Quickchat Emote Menu Addon!!!

Started by lexicon, July 28, 2015, 08:51:15 AM

General Idiot

Quote from: lexicon on March 31, 2016, 12:02:50 AMNew PC 1.0 Users can now download the quickchat.exe and get their quickchat working hassle free.

Not sure why but when I download this it does nothing - just spawns two processes in task manager which I can't end for some reason. Anyone else seen this happen?


Quote from: General Idiot on April 01, 2016, 12:08:46 AM
Not sure why but when I download this it does nothing - just spawns two processes in task manager which I can't end for some reason. Anyone else seen this happen?

I've not seen this issue, I'm curious as to what platform you're running?
This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...
My CoH Faces Profile! // Get your Quickchat FIXED!

"It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything..." Tyler Durden - Fight Club


Interestingly enough, this Phoebus link can lead you to three different places, depending on where you port from!
Two of us today were experimenting and you could end up 1) On the front porch of the temple  2) In a cave with corridors  or 3) On a boat inside a cave, with a force barrier blocking the cave mouth.  If you port there from Atlas, we would end up in 1 or 2.  From Pocket D or from Praetoria, I would end up in 3.  Some sites would consistently give the same destination but Atlas and Pocket D varied.

General Idiot

Quote from: lexicon on April 01, 2016, 01:05:25 AM
I've not seen this issue, I'm curious as to what platform you're running?

Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. It's probably not actually anything wrong with the executable, I had the same thing happen with Paragon Chat itself a while back and I never figured out what caused it there either - just fixed itself after a while. Probably a bug in my computer somewhere but not severe enough for me to bother fixing cause if I do it'll generate a new one or two and they might be worse.


Quote from: General Idiot on April 01, 2016, 11:44:24 AM
Probably a bug in my computer somewhere but not severe enough for me to bother fixing cause if I do it'll generate a new one or two and they might be worse.

You can also follow the install instructions below the quickchat link. It's really simple to do once you find the main folder for paragonchat
This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...
My CoH Faces Profile! // Get your Quickchat FIXED!

"It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything..." Tyler Durden - Fight Club


Paragon Chat has been upgraded to Version 1.0, as of...April 2nd?  I think.  All of a sudden....my menu has gone back to the original one.  No QuickPort.  :-(  Help!  I've checked all the files, I have the emote.cfg and zone.cfg files, in the right place, and the quickchat.mnu file, in the right folder, I've opened each of them with Notepad to check the contents, which look right....and yet when I log into Paragon Chat, there is only the original Emote menu, no sign of QuickPort at all.  Has anyone else reported this?  Can you help me fix it?   :gonk:
Liberty and a plethora of others.  Altaholic.  SG Starfire.
"...and it's never too late to stop being afraid..." 
"...have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?
"And your Moment of Truth is the day that you say, "I'm not scared!"
"Unity" - - Shinedown


Download the new quickchat.exe file at the top of the thread and install it. That will fix your issue entirely.
This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...
My CoH Faces Profile! // Get your Quickchat FIXED!

"It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything..." Tyler Durden - Fight Club


Quote from: lexicon on April 09, 2016, 01:35:43 AM
Download the new quickchat.exe file at the top of the thread and install it. That will fix your issue entirely.
Thank you!  ;D  Worked like a champ, and easier, too.  Will this only work for 1.0 users, or for both 1.0 and 0.9 (for the people I've seen who don't want to upgrade from 0.9 yet)?   
Liberty and a plethora of others.  Altaholic.  SG Starfire.
"...and it's never too late to stop being afraid..." 
"...have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?
"And your Moment of Truth is the day that you say, "I'm not scared!"
"Unity" - - Shinedown


This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...
My CoH Faces Profile! // Get your Quickchat FIXED!

"It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything..." Tyler Durden - Fight Club


Quote from: crashpositron on April 01, 2016, 01:46:42 AM
Interestingly enough, this Phoebus link can lead you to three different places, depending on where you port from!
Two of us today were experimenting and you could end up 1) On the front porch of the temple  2) In a cave with corridors  or 3) On a boat inside a cave, with a force barrier blocking the cave mouth.  If you port there from Atlas, we would end up in 1 or 2.  From Pocket D or from Praetoria, I would end up in 3.  Some sites would consistently give the same destination but Atlas and Pocket D varied.
I noticed this about the FrostFire link, as well.  Depending on my starting location, I port into one of three locations...one by the front door, one near the Lvl 1-2 elevators, and one near the Lvl 2-3 elevators.  The unfortunate thing is I can't find any way into the half-pipe room!  :-)  What are our chances of either getting some control over landing spot, or else getting the doors to unlock/open inside missions?  Is there anything I can do to help work this out?  P.S. what are the chances of getting a link to the Cavern of Transcendence/Cavern Trial map? 
Liberty and a plethora of others.  Altaholic.  SG Starfire.
"...and it's never too late to stop being afraid..." 
"...have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?
"And your Moment of Truth is the day that you say, "I'm not scared!"
"Unity" - - Shinedown


Took me awjhile but it's works.
Just DrinkTea emote is't working...

