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To all my RP friends :'(

Started by remyfanboi, March 11, 2016, 04:42:41 PM


Today is a sad day. It seems due to technical issues, paragon Chat nolonger works on a Mac and that leaves me unable to join you all online.

I'd like to extend a deep thank you to all the players who helped make my characters feel welcome. I will miss you all and hopefully some day I will get myself a Windows based computer to pick up where I left off, but until then... this is a heartfelt goodbye.

Characters affected, include (but of course not limited to):
Kaneter/Kane, who will spend his IC time cleaning the house and making meals;
Timber Wolf/Alex;
Hadley, the crazy robo-girl who will keep going on as she cares for Wolfy behind the scenes;
And any others I may have created during my time online.

I'm sorry to those who have ongoing plots with my characters and for not being able to wrap things up in the way I'd like. My ingame global, my ParagonChat username can be used to find me on Skype.

Em hotep and goodbye, my friends!



Never give up, Remy.  Have you contacted Codewalker to see if there's some glitch than can be resolved? 


Unfortunately this is not just a bug, but as stated as a forum update in the General Section, Paragon Chat was forced to end their Mac support due to issues with Wine.,11759.0.html


Well, don't update Wine then?  Should work with a version before they screwed it up, surely?


Quote from: FloatingFatMan on March 11, 2016, 05:39:18 PM
Well, don't update Wine then?  Should work with a version before they screwed it up, surely?

I worked at it a long time and had no success. If anyone has a confirmed method to do it, I'll take the advice and steps to do so. Thank you all for your suggestions, but this was a conscious effort by the Dev team to discontinue Mac support, due to Wine technical issues. It's not something that I have the coding, or programming experience to resolve.


With any luck this will be temporary.  I'm going to start testing some reasonably priced commercial products.  As much as I hate it not being completely free, I do what I have to do.


Quote from: Nyghtshade on March 11, 2016, 05:03:36 PM
Never give up, Remy.  Have you contacted Codewalker to see if there's some glitch than can be resolved?

Sadly, there's very little I can do about problems on Mac. It's a case of a very complex piece of software that I can't modify (the client piece of COH that talks to Paragon Chat) running inside an even more complex emulation layer (Wine) on an operating system that I don't have access to, so I can't even test it...


I changed Island Rum just now so it won't attempt to install Wine anymore, but it will use it if you already have it installed.  If that causes problems for you, you'll have to remove Wine from Homebrew using this command:

brew remove wine


Quote from: remyfanboi on March 11, 2016, 05:51:08 PM
I worked at it a long time and had no success. If anyone has a confirmed method to do it, I'll take the advice and steps to do so. Thank you all for your suggestions, but this was a conscious effort by the Dev team to discontinue Mac support, due to Wine technical issues. It's not something that I have the coding, or programming experience to resolve.

It was working the other day, right? Then it should continue working...


UPDATE: I have verified that Paragon Chat WILL run in Parallels Desktop at nearly full graphics settings.  Unfortunately Parallels is a commercial product, and it requires a copy of Windows, but it works.


has anyone tried virtualbox? of course you would need a valid windows installation disc and key.


It sucks man,  But I love this game enough to have gone out and gotten myself a windows machine because I saw the writing on the wall with Mac support.  I really hope you can find a way to get legacy version of your Paragon Chat going again.


New information on Paragon Chat for Mac.

Click Here.