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Started by umber, December 31, 2016, 08:02:49 PM


Do the old vidiotmaps work with Paragon Chat?  Would be handy now that badges are enabled.

If so, where would one place the maps?  vidiotmaps extracts to a data folder with a texture library subfolder and three MAPS, P_MAPS, and V_MAPS sub-subfolders with contents.  Guessing I would put this data folder in either the location of the i24 files or where Paragon Chat itself is installed (for me, C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\ParagonChat, but i've tried dropping that data folder in both locations to no obvious impact. 

EDIT: found it about a picosecond after posting, ain't that the way it always is?
There is a data folder at C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\ParagonChat\Client, drop it there.


Hit the nail on the head.

I installed Vidiot Maps just now and confirmed this works.  Here's the steps, in case you, the forum reader, want to try this (close Paragon Chat first!):

1. Install Vidiot Maps from Sourceforge (I REALLY hate them after Dice took over and started all sorts of shenanigans, but the Vidiot Maps program isn't popular enough to catch their radar for sales.  I installed it and didn't get any drive-by installs.  If someone else has a mirror, I'm glad to replace this link.)

2. Point the installer towards a temporary folder you make somewhere.  I made a empty folder on my Desktop.  Once the installer finishes, open the folder.  It should show a folder called "Data" and an uninstall app to remove the custom maps.  Highlight them all and copy.

3. Open Windows Explorer/File Explorer and type "%APPDATA%" into the Address.  Find the "ParagonChat" folder  =OR= Open Paragon Chat and click the blue folder icon.

4. Open the "client" folder, which should also have a "Data" folder among others.  Paste the contents there.

"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Quote from: Tahquitz on December 31, 2016, 08:34:03 PM

3. Open Windows Explorer/File Explorer and type "%APPDATA%" into the Address.  Find the "ParagonChat" folder  =OR= Open Paragon Chat and click the blue folder icon.

Using the blue folder icon is the simplest, and most foolproof, method.


Simple for me is shortcutting the ParagonChat folder in APPDATA, so I don't even have to open the program to get there.  (Or in Windows 10, drop it in Quick Access on the lefthand side of File Explorer.)  But, to each their own.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


In this case, it isn't the journey.  It is the destination.


Hello, I've been trying all morning to get this to work, but my map doesn't show the badges.
The initial instructions threw me off a bit, since it said to take the entire contents of the archive and drop it into "Data", which effectively created another 'data' inside that, with a lower case 'd'. 
Suspecting this wasn't right, I moved the contents such that I now have this:

Computer / Local Disk C / Users / jessica / AppData / Roaming / ParagonChat / Client / Data / texture_library / (and in here I have MAPS, P_MAPS, V_MAPS )

What could be wrong?


The 3 MAPS folders should be under:


After that, you should just see the changed maps in the ingame map window...


This is exactly what I have, isn't it?  (from what I listed in my post )


Have you completely closed and exited from Cox and Paragon Chat?


Yes, I even rebooted.  It just acts like nothing has changed.
Back when CoH was still around, I had the maps.  It seemed pretty easy at the time..


Quote from: jessica6 on January 02, 2017, 02:50:08 PM
This is exactly what I have, isn't it?  (from what I listed in my post )

If that's not working, then PC might be installed elsewhere.  Start the launcher and click the blue folder icon to get to the right place.


Yes, I tried that too.  The location is correct, the same from Explorer or with the Blue Folder.


Are you sure you overwrote the files and didn't "merge"?
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!


Yes.  I just tried again, to make sure.  I took the contents of 'data' from the extracted archive, and copied it all into the 'Data' directory:

I still have my original maps.  Merchants, markers, train stations, etc.   Just no badges.

What existed in the 'Data' directory prior to the patch?  Was it empty?


If you have texture_library under Client\Data, that looks like the right place. Not sure why it isn't working.

Perhaps add -console to the "Client command line parameters" and see if there are any clues in there about failing to load files.


Oh I figured it out.   A bit of a 'duh' moment there.  I was expecting them to be bright and lit up, like the other stuff.  But they're darker, until I look more closely and/or zoom in.   They're all there.   I didn't have the map zoomed up much, and just saw the bright merchant "$", entrances/exits, train, etc.

Sorry for the trouble!

But maybe this will help someone else.   :)


Yes, Fog of War does make it hard to read at first and tell if it worked or not.

Glad to hear it worked out. :D
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Quote from: jessica6 on January 02, 2017, 07:33:30 PM
What existed in the 'Data' directory prior to the patch?  Was it empty?
I didn't even have a 'Data' directory until I added the Vidiot maps.

Quote from: jessica6 on January 02, 2017, 07:47:54 PM
Oh I figured it out.   A bit of a 'duh' moment there.  I was expecting them to be bright and lit up, like the other stuff.  But they're darker, until I look more closely and/or zoom in.   They're all there.   I didn't have the map zoomed up much, and just saw the bright merchant "$", entrances/exits, train, etc.

Sorry for the trouble!

But maybe this will help someone else.   :)
heh :)
aka Majadi | Sugar Cane | Absinthe | Killer Antz | Bogatyra | ...
Best Video Game of 2016 -- Paragon Chat!!!
Codewalker for Mayor of Paragon!

Princess Ruby

I still can't get mine to work. Files are in the right place. I zoomed in on map hoping I could see something too, and nope nothing.  :(


Well, I seem to be pretty good at having it not work, so I'd be willing to help.  Are you sure the badges aren't there?  Go to a place where you know there are badges, and where they are-- such as Atlas Park.