HERC Presents The Summer Block Party - Saturday, July 2nd, 2016

Started by Tahquitz, May 15, 2016, 10:28:12 PM



Results from Events:

Costume Contest #1: Men's Swimsuits - Forum Title: Paragon Press Swimsuit Edition 2016
@Streetwise Hercules

Costume Contest #2: Women's Swimsuits - Forum Title: Paragon Press Swimsuit Edition 2016

Player Event by The CatGrrl Brigade - Forum Title: Finder of Lost CatGrrls

Audience Award - Founders Falls Film Festival 2016 - Forum Title: Film Festival Audience Award 2016 (opted out - keeping title already in place.)
@SamuraiKo for Tales of The Riftwalker Parts 1-3

Thanks to all who came out on July 2nd for an afternoon and evening of fun, music and good times!

"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Ooooh, so this is what you had up your sleeve... Cool!!!



Just a bump to remind folks that this is happening today!   :)


Turns out we maxed the zone in Founders Fall for the Summer Block Party, and are spawning extra instances.  Any way to up the limit for Founders?


Quote from: Nyghtshade on July 02, 2016, 08:40:39 PM
Turns out we maxed the zone in Founders Fall for the Summer Block Party, and are spawning extra instances.  Any way to up the limit for Founders?

I just set the channel for Founders to unlimited. Anyone who is in Founders Falls 2 can get to the main zone by zoning elsewhere, then back to Founders.


Thank you so much, Codewalker.  There is much rejoicing!!


And that's a wrap for the Summer Block Party!  Contest results are listed up top in the Original Post.

Unfortunately due to technical issues on my end (my gaming laptop is at the end of it's usable lifetime... got 6 years out of it) I will not have attendance figures or screenshots for this event.  I'll also be off of Paragon Chat for a couple of weeks for the same reason.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


I'll try posting a few screenshots from the event here:
Rocking out with DJ Phoenix on the Founders Fall Univ. Dock.


Ladies' Swimsuit Competition

Solving the Player Mission, run by Crash Positron's Catgirl Brigade, Tahquitz, Steelhelm and others

Fireworks on the Docks!

End of DJ Phoenix's show, with torchlit remembrance of those we've lost.

And final fireworks as the Summer Block Party ended.

Nyx Nought Nothing

Quote from: Tahquitz on July 03, 2016, 12:29:52 AM
And that's a wrap for the Summer Block Party!  Contest results are listed up top in the Original Post.

Unfortunately due to technical issues on my end (my gaming laptop is at the end of it's usable lifetime... got 6 years out of it) I will not have attendance figures or screenshots for this event.  I'll also be off of Paragon Chat for a couple of weeks for the same reason.
Ouch. i wish i could help, but everything i work with is for desktop systems, so i have no compatible components.
Still, i did get to stop by the party for about 5 minutes before i had to head off to friend's party in RL, and i appreciate all the people keeping the spirit of CoH burning. i always had fun with the various summer beach parties when the servers were still up, but most of those happened around in Talos so that we could have more in the way of waterfalls and cliff diving. Also CoT fights.
So far so good. Onward and upward!


I was there...great place to hold a party. 8)

I hope we keep on choosing new sites.


I'd love to show up, but Saturdays suck for me, as my house is filled with tabletop gamers.

On the other hand, I'm happy they're there, and they are good friends, but still... Saturdays aren't good for me. *sigh*



With a regular group for roleplaying night, it's not likely that we'll be throwing something on the same week your group might have to cancel.  I understand. 

With full-time working schedules, Saturday works the best for my team to throw events like these.  Good news: The next COH Anniversary is on a Friday.  Hopefully that works better for you!
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran