Would Money Accelerate Paragon Chat Development

Started by Jeff Anderson, January 12, 2016, 12:17:17 AM

Jeff Anderson

I love the idea of a scriptable RPG platform based on Coh,  so much so that I've been working on my own set of tools built on top of icon. Unfortunately my day job keeps getting in the way of making as much progress as I would like to make.

I also realizing  I am coding stuff that will likely be implemented in a more sophisticated and flexible way on top of paragon chat at some point.

Question to the coh knowledgable engineers in the room (code walker, arcana, etc) , would funding accelerate the implementation of some of these features? In other words,  is there a scenario to hire some devs who under mentorship instruction, could  crank some of this stuff out?

In terms of an estimate in effort what would the order of magnitude estimate be? Would others be willing to contribute? I can imagine there is community of folks who can't wait to see the RPG aspects implemented.


I don't think they can answer that directly... a campaign for Paragon Chat that collects funds or money might heighten the possibility of NCSoft changing their mind about the existence of such a project towards the C&D direction and away from the "whatever" treatment we currently enjoy.  (I had a brilliant metaphor for this, but with reading other threads lost in semantics, I'll leave it up to the reader to figure out why.)

There is, however, a Paypal link at the front of cohtitan.com if you feel compelled to donate.  Like giving to the American Red Cross in a disaster, funds go towards all of Titan Network and not any one specific project (website upkeep, etc.) 

There is a strong possibility (none mentioned AFAIK) that SCoRE is avoiding touching that donation account as a measure of CYA (Google it), so consider donating to Titan Network as a way of offsetting issues that SCoRE attached personnel might otherwise have to deal with under the Titan Network umbrella as one less thing taking up their time (at the very least.)

Full Disclosure: One of the following sentences are absolutely true -- I have no relationship with Titan Network whatsoever, so my advice might be conjecture at best, or totally wrong at the worst.  Results may vary.  Read the prospectus we made for you with crayons, macaroni, and craft paper and ask your financial adviser before investing.  Closed course with professional unicyclists, do not attempt.  Ask your doctor if Dihydrogen Monoxide is right for you. Void in Utah.
Account inactive: was unable to login from September 2015-January 2016.


Taking money for a project that skirts the very edges of DMCA is probably a bad idea.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...


Jeff Anderson

I'll donate, thanks for pointing that out.

Being more specific, would the developers of paragon chat take money to crank out the code? Is a timing is scarce issue, regardless of potential contributions? Or can more attention be directed if funds were contributed ?

Just putting it out there.


The one with the blue squares under her name is as close to an official answer as you can get.  Signs point to no.
Account inactive: was unable to login from September 2015-January 2016.


Quote from: Jeff Anderson on January 13, 2016, 12:34:17 AM
I'll donate, thanks for pointing that out.

Being more specific, would the developers of paragon chat take money to crank out the code? Is a timing is scarce issue, regardless of potential contributions? Or can more attention be directed if funds were contributed ?

Just putting it out there.
Quote from: Aggelakis on January 12, 2016, 06:13:24 AM
Taking money for a project that skirts the very edges of DMCA is probably a bad idea.

This is pretty specific.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...


Jeff Anderson

Got it, fully understood. I'll donate and leave it at that

Victoria Victrix

Well Titan is paying for the chat server paragon chat is hosted on.  So anything you donate will go to keeping that running.
I will go down with this ship.  I won't put my hands up in surrender.  There will be no white flag above my door.  I'm in love, and always will be.  Dido