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3D Printed commissioned artwork

Started by Mister Hassenpheffer, April 18, 2016, 10:55:14 PM

Mister Hassenpheffer

Now that my modeling skills are at their peak, I am ready to start taking commissions for 3D printed toons.

Several guidelines to follow or at least keep in mind;

No capes. Capes don't look anything "Capey" when printed, you will need to make your own capes.

That also goes for scarfs and anything that is flowing fabric. It simply does not print well.

Anything with good solid geometry works.

This is solid white ABS plastic, these can be painted and sanded, the same as any store bought model kit.

Poseable action figures are still in the works. The only mesh I have available for poseable action figures at this time is the huge male.

For figurines two prints will be included per commission (for practicing painting) as well as any misprints.

Because of the work involved 50$ for a figurine and 100$ for an action figure regardless of size. (Paypal only PM me for details)

Maximum size printable is 8 inches- scaled from 8 feet- the maximum height available through the character creator.

Keeping in touch with me is easy;

Email is

FB is

Serious inquiries only please.

Paragon chat is perfect for geometry imaging, however, there are alternate methods if that isn't an option for some. (PM for details)

I hope to hear from you soon!   <3

Mister Hassenpheffer

Ascendant's mesh is completed.


God, I wish I had money.

The instant I do find disposable income again, I will definitely look you up.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


images don't display here...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o.k...images are displaying now.
Looks great.

Mister Hassenpheffer

If anyone wishes to help this project out with R&D the only thing I need for that is more plastic. (the more the better)

Anything donated will be put to good use, can be any amount.

Thank you for your support and interest!


What type? Do you use a specific supplier and color? Part numbers would be good!

Mister Hassenpheffer

I hope this link works, it does for me. This is the filament I use. I greatly appreciate anything I can get. Thank you!  <--- pm me if any shipping details are needed


You will be gettin a message or two from me soon.

Mister Hassenpheffer

Eventually I'll get to paint jobs.


Have printed any in models in other colors?

I know I have characters that are probably 90% blue.

Mister Hassenpheffer

I can print in any color that filament comes in and all filaments are 100% paintable.

My plan was to get as many colors as possible for character base colors, such as blue.

However, colors are limited to what I have on hand, so far only white. (Paypal funds are @ $0.95)

Mister Hassenpheffer

Just a heads up, I'll be looking into getting as many filament colors as possible for base.

This is preemptive for points of articulation because painting joints? No.

For example; If your character wears mostly black then it would print in black.

I'll also be posting images of avaiabe colors as I get them, so far, A roll of black filament (which is NOT to be used for R&D) is on standby.

Eventually I'm going to get a more reliable and less expensive printer- and filament.  (Trinus?)


Put me down for at least one still type after GenCon!

I'd love  a Lyc printed up, even as a sculpture! I can do paypal.



Just a couple weeks. Still want one after that, if you have the resources!



So hey, what's the status on this?  Any updates?  Any more nifty pictures of what you've been working on?


Quote from: Tahquitz on May 10, 2016, 05:44:05 AM
The instant I do find disposable income again, I will definitely look you up.

This day is coming sooner than later... :D  I'm with Tony on this one.
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran

Mister Hassenpheffer

Quote from: TonyV on August 09, 2016, 07:26:57 PM
So hey, what's the status on this?  Any updates?  Any more nifty pictures of what you've been working on?

Status: Waiting on interested parties.

Updates: Nothing that hasn't already been mentioned.

Pictures: As soon as I get something worth taking pics of, I'll post.