Ideas for boosting flagging RP in Paragon Chat

Started by AudreyWinter, January 14, 2016, 10:55:59 AM


Folks, unless I'm missing something... things have been slowing down in Paragon City. The holiday season that started back at Thanksgiving seems to have had a lingering effect -- players have gone missing, others plead having little to no time, and RP, which was already scarce outside the Pocket D, has gotten hard to find even in the club.

Que sera, sera, and all that, I know, but after having just gotten my city back and experienced a few months of wonderful RP, I'm not ready to just shrug my shoulders and say, "Well, there's nothing I can do about it." I'm going to throw out some ideas in no particular order. Maybe a spark will catch.

New Faces, New Threats

Paragon City isn't static. Heroes and villains rise and fall. Little clusters of players, and many of us individually, have their own individual modifications and additions to the game's canon as part of their stories, but what about the Paragon Chat userbase as a group inventing new things? What if there were a schism within Arachnos, from which rose a new villain group with a different theme? What if representatives of a new alien species became stranded, offering a different look at the universe? Yes, I know it would be difficult to coordinate a major effort, but truly, does everyone interact with the existing groups and characters in exactly the same way anyway?

More Events

We could all do with more opportunities to get together and meet new folks. They don't have to be story events, though those are certainly fun. The Saturday parties were a great attempt and could certainly use support. I'd like to occasionally put on "concerts" with my club-owner character (using YouTube links to represent the music) the way I used to do in her club base. Costume contests are always an option too; I'm not sure how many of those are still going on.

Super Group Registry

If we set up a thread where people could describe their groups and list their members and headquarters, it might make for easier interaction. For example, if I see a steampunk SG listed with players/characters I don't know, I could make an effort to meet them. We don't have SGs in the game mechanics at the moment, but so what? We can work around that.

Map Exploration Thread

Now that we have access to all the maps in the game, it could be useful to have a list of maps and locations sorted or tagged by possible uses. For instance, now that Perez Park isn't crawling with enemies, the amphitheater makes a great place for RP concerts. The forests of Croatoa make an excellent location to represent my Autumn Court fae's home. The various districts of Praetoria can be used to represent different cities. Not everybody has explored all the maps (I know I sure haven't), so sharing knowledge of cool spots could really boost RP outside the D.

Please, feel free to discuss and add your own ideas.


I like all of these ideas, and it sparks some in my mind.

Though I love Pocket D RP, I'm hoping to see more out of it. I don't play PChat enough to be a spearhead for it.



Aye, I've noticed a distinct drop in RPers since Thanksgiving too... I was hoping it'd recover after Christmas, but so far... A little, but not much...

Part of the problem is, I think, timezones. I'm in the UK, so a lot of the US players still RPing are just starting to come online when I'm going to bed...


I'm always looking for RP, and have a variety of characters from both Paragon and the Isles.  I too was totally claimed elsewhere by the holidays, but am free now.  However, lately when I do log in, either during the day or in the evenings, so many zones, even AP, seem empty. 

Story-driven RP is good, putting out the call for heroes to help with a situation (or villains to wreck one, *grin*).  Perhaps if RP get-togethers were scheduled and announced ahead of time, folks could plan on logging in at the same time and getting together? 

Mistress Bloodwrath

My present situation makes logging in impossible at the moment, that's why I haven't been around. I'd be in PC otherwise.


I brought Asmodeus and Kethryveris back. Should be able to get Ryeanna and Jendragon too.

Asmo has an idea for actually doing like pen and paper RPG stuff in Portal Corp on Saturdays. Use the ingame roller, make sheets for a system, etc. Thoughts?


Quote from: Acanous on January 18, 2016, 05:42:01 AM
I brought Asmodeus and Kethryveris back. Should be able to get Ryeanna and Jendragon too.

Asmo has an idea for actually doing like pen and paper RPG stuff in Portal Corp on Saturdays. Use the ingame roller, make sheets for a system, etc. Thoughts?

Using the CoH zones as game maps?  Using text-RP or a voice-client?


