The Ship of Heroes Kickstarter launched!

Started by Capzlock, April 04, 2017, 04:26:19 PM


Editor Note: The Kickstarter campaign was ended on Friday April 7th, three days after it started.  The below link contains an Update explaining why.
-- Tahquitz

I hope I'm in the right place to post this. I haven't completely kept up with the other projects, but so far SoH seems to be the furthest along. I've been following this game since it was first announced, and it looks like things are moving at a good pace. One thing I like about the project is that they aren't over-promising, and have decided to not do any stretch goals. They want the initial release to be just a level or two, and a single planet location. If you have any questions about the project the devs seem to be very active on their forums.

Matt Bold

I can't quite put my finger on it, but a few of the things they have said are a bit off to me.

They reference broad project management like it's some revolutionary new way of doing business, podcasts and videos from them seem apathetic, and the written content on their site seems ambiguous with all "Fluff" with no real substance.  I get a little Jabberwocky vibe ( from this.

That being said, I am still supporting them and really hope they come through

Burnt Toast

I donated :) First kickstarter I felt comfortable donating to. Truly looking forward to seeing the progress as it happens and ...playing the game :)


I'll keep my eye on it, but the KS isn't selling me. By comparison, the last game I backed was Bloodstained and that KS was put together much better than this one. I was actually excited to go to the KS page multiple times a day and check stretch goals etc. And the rewards were enticing, these ones for SoH are lacking at best.

I know the game is super early development, but the size of the ship levels is also concerning. For one, the stage they have been showing is like 3 rows of buildings for the meat of it. That's not much room to explore. I don't feel the sense of grandness and desire for exploration. Maybe the planets will be better for this.

I also get the sense that the launch will feel a bit content light with only a couple levels opened. Again could be better if a planet is launched and is like 5-10x the size of one of the zone levels. I see this game being more launch ready after a few content patches maybe (another archetype and more zones).

Finally, I think the pay model is off for what is being delivered in content. If you want me to subscribe then I need to see strong content to start with. I'm ok with sub games, but I hope there is at least a free trial or F2P limit to get people in to sell them (like maybe a level 10 cap and only the starting area).

I wish them well and hope this takes off like crazy, but I thought for sure they had some more things to sell us on with the KS.

Thunder Glove

The Kickstarter has weirdly high requirements for extremely underwhelming perks (I mean, even donating $10,000 won't give you more than two months of free subscription time), and no stretch goals.   Plus, with no Mac version, even if this game were to open tomorrow, I wouldn't be able to play it.

So I'll pass for now, and just keep an eye on it.



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Paragon Wiki admin
I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov


From the Kickstarter update page:

"We've decided to cancel the current Kickstarter, and jump straight back into development of Ship of Heroes, putting out steady progress updates and raising awareness of the game. Since we won't have Kickstarter funding as a resource, we're going to enable our most committed supporters to donate on our website. Meanwhile, we'll focus on core features, scaling our development to the amount of money available. We'll limit the initial Ship of Heroes launch to missions and enemies in the already-built level, Apotheosis City, and to the first 20 levels of character advancement."

Power Gamer

It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a villain to explain the value of lunch money.

-Random CoHer: "Why does the sky turn green during Rikti invasions?"
-Me:"Rikti Monkey farts"
-Random CoHer: "I'm going to you for all my questions from now on!"


They hadn't gotten beyond more than about 40 grand in the first few days and it seemed to me they were topping out...  I'm very sorry about this and if I can I'll kick in some money on their donation option -- I'm very impressed with the project and hope they have alternate pathways.
"Wow, a fat, sarcastic, Star Trek fan, you must be a devil with the ladies"


I'll support them if they have another fund raising project.

However at this point I'm happy to say that I just want a god-damned CoH private server so I can play CoH again.