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Started by George Voltaire, July 24, 2018, 04:18:29 AM

George Voltaire

Are you guys thinking of reinstating the arena pvp at least for some measure of combat?



It's something that's on the development roadmap under "future, long term goals".

A whole lot of additional systems need to be implemented first. It may also require direct connection using the mapserver protocol if XMPP turns out not to be able to stream position information fast enough (similar to matchmaking in first person shooters where one player is chosen to host the match).

There are also a bunch of caveats, as even if this is possible, without AI and pathing, pet-dependant ATs like Masterminds and to some extent Controllers would be badly gimped. Those are much harder problems to solve -- a basic powers system that covers 90% of player powers is relatively easy by comparison.


Quote from: Codewalker on July 24, 2018, 05:26:06 PM
It's something that's on the development roadmap under "future, long term goals".

A whole lot of additional systems need to be implemented first. It may also require direct connection using the mapserver protocol if XMPP turns out not to be able to stream position information fast enough (similar to matchmaking in first person shooters where one player is chosen to host the match).

There are also a bunch of caveats, as even if this is possible, without AI and pathing, pet-dependant ATs like Masterminds and to some extent Controllers would be badly gimped. Those are much harder problems to solve -- a basic powers system that covers 90% of player powers is relatively easy by comparison.

Now that the Super Bases/Private Hideouts has been done (and well done on that...) does that mean the 'back end' that you had to implement for that gives rise to the private instance map support?  i.e. with 'GM powers' (whatever that hints to...)

As for Arena support.  It's encouraging to hear you say that a basic powers system that covers 90% of player powers is relatively easy by comparison.

But the caveats being if the chat system is fast enough to support real time combat.  ...and then there's the holy grail of AI and Pathing (which you seem to indicate are the most challenging aspect of getting 'CoH' as we know it...'back' again?)

Good to have the Bases back, as smoothly integrated as everything else you've done.  Another significant step on the 'Dev' Timeline.'

Begs the question, after Bases, what's next? ;)



QuoteTarget Milestone: 1.3
Estimated Completion: Longer than a while

Base editor (Welp, this got moved WAAAY up ;))

Integrate bases into private instance support (partially complete; private instance support ended up being built around bases first instead of the other way around)

Aha.  I see.  Chicken and the Egg.

i.e. one came before it 'should' have done.  You got into bases and the 'instance' stuff got rolled into that first?  So...the 'private instance' support could be on its way if 'they' share the same back end of instance support built around bases?

I'm also looking forward to the 'Message of the Day' being implemented (it's the small things with me...though I'm of course looking forward to private instance support for maps...and throwing an energy torrent at a practice dummy....)



QuoteTarget Milestone: 1.2
Estimated Completion: A while

Private instance support using arbitrary maps

GM abilities in private instances

NPC spawning in private instances

Looking forward to this... ;)



Quote from: Azrael on July 29, 2018, 04:33:16 PM
Begs the question, after Bases, what's next? ;)


Well, it's not a surprise if we have to say it, now isn't it?

Honestly, if what's next is a break, I wouldn't be surprised.  This couldn't have been an easy undertaking in the least.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Quote from: Tahquitz on July 30, 2018, 06:40:51 AM
Well, it's not a surprise if we have to say it, now isn't it?

Honestly, if what's next is a break, I wouldn't be surprised.  This couldn't have been an easy undertaking in the least.


Of course. ;)  I like surprises. :)

To get the SG Bases working again is significant (when even some CoH commentators used to quip that the original Paragon developers couldn't get it working) and Codewalker's (and team) achievement speaks for itself.  (It works just like in the original game...but without the 'dreaded' prestige grind...)

...and 'breathless pause' aside, it augers well for the 'implied' progression on the development tree (which has been updated, I noted with a smile...) and that the 'back end' work on the 'Bases' will lend itself to other areas...'perhaps...' ;)