Quote from: Nyghtshade on January 18, 2016, 05:37:19 PM
Using the CoH zones as game maps?  Using text-RP or a voice-client?

I can see a voice client really working well for guys who RP girls... :P


I've voice-rped dozens of characters both male and female. What would be the problem? Any GM does this all the time and tons of players too. Pretty common to RP non-human characters as well.

Jeff Anderson

Personally I find it hard to RP without some some game mechanics to back it up. I cant  wait for some of the scripting to be available so I can take some of the RP based extensions I have building for Icon and port it to Paragon Chat. Once that happens Ill be on Paragon all the time.

Mistress Bloodwrath

Quote from: FloatingFatMan on January 18, 2016, 05:42:57 PM
I can see a voice client really working well for guys who RP girls... :P

Try walking around in public all dolled up and your voice betraying your testosterone poisoning the instant you open your mouth. Such a lightweight protest compared to actual embarrassments. And as highlighted, this happens all the time in tabletop.


Folks, this is not the place for an argument. Please take the tangent elsewhere.


Quote from: AudreyWinter on January 19, 2016, 11:34:51 PM
Folks, this is not the place for an argument. Please take the tangent elsewhere.

I don't see anyone arguing...


The downside for events is  unless they are in Pocket D/Atlas a lot of  drop by RPers will miss them.   If you  are trying to use  this to increase RP visibility you do need the  drop by RPers to  see them. I suggested maybe adding a room count to zoning lists (And Room-lists in IM)

another option to make RP more visible Maybe have a pop up window or Calendar option on log in that displays GM/Scheduled events I believe city did have something like that when the  game was  live.


Quote from: Vr2Lrose on January 23, 2016, 09:56:44 PM
The downside for events is  unless they are in Pocket D/Atlas a lot of  drop by RPers will miss them.   If you  are trying to use  this to increase RP visibility you do need the  drop by RPers to  see them. I suggested maybe adding a room count to zoning lists (And Room-lists in IM)

another option to make RP more visible Maybe have a pop up window or Calendar option on log in that displays GM/Scheduled events I believe city did have something like that when the  game was  live.
Or perhaps periodically paste in an RP-event announcement in the Broadcast and Paragon Chat channels, the way people used to do to promote their SG's.    Just a thought.


So.  Just found out about the forum.  Which is great.  I've been playing since, what, August?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed the drop in players, and the point that all people seem to do is chill in Pocket.  I'd had a few small on-going plots, one of which nosedived as, yes, hardly anyone leaves Pocket and there is no platform to say 'Hey there's a paused plot in this area!'.

A few of us have been cahooting so I hope more people will participate or get in on it.  They're not closed plots by any means so please, if you overhear it in Pocket or wherever, please feel free to join in!

Mistress Bloodwrath

Wow, okay... Things have definitely slowed down since I had to leave for IRL reasons. I've signed back in (since I have my computer back and a new, stable, safe home) and found the D practically a ghost town and not very many of my old friends present. What the heck happened?


Quote from: Mistress Bloodwrath on March 09, 2016, 05:42:59 AM
Wow, okay... Things have definitely slowed down since I had to leave for IRL reasons. I've signed back in (since I have my computer back and a new, stable, safe home) and found the D practically a ghost town and not very many of my old friends present. What the heck happened?

People moved on, sadly.  Even I'm in there a lot less, mainly because I don't really like talking to myself...


I think I see an opportunity, and its nothing against the RP'rs that go to the D regularly to get in their RP fix.   Cause their are a few (blue side), what seem to be like regulars, there have made it an easy to jump into casual RP.  I think that perhaps getting the word out both IC and OCC there.  Those going to 'pitch' the idea in the D would just shoot the breeze with those at those there in the Club to peak their interest.  The way I figure it is that if it is an RP event that is worthwhile and wanted enough then the effort put toward the pitch is worth it.


I'd be glad to log in and join in to some RP, but other than people chatting in the D, I've not found many others around.  Perhaps finding a common days/times that are good for interested parties and then posting it might help?  (Also, the preferred zones, maybe?)