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tank or brute hmmm

Started by switch, April 26, 2016, 10:58:29 PM


so i love making builds in mids when i get a idea that pops in my head and ive had tons  so many builds saved lol   so was wondering thoughts

dual blades  regen brute vs dual bades wp tank  which would be funner and easier since if/when we get our game back  ill be broke

thoughts ideas ?


The brute would probably be more fun what with faster killing and having to pay attention with regen. The tank would be easier because in most situations a WP tank is easy mode. The tank would be waaaaay cheaper.



Dual blades combos synergy with brute fury...

Pure min / max I couldn't say, but practical use?

See above.


Tank!!!!I know HEATSTROKE is going to come in here and say Brute every day and twice on Sunday but fury
will do you no good dead :)This is a post by Kronox.

QuoteIn case anybody is curious about numbers, brutes have the lowest base damage of all the melee AT's, but their fury bar lets them get up to 300% base damage. So with that in mind, (Not including enhancements) a Brute must stay at 30% Fury to have the same base damage as a Scrapper. Scrappers land critical hits though, so for a Brute to have the same damage as a Scrapper's crits, 90% Fury. So there's still 10% left for "higher damage" but that's not accurate either.

Even with the same enhancements, Fury doesn't modify the damage post-enhancements, it's a % buff to the base power damage, so having a damage enhancement on a Brute power vs a Scrapper power, the Scrapper will get even more damage increase than the brute, so the more enhanced a power is, the more fury the brute would need to match the Scrapper's damage, until it's not even comparable late game, especially with Incarnate stuff.

Of course, they do have higher health and higher caps and taunting mechanics, but still not AS GOOD as a Tanker. Everything else people have said is true, too, of course, but I prefer Scrappers over Brutes personally. Then again, I would rather play a Tanker than a Brute too for that matter. Brutes are fantastic farmers, I had one myself! But on a team I'd prefer either a Tanker or Scrapper. Simply for the fact that while a Brute can fill the role as a Tanker, he can't hold aggro as well. A good blaster will pull aggro off instantly, even with a competent Brute. A Tanker will hold aggro better, and the damage isn't HORRIBLE. A Tanker actually has higher base damage than a Brute, even. It gets overshadowed by Fury, of course, but the gap isn't THAT big, and I found having enough damage on the team isn't typically the issue.

I still don't understand how to do the % and stuff but I agree with the above quote.


Brute, hands down.  Tank is great while leveling but in the end, way too much survivability for 99.9% of the content.  A Brute has a lot of pros over cons.  Why not a DB/WP Brute and get the best of both your ideas?


Tanks need the survivability for 99.9% of the game so the rest of the team can survive.Tanks will survive
Task Force AV's and Boss fights where Brutes may not.If the tank or brute goes down I know I will be next. ;D
Think about it like this.It's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it :)


 Nope Im going to say that I would never ever make another Dual Blades build in my lifetime..

Now that being said.. I have both Tanks and Brutes and love them both.. now if we were talking about scrappers and Brutes.. yeah.. Brutes all day and THRICE on Sunday..

Scrappers suck...