"Claymug" or whatever the old emote was- needs to be changed to 'Teabag'.


Quote from: MaidMercury on April 16, 2016, 07:01:09 PM
Took me awjhile but it's works.
Just DrinkTea emote is't working...

"Claymug" or whatever the old emote was- needs to be changed to 'Teabag'.

It should be Teabag already...?: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Emote_Teabag
I used CIT before they even joined the Titan network! But then I left for a long ol' time, and came back. Now I edit the wiki.

I'm working on sorting the Lore AMAs so that questions are easily found and linked: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Lore_AMA/Sorted Tell me what you think!

Pinnacle: The only server that faceplants before a fight! Member of the Pinnacle RP Congress (People's Elf of the CCCP); formerly @The Holy Flame


hmmm...every time I use it, it does nothing but print text above my head:  "DrinkClayMug"


Sorry everyone about the tea cup emote, I've just not taken the time to update it yet. I'll repair it and re release sometime tomorrow when I'm not working :)
This message has been brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Danger Rangers...
My CoH Faces Profile! // Get your Quickchat FIXED!

"It's only after you've lost everything, that you're free to do anything..." Tyler Durden - Fight Club


just....I'm a Tea-totaler I suppose. :roll:


I had an interesting time helping someone that could run PChat, but not the QChat add-on.  I got into his hard disk and searched EVERYWHERE for his City of Heroes files so I could re-install PChat and make sure the pointers were pointing to the right files.  Turns out they were in Documents in a folder named 'New Folder'! So, I ran the PChat installer with the '-nux' option (causes the installer to ignore any previous installs and install as new) and of course, it didn't find the files.  I renamed 'New Folder' to 'COH' and ran it again and it didn't find the COH files, so I used the Browse option to point it to the \Documents\COH folder.  It identified the files as I24 and installed without error.  Then I downloaded and installed the QChat mod and it ran perfectly. 

So, if Qchat is not installing, locate the COH files, rerun PChat install with -nux and point it to the COH files you found, and then install QChat.

NOTES: Exit PChat and COH. Turn OFF your antivirus while installing (and you may have to tell it later to not test PChat so it won't block it).


Just wanted to say thanks for this.  I've used it more than once on diff devices, and it always works like a charm.    Much appreciated.


I tried to add more of the maps found in icon to the zone.cfg in appdata but paragon chat refuses to load without removing the modification. Guessing paragon chat has a file check or is there something else im supposed to edit in addition to it? Wanted to add praetorian tech maps so I tried:

#      Menu "Praetorian Tech"
Zone 6700
  # "Praetorian Tech 60"
  MapFile "maps/Missions/P_Tech/P_Tech_60/P_Tech_60_Layout_01_01.txt"
  RoomID praetoriantech60
  RoomName "Praetorian Tech 60"
  SpawnLocation NewPlayer

edit: now paragon chat loads but the map doesn't show up in the menu anywhere.
You have not, because you try not.


Quote from: Serena on October 26, 2016, 05:03:53 PM
I tried to add more of the maps found in icon to the zone.cfg in appdata but paragon chat refuses to load without removing the modification. Guessing paragon chat has a file check or is there something else im supposed to edit in addition to it? Wanted to add praetorian tech maps so I tried:

#      Menu "Praetorian Tech"
Zone 6700
  # "Praetorian Tech 60"
  MapFile "maps/Missions/P_Tech/P_Tech_60/P_Tech_60_Layout_01_01.txt"
  RoomID praetoriantech60
  RoomName "Praetorian Tech 60"
  SpawnLocation NewPlayer

edit: now paragon chat loads but the map doesn't show up in the menu anywhere.

Change it to

Zone 6700
  # "Praetorian Tech 60"
  MapFile "maps/Missions/P_Tech/P_Tech_60/P_Tech_60_Layout_01_01.txt"
  RoomName "Praetorian Tech 60"
  Category "Praetorian Tech"

also add this line near the beginning of the file with the other categories, if you haven't already:

   Category "Praetorian Tech"


Make a copy of zone.cfg and call it zone.cfg.backup or whatever you like. You can find zone.cfg by clicking the folder icon on the ParagonChat login screen and navigating to the folder called Config.
Open up zone.cfg in a text editor, and add the following lines at the end:

Zone 5898
  # "Sewer Trial"
  Category "Other"
  RoomName "Sewer Trial"

Restart Paragon Chat, and you should be able to get onto the trial map with /mapmenu or /mapmove 5898. The badge is at the bottom of the shaft in the ooze.

The zone number (5898 here) needs to be unique, so look the file over and change it if necessary.

If you've defined a better Category at the beginning of zone.cfg, for example "Sewer" or "Trial" you can substitute that where I've put "Other"
If you don't put a Category, or you put an undefined one, I believe it won't work with /mapmenu.