will be in text format, and will list all bindings on the current character, one binding per line. Further, the file will be formatted correctly for import using the /bind_load_file or /bind_load commands."

And that would be great, if I had a proper copy of CoH loaded on this computer, but I don't and never have (it's only a few months old). The files it is telling me to look for don't exist (so far as I can't find them anywhere). :(

Any detailed help would be great. I'm running Windows 10.



Look in the Paragon Chat folder, not the CoH folder (for ease, press the blue folder button on the PChat start window).

When you type /bind_save in game, the following file gets saved:

[wherever your Paragon Chat folder is]/Client/Settings/keybinds.txt
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


SWEET! That is EXACTLY what I needed to know! Thank you very much!

And now, I have a lot of typing to do. :D