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"Badges Earned" Badges

Started by themamboman, January 06, 2017, 04:41:12 PM


Okay, so with the latest ( as I write this), version of Paragon Chat, my inner badge-hunter has awakened from a 4 year coma and I'm on my way to getting every badge currently available.  These are, at the moment, limited to exploration badges and the toy collector and the accolades for getting all the badges in a zone.

Most others probably won't be available without further work on the part of Codewalker (much appreciative of your work sir!)

However, I thought one that might be (just guessing) simple to re-implement is the "badges earned" badges.  As of right now, I have nearly 300 badges, and I recalled that there was some badges that you get whenever you hit a particular milestone on number of badges.

Tourist               Earn 10 badges
Collector             Earn 25 badges
Explorer              Earn 50 badges
Pathfinder          Earn 100 badges
Trailblazer          Earn 200 badges
Seeker               Earn 500 badges
Adventurer         Earn 750 badges
Questing             Earn 1000 badges
Voyager             Collect 1250 badges

So, in the actual game, I'd have the ones from Tourist to Trailblazer at this point.  Could these be implemented like Accolades for badges in a zone would be?



Should be doable, will require some modifications to the badge tracking system to allow a badge to be rechecked whenever any other badge is earned, instead of just specific prerequisites.

May need some care taken because there's actually two sets of "badges earned" badges, one set for heroes/villains, and one set for anyone who originally rolled Praetorian. I don't think Paragon Chat's database currently saves any kind of 'dimension of origin' information so we'd have to figure out a way to handle the duplicates.