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Ship of Heroes

Started by RGladden, August 29, 2017, 02:43:06 PM

10k Volts

I read up about this one today as well, actually spurred a return to these forums after a long absence. I do like where it is going and seems to have quite the momentum about it too. You can colour me interested

Ex Virtue & Justice


Personally, I quite like the idea of superheroes on a space ship. Three things that I really like are superhero MMO's, science fiction and horror (I've watched Event Horizon so many times I almost feel like part of the crew!)

So, SoH ticks two of my boxes :)
lunawisp was my Peacebringer in City of Heroes, she lives on in memory as my gaming id.


Two things

1 New video:

2 My hesitation is not about space ships or using them in and of itself. it's about it needing to be done carefully or it's going to be cheesy and possibly detract from more than it adds to the setting. I see it right now as an unnecessary gimmick, but time will tell how will they pull it off.


Quote from: Castegyre on October 31, 2017, 01:10:16 PM
Two things

1 New video:

2 My hesitation is not about space ships or using them in and of itself. it's about it needing to be done carefully or it's going to be cheesy and possibly detract from more than it adds to the setting. I see it right now as an unnecessary gimmick, but time will tell how will they pull it off.

My opinion (if anyone cares)... they're on track to making a terrific game and the setting is right behind the exact shape of the glasses available to characters in my list of concerns.

Once the game is real and working, I would love to have a zone (or zones) accessible via time/space wormhole that is on old Earth in the 1970's or 1950's or whatever that causes some people within a certain distance of the wormhole to get super powers who can then fight crime, have secret identities, help police and firefighters, whatever. 

But AFTER the game is working.
"Wow, a fat, sarcastic, Star Trek fan, you must be a devil with the ladies"


Quote from: Ohioknight on November 03, 2017, 02:14:10 AM
My opinion (if anyone cares)... they're on track to making a terrific game and the setting is right behind the exact shape of the glasses available to characters in my list of concerns.

So by my count that'd make it
1) Hat variety
2) Moving hair
3) Individual fingers
4) Glasses shape
5) Setting


Quote from: Vee on November 03, 2017, 06:15:09 AM
So by my count that'd make it
1) Hat variety
2) Moving hair
3) Individual fingers
4) Glasses shape
5) Setting

Might make 1) Hat color is not also a hair color option.  I thought there were plenty of hats.  Could there be more hats?   I suppose they could add a mean bowler. :) 


Quote from: GamingGlen on November 03, 2017, 03:37:36 PM
Might make 1) Hat color is not also a hair color option.  I thought there were plenty of hats.  Could there be more hats?   I suppose they could add a mean bowler. :)

Turban.  Fez.
"Wow, a fat, sarcastic, Star Trek fan, you must be a devil with the ladies"


Quote from: GamingGlen on October 28, 2017, 01:02:02 AM
Inside a ship?   So where do all those mega-blasts that miss their target end up?   Punching holes in the ship's hull somewhere else?

They said the hull is protected by shields that not even the aliens attacking the ship can easily penetrate so if some dopey hero managed to punch a hole in the 24 foot thick hull (at its thinnest point) it'd still have the shields outside for protection. And we know that ships in Star Trek use shields to cover damaged sections of hull so that's not something new.
lunawisp was my Peacebringer in City of Heroes, she lives on in memory as my gaming id.


Quote from: GamingGlen on October 28, 2017, 01:02:02 AM
Inside a ship?   So where do all those mega-blasts that miss their target end up?   Punching holes in the ship's hull somewhere else?

It's just a game. Does it really matter?


Wow, you know, this game is really shaping up if you want a CoH clone.  It reminds me a lot of what CoH would be in Unreal 4.  It may be copying a bit from CoH, but as long as NCSoft doesn't slap them with a lawsuit, I think we'll be good to go in 2019!


Merry Xmas from Ship of Heroes Devs...

Here is Casey's (The Consultant's) update on the December Outlook and upcoming Guided Combat Alphas:

is it possible to add a link to the Plan Z section?


A link to Ship of Heroes has been added to Plan Z on the forum front page. 
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


@Tahquitz thank you! if anyone has any questions about Ship of Heroes I'll probably be able to find an answer. Happy new year.


Wasn't my doing.  Next time you see Sekoia, give em' a tip of your hat. :)
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran

Golden Ace

I discovered SoH on Christmas day.  frankly I was getting depressed from the status and direction off all the successors.  SoH who I never heard of before brought me out of that slump. 

I am excited again. 
♫Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't!♪


I know those who have been watching would like to see some real game play. A preview of the Combat Alpha is going to be posted today! I'll post the link when it's ready and after we run and record/stream on of the Combat Alphas, I'll have some video to show.


Quote from: bmonkeyhammer on February 05, 2018, 02:06:26 PM
I know those who have been watching would like to see some real game play. A preview of the Combat Alpha is going to be posted today! I'll post the link when it's ready and after we run and record/stream on of the Combat Alphas, I'll have some video to show.

Can't wait to see those! Actually, I suppose I'll have to wait lol

I like the openness of the team developing SoH, they're not afraid to tell us when something unexpected happens and all those videos showing the progress they've been making are giving me hope!
lunawisp was my Peacebringer in City of Heroes, she lives on in memory as my gaming id.