Quickchat Emote Menu Addon!!!

Started by lexicon, July 28, 2015, 08:51:15 AM


Ok Titans, I present to you *dramatic music* the Quickchat Menu fix!

I'm sure you're all familiar with the emote button located at the bottom right side of the chat window. And I'm sure you're all aware that several of the "locked" emotes from purchase packs are grayed out and not selectable from that menu... that is until now!



Pretty cool, huh?

So shall we begin? Oh and one more thing, this is for Windows only. If you're on a Mac, I'm unable to help you, sorry.

  • Please note: the links provided in the steps below are preconfigured and incorporate many of the new commands such as mapmove and die rolling options. And many of the new emotes that have been made available for use on the titan forums as well as a few new ones.

ParagonChat 1.0 Windows Users can now download the hassle free installer...


Please Note: It is preconfigured to install directly into your ParagonChat, so there is no need to change the destination folder.

ParagonChat 1.0 Advance Instructions
(you can skip these instructions if you've already ran the installer above)

1.  In Windows Explorer, open the folder at %APPDATA%\ParagonChat\Config
2.  Rename the current emote.cfg to emote.cfg.bak, as well as the zone.cfg file to zone.cfg.bak. This will keep your original configuration as backup files if needed later.
3.  Next Download this preconfigured emote.cfg file and zone.cfg file into the "Config" folder
4.  Now, open the folder at %APPDATA%\ParagonChat\Client\Data\texts\English\menus
5.  Download the new quickchat.mnu file and place it inside the folder named "menus"
6.  That's it... you're done. Now open the game and have fun!

If there are any other emotes you'd like to see added to the list simply attach the bit strings in the thread below and it will be added into the structure with future updates.

Finally I'd like to thank Imblazed247, FloatingFatMan, and Arcana as well as any others not mentioned (or known) for their work on customized emotes which have been added into the structure under the Custom Emotes section of the menu. As well as Orht for discovering the mission maps that have been added for your convenience.
This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...
My CoH Faces Profile! // Get your Quickchat FIXED!

"It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything..." Tyler Durden - Fight Club


Thanks for all the work!

I have a QoL suggestion, if you don't mind:  Putting the actual emote command in parentheses after the menu text would be helpful for people making binds or just wanting to skip the menu when doing some more frequent emotes.

I know a lot of these commands are identical to the menu text aside from spacing, so you could probably skip those.  But a lot are not the same as the menu text.  For example, Music/Bounce is actually dance5; emoting bounce does nothing.  So I'd suggest having the menu read something like "Bounce (dance5)".  You already have at least one of these "Epic Fail(DoubleFacePalm)"

There are also several alternate emotes for some of them (Robodance springs to mind), but I think whichever emote is shortest would probably be sufficient.

(I know I could go through and add all these myself, but I figure others might find it useful too.)
-= Virtue Server - 2004-06-13 to 2012-11-30 =-
hortis publicis gemini in aeternum

Usurper Dyne, Still Heart, River Elemental, Saul Invictus, Grim Grinner


Last week or whenever, I went through and fixed the standard quickchat menu. That was a task, let me tell you. Even if you all you did was compile some disparate lists, that's a good bit of work. Thanks for doing this, it's very appreciated.


Quote from: Dyne on July 28, 2015, 12:07:42 PM
Thanks for all the work!

I have a QoL suggestion, if you don't mind:  Putting the actual emote command in parentheses after the menu text would be helpful for people making binds or just wanting to skip the menu when doing some more frequent emotes.

I'm actually already working on creating those as aliases. After seeing how big the popup window was getting, I chose not to do list the emote name in parentheses . I'm aware that some of these emotes that are in the menu do not match the actual emote command. I intend to have those as aliases released sometime in the near future. So all you'll need to replace is the emote.cfg when the time comes, I'll let you know :)
This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...
My CoH Faces Profile! // Get your Quickchat FIXED!

"It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything..." Tyler Durden - Fight Club


5.  Download the new quickchat.mnu file and place it inside the folder named "menus"

Thanks to Floride for the quick catch
CoH Faces Profile

This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...


