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Started by aeb, February 07, 2018, 09:15:29 PM


I don't see a way to put down little markers around a room or area. I'm thinking of something similar to the thumbtack you can stick on a map, but on a rom level, and more than one at a time. Is there one? Or could one be added?

I don't know if it's possible, but it would be really useful in keeping track of NPCs while playing. A few of us want to try a new RP/adventure group, but none of us seem to have a good enough system to field enough NPCs for the encounters the leader has planned. I thought little markers would take care of it nicely. I fought little circles of cardboard with letters on them for decades in games around the tabletop, and nobody minded that they didn't look like orcs, ogres, giants, dragons, etc. We knew where they were, and that's what mattered. I figure this would be useful for folks who are trying to use PC to play out scenarios. *SMILE*


If it wasn't in the Game Client when the game was live, it's not likely to become a feature in Paragon Chat. 

There were arrow markers as part of the map engine, but those were not useable or moveable by players.  The thumbtack was the only option players had, and that is one tack at a time.  If the arrow markers were player accessible, either the marker would be constrained to semi-3D placement (Z axis guessed on mouse placement, if it detects an object that's distant but close to Z, the location could unintentionally 'hop' for example), or using the coordinate system (X, Y, Z) which would be friendlier to machinima and programming types more than RP use.

I'm not a developer for Paragon Chat, but I wanted to manage the expectations from what I've seen in the past.  It's not likely to happen.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Okay. Thanks anyway. I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. *Smile*