12th Anniversary Costume Contests - Themes for the Anniversary

Started by Tahquitz, April 17, 2016, 08:56:28 PM


We've finished the vote for Costume Contest themes, and we're announcing the 4 core themes of the Costume Contest competition on the Anniversary Celebration:

Anyone is welcome to participate in the contest, but only contestants who match the theme will be allowed to advance.

Golden Age-  12PM Pacific/3PM Eastern - Late 1930's to early 1950's Super Heroes. 
Marvel Examples: Captain America, Human Torch, Submariner
DC Examples: Batman & Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash

Silver Age- 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern - Mid 1950's to 1970's Super Heroes.
Marvel Examples: Fantastic Four, X-Men, The Hulk, First Avengers Team
DC Examples: Green Lantern, The Atom, Iron Man, First Justice League of America Team

Bronze Age- 2PM Pacific/5PM Eastern - 1970's to Mid-1980's Super Heroes.
Marvel Examples: Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Blade, Spider-Woman
DC Examples: Green Lantern (as John Stewart), Cyborg, Swamp Thing, Teen Titans

Modern Age- 3PM Pacific/6PM Eastern - Mid 1980's to Present
Current Day Superhero Creations: Spawn, The Sandman, The Watchmen, etc. 
Big emphasis on the Reluctant or Anti-Hero such as Wolverine, Deadpool and Batman: The Dark Knight.

The above four contests will name a 1st Place, 2nd Place and 3rd Place winner.  All three from each contest are invited to come back at 7PM Pacific/10PM Eastern for the Finale contest during the Weenie Roast event.

These costume contests are less strict on themes, and are better for people who want to enter their characters as they are.

  • Archetype Prototype - 4PM Pacific/7PM Eastern - Make the best Archetype toon you can make (The Toughest Tank, The Most Sinister Stalker, The Best Blaster, The Deadliest Dominator, etc.) Alliterations optional.
  • Time Travel & Alternate Universes - 5PM Pacific/8PM Eastern - Want to make a Marcus Cole who never visited the Well of The Furies?  How bout a Positron that went into Magic? (It doesn't have to be CoH lore centered.  Anything you like.)
  • The All-American Hero(ine) - 6PM Pacific/9PM Eastern - Make your most patriotic toon in time for the Summer holidays!
Why compete in these three?  The first place winners in these contests will be vying for a wildcard slot in the Finals (see below.)

Mr/Ms. Paragon City 2016 - Held during the Atlas Park Weenie Roast at 7:30 PM Pacific/10:30 PM Eastern
ONE winner from the top three finalists of the prior contests.
Round 0: Wildcard contestants (OTHER COSTUME CONTESTS above - one finalist picked out of three winners)
Round 1: Third Place contestants (one finalist picked out of four winners)
Round 2: Second Place contestants (two finalists picked out of four winners)
Round 3: First Place contestants (three finalists picked out of four winners)
Grand Finale: From Rounds 0-3 semi-finalists. (One winner picked out of four finalists.)

Get Started Today!
This is advanced notice so contestants can prepare now for the contests.  For most of you, this gives you 10 days of prep time to make something awesome, or to tweak your existing costumes to win.

Must be present to win.  This includes the finale.
Because of the nature of the Costume Contests, you do need to be present to win them, including the finale at 7:30pm.  I understand people will have time constraints from work, family, real life, etc., so if you can participate in a single contest at a given time, no problem.  (It's also why Modern Age Heroes is the last in the list, as that will likely be the heaviest attended.) 

How Auto-Advancement at the Finale Works.
If someone needs to drop out of the final consideration or cannot attend the Weenie Roast (7pm Pacific, 10pm Eastern) for the purposes of the runner up contestants, the contestant advances to the vacancy in the next place up to increase their chances of winning (the winners of the "era contests" still retain their title: winning Modern Age 1st Place and missing the Weenie Roast doesn't mean you aren't the winner of that contest anymore.)

Example: 1st Place in Silver Age drops out.  Among the Silver Age Winners:
2nd Place now competes in 1st Place spot.
3rd Place now competes in 2nd Place spot.

The other contest winners are unaffected. (Someone in Silver Age drops out doesn't affect the winners of the other contests, except they will compete against the new opponent instead, and 3rd place has one less candidate.)  Wildcard contestants compete against each other except in the finale, so no advancement is possible.

About Icon and NPC Costumes
Titan Icon costumes ported into Paragon Chat ARE welcome this time around.  This is about creativity, and with Paragon Chat and Icon (regular and NPC mode), players have access to most costume parts (still some Incarnate Merit unlocks awaiting future releases) available so the playing field is level; the difference between people using either tool is knowledge, not access.  As long as Codewalker's Warning* is honored, we're fine with anything you've got.  So we'll start with trust.

This is also because enforcing no NPC parts isn't easy for Costume Contest judges in the first place if it is done subtly.  But we do know if it's disruptive or blatant.  The character you make should be a humanoid construct (I said humanoid, not human) that is not equal in size to any member of the Giant Monster Chart and at least fits in the Tailor Window... therefore, no buildings, vehicles, or Hamidons, please. 

So, hop into Titan Icon or Paragon Chat, visit the Tailor, and I wish you all the best of luck!

* Codewalker's Warning is in the "Paragon Chat FAAAQ" thread. See below.
Are store-bought costume parts available? What about Icon's NPC mode?

Short version: Yes and no. All Paragon Point and VIP reward costumes should be available. Incarnate (astral/empyrean merit) unlocks and badge-restricted parts are not selectable, but it's something we're working on. NPC-only parts are not available.

Long version: Enterprising hackers will discover that the costume parts in the database closely resemble costume files and demorecords. No validation is done when loading from the database, so you can create "invalid" or NPC costumes directly in the database and they will be visible to other players. If we see a lot of abuse of this to grief people (creating monstrosities that block out the screen or crash clients), we will be forced to add validation of incoming costumes, so please don't make us do that.

Correction to Eastern Times made: they were all one hour later. Tahq 4/21/2016
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Costume Contest Results

The boldface names will receive a forum title on Titan Network based on their Global Name for winning their respective contest in first place. (EDIT: Forum Titles are now active!)
The blue name was selected as Mr. Paragon City 2016 - Celecticus!

THE CORE FOUR CONTESTS: Three places were picked in each to move on the the finals.

Golden AgeSilver AgeBronze AgeModern Age
1st Place - Holy Flashback
2nd Place - S Man
3rd Place - Bulletman
1st Place - Dawn of America
2nd Place - Sapien
3rd Place - Jokester

1st Place - Paragon Manhunter
2nd Place - Eloynii Spectre
3rd Place - Ghost Writer

1st Place - Celecticus
2nd Place - Robomonkey
3rd Place - Zoom

THE WILDCARD MATCHES: Only the first place winner moved on to the finals.

Archetype PrototypeTime Trvl/Alt. TimelinesAll American Hero(ine)!
MagmusIndifference EngineJack Viictory
"Work is love made visible." -- Khalil Gibran


Quote from: nobody asked, but...
Costume Contest Results, supplemental


Undisputed winner - RoboMonkey

banana daiquiris for everyone!