Ship of Heroes Interview Video With Lead Dev.

Started by Steamwater Angel, March 02, 2017, 07:02:33 PM

Steamwater Angel

This game looks awesome as it reminds me so much of In a interview the lead talks about how he used to play City of Heroes


Character Creation Demo

Combat Demo
Miranda Hawkeye Duel Pistols/Devices Blaster
Steamwater Angel Water/Fire Blaster
Shadow Slayer Dark/Dark Corrupter
Commander Ashley Beam Rifle/Traps Corrupter
Lady Katrina Valentine  Thugs/Dark Mastermind


Thank you!  We appreciate it.

Kickstarter begins April 4th.


I try not to get excited about these games any more, so many MMOs and so many disappointments. I'm looking forward to learning more about this one, though.


I've been following this one, but I'm hesitant to back yet. I've backed a few projects and so far 2 disappointed heavily. Both just did not live up to the promises. So far the only one trending well for me is Bloodstained.

That said, if the gameplay is solid and I believe in the ability to execute on the roadmap they present, I may do 20-40 (depending on the tiers etc). I think I saw somewhere it won't be F2P though, which is a hard thing for me these days with the third kiddo due in a month. For the amount of time I can spend online on my computer, a monthly fee doesn't really add up. Now if it came out on my new Switch that would be something lol (obviously I don't expect this). If anything I prefer models like Guild Wars 2, which I've spend probably $200 on, even without a monthly fee.


Kind of exciting.   I like how open minded they appear to be about different ways to play.   He actually brought up that some people might use a teleport friend power to speed through a mission.    Some people are really uptight about things like that.  "Not as intended" and stuff.

The only thing I'm not sure about is the idea of more than 50 lvls.   Granted I've never played a game with more than 50 lvls, but I pretty much only played my lvl 50s in CoH.   So I wonder if I would get frustrated trying to create all the different characters I want to make if I had to get to 70 lvls to finish them.   I'll keep an open mind on that one.


Here's another interview that's pretty good. They do cover a lot of the same stuff, but this interviewer seems to know more about CoH (than the interviewers in the other video) so their questions about SoH reflect that.