Is Time Played in the Sentinel File?

Started by Cinnder, August 13, 2018, 09:25:51 AM


I was wondering how many hours I invested into my two main characters, and that made me curious whether the Sentinel files I saved for all my characters before the shutdown recorded the amount of time played (the info one could see by talking to a civilian whose name began with M*).  I've replaced my PC since then, but if the data is in there it would be worth it to me to dig out the old hard drive.

*Is it sad that I haven't played this game in 6 years and yet I remembered which letter without having to look it up?


Looking at my own Sentinel files, I don't see anything in there about hours played. I'm pretty sure that data was only visible by talking to the NPC, being stored only on the server side.


It's not; that data was not available to the client so Sentinel had no way to obtain it.



Well, thanks for the replies anyway folks.