Quote from: Imblazed247 on July 28, 2015, 10:34:16 PM
5.  Download the new quickchat.mnu file and place it inside the folder named "menus"

Already fixed the steps in the main post but yes.  8)
This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...
My CoH Faces Profile! // Get your Quickchat FIXED!

"It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything..." Tyler Durden - Fight Club

Soul Resonance

The Custom emotes added here are very addicting  8)..and thank you for allowing us to access all of the regular emotes as well :D
I do have a question though: Can this be used on the game when it comes back?
Again, thank you for your hard work  ;D
50's: Necro/Dark, Fire x3 Dom, Plant/Savage Dom, Ice/Time Blaster, Arch/TA Blaster, SS/Elec Brute, Rad/Rad Def.


Quote from: Soul Resonance on August 03, 2015, 02:58:08 PM
Can this be used on the game when it comes back?

I do believe so, since the documentation I used to create it is dated from way back when...
See Paragon Wiki:Quickchat
see this thread... which references the date "Feb 12th, 2009 @ 03:15 AM." I can only assume that since this is when the game was live it should work, just not a lot of people either used or knew of this feature...

Hope this helps. I'll have a new update to the files tomorrow sometime as well.
This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...
My CoH Faces Profile! // Get your Quickchat FIXED!

"It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything..." Tyler Durden - Fight Club


Wow!  It's safe to say you're the awesomest.  This is going to help me tremendously.

Hatut Zeraze

So, how does one go about performing Step 3? 

I don't really know what buttons to push or icons to drag or whatever to download those files into the Config folder.  As far as I can tell, I'm already in the Config folder by following step 1 and the changes I made in step 2 I assume are in the Config folder.

Obviously I am pretty computer illiterate, but I'd like to at least try to follow these instructions before begging one of my tech-buddies for help.


To download the files, just click on them. This will open a new tab/window that should look something like this:


Click on the Download button. (If Dropbox asks you to login, you can ignore that. Just click on the webpage and that prompt will go away. Then you can click Download.)

You will get a prompt asking if you want to open the file or save it. Click save.

Do this for both files.

Once that's done, since you've already accomplished steps 1 and 2, you know how to find the Paragon Chat/config folder.

Put both of those files into that folder.

Proceed to step 4.


Thanks for helping! I just noticed the question was gonna answer but ya nailed it to the wall
CoH Faces Profile

This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...


Do these work in Icon alone or only in Paragon Chat?


Only in Paragon Chat. Titan Icon uses a different format to display emotes/powers/npc/relocate.


I've made it as far as step 4 and got a little lost. I assumed I was meant to go to the CoH file under NCSoft (never deleted the old stuff). There was no "data" folder so I tried to download the compressed file in the link, but my computer keeps telling me it's an invalid folder.


What you need to do is this:

Step 4. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to where cityofheroes.exe is.

For me, the one Titan Icon and Paragon Chat uses is D:\CohBeta

The easiest way to find where to put these files is to right click your Paragon Chat launcher and take note of where the Target line is.

Continuing with step 4:

The case is very important and this will not work if you do it wrong. (Don't worry, it's not unfixable!)
Right click and create a folder named data

Open that folder
Right click and create a folder named texts

Open that folder
Right click and create a folder named English

Open that folder
Right click and create a folder named Menus

Place the quickchat.mnu file there.


7Zip say's it's an invalid file format.
We're almost there!  ;D

The RNG hates me.


Quote from: Remaugen on August 15, 2015, 08:34:06 AM
7Zip say's it's an invalid file format.

Opens fine for me, so try redownloading it, or just ignore the zipfile and download the textfile itself (also linked in the OP) and just create the folders. Really, it takes seconds...


If it hasn't been asked, this should be made sticky.
Currently; Not doing any streaming, found myself with less time available recently.  Still playing starbound periodically, though I am thinking of trying other games.  Don't tell me to play mmohtg's though please :).  Getting back into participating in VO and the successors again to.


 *eat a licorice*  :-X

:P :P *lick lick slobber*  :-* :P
:-*    :P

Let's see if that makes it sticky