Tomax's site temporarily down

Started by TonyV, May 02, 2016, 02:42:26 PM


Hey all, so here's the deal.  Last night in order to do some other nifty things, I upgraded our server.  As part of that process, I upgraded PHP from 5 to 7, which is a pretty major upgrade.  The thing is, though, when Red Tomax created the site, there were a whole bunch of things that were just about to be deprecated (mainly procedural database calls in deference to MySQLi and eventually PDO), and with the upgrade to 7, they've been officially removed from the language.

As a result, after the upgrade, Tomax's site broke pretty horribly.  I'm having to go through and recode every database call that the site makes, which is almost every file that the site uses.  I'm also taking the opportunity to audit the code and plug up some holes I've found to make it more stable, tight, and secure.

So Red Tomax's site is currently down, and probably will be for a day or two, with functionality incrementally returning after that.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but I promise, we will get it back up ASAP.


Any progress on this front? Or, and I suggest this because based on my experience with PHP 7 it sounds like it might be quite an ordeal to get the site up and running again, any chance of just making a database dump available for download?


I believe the current plan is to extract just the City of Data portion from Tomax and bring it up to par with PHP7. We will get it back online eventually, it's just taking longer than expected.

The rest of Tomax (everything except City of Data) probably will not be restored. Its content was very outdated and Paragon Wiki covers it all better at this point.

Jeff Anderson


Just thought I would check in. I would like to use the data, and was wondering when it would be back up.



Thanks for working on it, hope you guys can get it back up and running for us soon!


Tony hasn't had a chance to work on it any further, so for the time being, I reverted the Tomax site back to use the version that is on our older (not-upgraded) server. It may take up to 2 days for the DNS change to propagate.

It asks me for a name and password and rejects the one I use for Titan Network.

Can this pretty please be fixed?


Looks like it's just the https that has issues. You can access the site fine with http:


Tomax's site is down until further notice effective today.

Release: Tomax offline - TonyV
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran

Thunder Glove

You say that "almost all of this info is in the Paragon Wiki", but none of the info I actually used that site for is on the Wiki - the hard numbers behind the powers.  (I was just going to look up how Incarnate Judgement powers damage scaling worked, in fact, which is how I learned the site was down.  Yeah, I still like going to look at the numbers, even after all these years.  Usually when I get into a discussion on other forums about how powerful CoH characters really were compared to the tissue-paper weaklings in other MMOs)


So you're a fan of the data dump plan I take it?
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Thunder Glove

I ... guess?  But "dump" makes it sound like it's just going to be a single document with all the numbers jumbled together, rather than a searchable organized set of pages.  Going to miss that.


I'm hoping for something more elegant and refined.


I grabbed what was up on the Wayback Machine. Comes to about 190MB


Is there any chance of getting a data dump?


Any chance this will ever show up again? I looked into many snapshots on the web archive, but not every page was archived.

Would love to have this for posterity or if the SEGS guys ever get something finished.


Did this just include data that was in the various bin files which shipped with the game, or was it more than that?


Would it be possible to get a copy of the site provided or perhaps the site temporarily brought up again?
I've wrote a page scraper that can get the useful information / data from the pages for the Powers.
It then writes this out to JSON files.

I can then release these JSON files so everyone has their own copy.

I am currently pointing it at the Wayback Machine - but I have found a few powers that are not archived.
Eg: Dominator - Electric Cage etc

If anyone has a copy of Red Tomax City of Data Powers etc
Please let me know.


A sample of what the data looks like so far:
Note - I am still working on it to include more.
Eventually it will contain the Power Effects and the PVE Damage Scale image
(the image will be either base64 converted or hosted on something called IPFS (Interplanetary File System) - archiving it for all time.)

I can also add the data itself to the IPFS network, making it so no one has to host it.
(Also - If we had an html version of the original site- we could put it on the IPFS, where it would live forever and not need hosted by any one person)

    "Id": "Controller_Control.Electric_Control",
    "Name": "Electric Control",
    "Powers": [
        "MoreDetail": {
          "Level": "1",
          "Type": "Click",
          "PvE damage scale": "1.000000",
          "Accuracy": "1.2",
          "Modes required": "",
          "Modes disallowed": "Disable_All",
          "Range": "80 feet",
          "Activate period": "",
          "Interrupt time": "",
          "Cast time": "1.67 seconds",
          "Recharge time": "4 seconds",
          "Endurance cost": "7.8",
          "Attack types": "Ranged, Energy",
          "Effect area": "Character",
          "Radius": "",
          "Arc": "",
          "Max targets hit": "",
          "Entities affected": "Foe",
          "Entities autohit": "",
          "Target": "Foe",
          "Target visibility": "Line of Sight",
          "Nofity Mobs": "Always"
        "Id": "Controller_Control.Electric_Control.Electric_Fence",
        "Name": "Electric Fence",
        "NotAvailable": false,
        "Type": "Ranged, Moderate DoT(Energy), Foe Immobilize, -End, -Fly, -Knockback",
        "Description": "Surrounds and Immobilizes a single target in an Electric Fence. Deals some damage over time and slowly drains some Endurance. Useful for keeping villains at bay and bringing down fliers. Damage: Minor(DoT), Recharge: Fast"
        "MoreDetail": {
          "Level": "1",
          "Type": "Click",
          "PvE damage scale": "1.000000",
          "Accuracy": "1.2",
          "Modes required": "",
          "Modes disallowed": "Disable_All",
          "Range": "80 feet",
          "Activate period": "",
          "Interrupt time": "",
          "Cast time": "2.17 seconds",
          "Recharge time": "8 seconds",
          "Endurance cost": "8.528",
          "Attack types": "Ranged, Energy",
          "Effect area": "Character",
          "Radius": "",
          "Arc": "",
          "Max targets hit": "",
          "Entities affected": "Foe",
          "Entities autohit": "",
          "Target": "Foe",
          "Target visibility": "Line of Sight",
          "Nofity Mobs": "Always"
        "Id": "Controller_Control.Electric_Control.Tesla_Cage",
        "Name": "Tesla Cage",
        "NotAvailable": false,
        "Type": "Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Hold, -End",
        "Description": "Tesla Cage confines the target in an electrical prison. The target is overwhelmed by the electrical charge and is left helpless and can be attacked. The target is drained of some Endurance and some of that Endurance may be transferred back to you. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Moderate"